Here's a list of low cost airlines websites.
Note: Before booking a flight check the luggage allowance and excess fees, most of the time it is cheaper to book a flight a bit more expensive and not pay excess fees.
Travel cuts
STA Travel
Virgin Express
Cathay Pacific Airways
Jet star
Tiger Airways (certain Asian countries as well)
Virgin Blue (domestic only)
SN Brussels Airlines
Czech Republic
Czech Airlines
(all european airlines go there)
These are the principal one:
OTU Voyages
Nouvelles Frontieres
Air Berlin
Olympic Airways
Aegean Airlines
Air One
New Zealand
Air New Zealand
SAS Braathens
Fly Norwegian
Wizz Air
Air Europa
Swiss Airlines
Thai Airways
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Journal 1 en Pologne / Journal 1 in Poland
N. B. Mon journal est bilingue donc, il y a des passages en français et d'autres en anglais.
P. S. My journal is bilingual, therefore parts of it is in french and others in english.
Lundi, le 6 septembre '04 (17h)
Monday, September 6th '04 (5pm)
Jour D, D comme départ. Je suis rempli d' émotions, de joie, de tristesse, de nostalgie, ect. Ce sont mes derniers moment a MTL avant mon long séjour dans un pays inconnu, une aventure a la fois palpitante et stressante. Je suis a l'aéroport, avec ma mère assise a une table, entrain de manger de la poutine ma dernière pour un certain temps, quand tout d'un coup, je me sent frape par la réalité de ce en quoi je m'embarque. J'ai peur, je ne veux plus partir, mais pourtant je dois, je dois surmonter ma crainte. Je pense a Gabriel qui m'avais bien dit que je pleurerais a l'aéroport. Bon, ca y est, je dois y aller. Au revoir maman, j'vais beaucoup m'ennuyer de toi, je t'aime. Je suis prise de panique assise parmi tout ces étrangers qui prennent le même vol que moi. Plus qu'une heure avant le décollage, j'essaie de me calmer en écoutant de la musique que Timothé m'a grave. Très bientôt je vais être en route pour un pays qui m'est totalement inconnue.
Mardi, 7 septembre '04 (8h - 2h MTL)
Tuesday, September 7th (8am -2am MTL)
As I have now arrived into Amsterdam a rush of excitement is running thru my vains. I have finnally made it overseas. I'm walking thru the airport with such a smile that I get easylly noticed. At this very moment I'm in a train to downtown Amsterdam. I only have a couple of hours but it is enough to give me chills. Oh! how I can't wait to be there.
It's my first day in Europe and I'm already lost. I asked a couple of paperboys who's shop is on the corner. They are very nice, trying to help me as I laught at myself. To get to my destination, I have to walk thru Vondelpark. Oh! it is beautifull. Everyone here is on a bike or has an unleached dog. It is magnificent. I take a seat infront of a lake as I write these notes, while the wind blows into my hair. There's a guy next to me enjoying a joint as his dog refreshes himself by drinking the water from the lake. People here goes to work on their bicicles, often you'll see man in suits ridding their bikes. It is a beautifull day as the sun shines on Amsterdam.
Sorry, but I have to stop my friends are waiting for me, more later.
Desole, je dois m'arrete, mes amis m'attendent. La suite bientôt.
7 Septembre 2004
September 7th 2004
My mother would love this city, there's bike paths everywhere, here not only do you lookout for car you also do for bikes. Threy have species of dogs you don't see in MTL there's one with very long hair that bounces on their back as they skip around.
Les cours d'eau qui sortent de partout, les édifices avec leurs architectures a en couper le souffle, c'est magique!! A chaque cours d'eau, on y retrouve des bateaux miniatures accrocher aux clôtures sur le bord des canaux. Lorsque l'on regarde les gens d'ici, on n'est pas dépaysager, ils portent les mêmes style et on y retrouve toutes sortes de cultures.
Walking in the streets around Vondelpark was a totaly different experience from walking in the Central area. The central area is field with shops and mostly tourist traps while the Vondelpark area is more of a residential area. They both stand out as they are very different architecturally. Strolling in the Central area I think of Isabelle as I pass by a Sbarro and see this huge mall.
It's now time to go back to the airport. As I obviously realise that there is much to see here, I regret that I didn't have much time to spend in this beautifull city.
I'm back in the airport and again, I wanna burst in tears. What the hell am I doing again? I'm so tired I can think straight. Je ne dois pas avoir dormi plus de 45 min. en pensant que j'ai dormi 5h la nuit passe et qu'il est 6:30 a MTL tandisqu'ici il est midi trente et mon avion part dans 1h. Quand j'entend de la musique ou il y a quelque chose qui me fait pense a une bonne tour, j'ai le gout de danser. Mon moi interieur pleure juste a y penser sachant que ca va etre un certain temps avant que je puisse le faire. I feel home sick and it haven't been 24 hours yet.
Je suis folle!!! I'm totally crazy! What the hell am I doing? Non mais qui connais une fille qui voyage seule dans un pays inconnue ou elle ne connait personne qui y réside et que les gens parlent une langue qu'elle ne connait pas. J'ai peur, j'ai le gout de pleurer et je sent constamment une bouffe de larme qui me monte a la gorge. Je sais que je peux revenir quand je veux mais je dois le faire jusqu'au bout. Je prend mon courage a deux mains et beaucoup de grande respiration. J'ai de plus en plus de misère a retenir mes larmes. J'ai peur et je me sent insecure. Par contre, je suis sur que ca va être une expérience enrichissante. J'ai toujours voulu voyager outremer. Voici ma chance.
Me voici! Je viens d'arriver a Warsaw. J'ai dormi un total de 1h - 1h30 en 24 heures, je suis fatiguée. Je prend un autobus jusqu'au centre ville pour prendre un taxi. Les autobus ici sont fait pour qu'il y est le plus de gens assis que possible. Ma valise prend toute la place et les gens doivent sauter par dessus pour passer. Tiens! Quelqu'un parle français, je me retourne et se sont des bonnes sœurs qui ont appris la langue a leur couvent. Tout l'monde ici parle Polonais, j'ai même de la difficulté a trouver quelqu'un qui parle l'anglais. En sortant de l'autobus, je trouve le portier d'un hôtel qui m'aide a trouver un taxi. Il met la radio et la première chanson qui joue est française. Ici, il est 17:30 donc 11:30 a MTL. Je prend une chambre a 3 lits dans une auberge de jeunesse et je me retrouve seule. Je suis ravi. Je dois me coucher maintenant. Je pleure un peu mais je crois que c'est la fatigue. Bonne nuit!
Mercredi, le 8 septembre 2004 (6h30 - minuit trente a MTL)
Wednesday september 8th 2004 (6:30am - 12:30am in MTL)
J'ai dormi 12h et je me sent bien. C'est une belle journée aujourd'hui et je vais faire un petit tour.
I have made my way to Downtown Warsaw. People here bearly speaks English. This city is field with tall buildings, build in every decades. Everywhere you look there's busses and trams. This city make TO look like a village. It's a bit funny as if you look aroun, everything seems modern but just look up and you'll see centuries of architecture. It is beautifull!! The everyday life is located underground at street intersections and it is humongest. Anything you need is underground. You'll find passports for almost every country on the sidewalk as well as some of the biggests collections of shoes laces.
Ici, les gens vendent leurs fruits et legumes comme au marche Jean-Talon, sur des tables exterieures biensur, il n'y a qu'un marchant ou deux par rue et la selection est minime. On peu acheter un casseau "double" de framboise pour 3 Zloty (environ 1,15 CAD) et elles n'ont pas de preservatifs, donc il faut les mangees tout de suite. Si au Quebec on ne trouve qu'un seul "roundabout" ici, il en pleu. Aujourd'hui, il vante tres ford et c'est froid surtout qu'il a pleu deux fois pendant environ 20 minutes.
You'll find, there's not a lot of english or french spoken tourists, they're mostly German, Russian, Tcheck or Ukranian. Je pense a ma mere alors que je passe devant une patisserie specialise en gateau au fromage. La vie ici, se situe sousterre comme a MTL excepte que c'est a tout les coins de rues et que ca ne relie pas un centre d'achat a un autre mais un cote du coin de la rue a l'autre. Il n'y a pas de lumiere pour les pietonier, si l'on traverse on risque de se faire ecraser et dans le cas echeant, c'est le pieton qui recoit l'amande. C'est a cela que sert les passages souterrains. Il sont remplis de boutiques, restaurants, bureaux de change, cordonniers, ect. Il n'est pas rare de voir des jeunes vetus de vetements vert forest qui constituent leur uniforme de l'arme Polonaise.
C'est tout pour le moment, la suite un autre jour.
That's all for now, more to come.
Bonjour de la Pologne
Hi from Poland
NB. Je suis contente de savoir que certains d'entre-vous liseré mon journal, j'aime entendre de vos nouvelles. Comme vous allez lire dans mes prochains journaux, j'ai trouve un emploi et je vais être en Pologne jusqu'a la mi-juin. J'espère que vous allez venir me voir.
PS I'm happy too learn that some of you reads my journal, I love getting news from you. As you will learn in my next journals, I found a job and I'll be in Poland untill mid-June. I hope you'll come and visit me.
Jeudi, le 9 septembre '04 (10h - 4h MTL)
Thursday september 9th '04 (10am - 4am MTL)
Il y a un petit cafe au premier étage de l'auberge. Je prend un the et regarde le menu, tout est entre 50 Groszy et 6 Zloty (19c - 2,29 CAD).
Today, I've decided to go to the old town. It is magnificent. The architecture here is just marvelous. The street pavement reminds me of old MTL, but the buildings are just sooo colorfull. Everywhere there's groups of tourists following a guide but I have yet to hear some French or English. It is pretty early as marchans are setting up. In the central plaza there's a musician playing the type of instrument which is made of a box with a handle, when he turns it, music comes out of it. Suprisingly, most of it is modern songs. He has some kind of parrot in a cage and sales all sorts of gadgets as well. In the center of the plaza you'll find a statue of a warior mermaid. Of course, it is covered with birds (mostly pigeons) and bird poop. Little kids are spreading bread on the floor and all of a sudden dozends of birds are flying at the same direction (towards the bread).
As I walk down the streets of the old town, field with pictures of the city ruins after WWII, I am overcome by nostalgy. You can buy postcards on which you'll find a picture taken in 1945 and a picture of the same place taken today as they show us which parts are still there.
A certains endroits ou il y a des statues, une pille de briques ou même au coin d'un bâtiment en dessous d'un écriteau on y retrouve des fleurs et des cierges. A l'endroit ou je me suis assise, entre les deux murs qui protège la ville, il y a une statue d'un enfant habille en militaire.
Ici, c'est l'ambre que ce vend a profusion. On en retrouve partout. Je m'assie sur un banc qui fait fasse a le Vistule ou l'on retrouve un pont a corde. Il y a un chien qui se promène, il a un collier mais aucun maitre en vue. Je me suis arrêtée dans un de ses magasins d'ambre pour acheter des souvenirs et c'est la que j'ai vue ce magnifique collier a 6 ou 7 rangées. Je le veux!! Il est 720 Zloty environ 270 CAD. Il me tourmente sans cesse.
Alors que je me promène dans les rues de "Old town", j'entend des tamtams, je suis la musique et je trouve un cameraman, un gars avec un micro, plusieurs photographes et un groupe de jeunes qui s'etirent. Après quelques minutes de patience, ils nous font cadeau d'un spectacle acrobatique magnifique. Un homme, qui en me voyant écrire ce journal me prend pour une journaliste, m'explique que ces jeunes viennent de Gdansk et qu'il y a un édifice de cette ville qui sera déplacé et érigé ici. Le spectacle est fait en l'honneur de cette édifice. Le nom du spectacle est Ocelot ( The spirit of artistics).
After a long search in the streets of Warsaw, I finally found the Saski Palace and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Which is about three archs left of the palace after WWII, with 2 young Polish soldier carying guns playing "statue" inside next to a tomb. Behind, you'll find a gigantic waterfountain preceded by a garden and surounded by statues. All of a sudden, I hear loud syncronized footsteps, I turn around to see both soldiers walking around what's left of the palace and of course, "en cadence" and with making as much noise as possible with their shoes. Here, you'll see nuns wearing the brown suit like friar Tok, others wearing the black and white ones like in rock 'in nun. I've also seen some with the blue or gray "uniforme".
Vendredi, le 10 septembre '04 (13h05 - 9h05 MTL)
Friday, September 10th '04 (1:05pm - 9:05am MTL)
Je suis dans un train pour Elk, une petite ville au nord-est du pays. C'est un train a cabine, il y a deux banc face a face par cabine, 4 personnes par banc. Il fait beau aujourd'hui mais c'est frais. Il n'y a que des jeunes dans la cabine ou je suis. Je suis arrivée de bonne heure a la station, je me suis donc rendue chez McDonald (et je pense a Éric). Un trio MacPoulet coute 10,99 PLN ~ 4 CAD. Ca goute la même chose qu'a MTL par contre les frites sont un peu différentes. A la gare, j'ai rencontre une fille de Belarus, elle vit maintenant a Londre, elle était en chemin vers la maison. Je me suis achetée un sac de bonbons Polonais qui s'appelle Krowki Mleczna (suggestion de Silwia) avec une vache sur le dessus. Ils goutent les petits bonbons a l'érable qui sortent dans l'temps de la cabane a sucre mais avec une touche de caramel. C'est délicieux.
Après 2h40 de voyage, je suis rendue a Bialystok ou je dois transférer de train. Ici, les wagons ressemblent a ce que l'on voit dans les films des années 30-40 mais de façon moderne. Je me trouve une place et encore une fois, je me vois entoure de jeunes. La plupart sourient au fait que je ne parle ni ne comprend le Polonais. Je suis dans un train rempli d'étrangers qui parlent une langue que je ne comprend pas. I feel like an alien. Il y a de quoi se sentir a part. Chaque jours, j'apprend de nouveaux mots polonais.
Je suis maintenant a Elk et il n'y a personne qui est venu me chercher. Je dois acheter une carte d'appel qui me coute tout ce qui me reste de Zloty. Finalement, je rejoint Patrick Harrisson qui viens me chercher a la gare. Il est canadien. Hourra!! Il m'amène a l'école et m'explique comment ca fonctionne. Je rencontre Jane qui parle Français (France). Patrick parle aussi le français mais il vient de TO donc c'est loin d'être parfais. Il veut que je lui enseigne.
Après tout cela il est temps de me trouver une place pour coucher. A Warsaw, l'auberge de jeunesse était très bien et la dame a la réception était très gentille avec moi. C'était le strict minimum mais c'était propre. Isabelle n'aurait pas aime. Ici, c'est affreux, c'est sale, il y a plein de bibittes. Pour les toilettes : veuillez suivre l'odeur de la pise, n'oubler pas votre papier de toilettes et veuillez a ne pas vous assir sur les bancs sales. Ah, et c'est unisexe. C'est la vie! Demain est un autre jour. Bonne nuit.
Bonsoir de la Pologne
Good night from Poland
Saturday, September 11th 2004 (6am - midnight MTL)
Samedi, le 11 Septembre 2004 (6h am - minuit MTL)
Il fait gros soleil a l'extérieur et je vient tout juste de me réveiller. Il y a quelqu'un qui est supposer venir me chercher a 8h.
Bon!! Il est 11h30 et la personne n'est pas encore passée. Je suis tannée d'attendre, je vais prendre une marche. A mon retour, il y a deux filles qui arrivent a ma porte Jane et Anna.
Jane is from England but she live's in France now, she's a teacher at A+ English in Elk. She's only been here for 2 weeks. Anna is Polish, she's also a teacher, she has been with the school for about 2 years. They're very nice. We went shopping in the "downtown" area. This town is like Granby and even smaller. It has about 16 000 people. Here, in Europe, people don't cross the streets at the corner, but about 3 to 10 meters from the corner. People are lookin at us weird because we are speaking english, it is very exotic to them.
On s'est rendues a la gare pour rencontrer une fille qui vient du Portugal. A la gare, Anna a change mon billet de retour. Bien sûr, je me suis fait avoir lorsque j'ai acheter mon billet, la dame m'a charge 2x le pris d'un aller simple au lieu de me charge un billet aller-retour. J'ai aussi appris que je me suis fait avoir quand j'ai pris le taxi la première journée pour me rendre a l'auberge.
We went for food and I tried a placki ziemniaczane which is like a potato "pancake" folded with meat inside and cheese on top. It was good but it was too much. It's now midnight, Jane, Anna and I are at a pub (Smetek). Everyone here smokes, it's discusting. The DJ here sucks big ass. Nobody's dancing and it seems to anoy everyone. There's a drunk man who comes to speak to us but only Anna understands and there's this other guy who lived in NY for 10 years and misted speaking english.
I just got back from the bathroom and there's 3 guys sitting at our table, one of them (Marius) is speaking loudly in "english" and asks Anna to translate what he is saying (when in Polish) : " I want to go to america but they won't give me a visa. They think I want to find work there but I only want to visit and see my mother. I don't want to work there, I love Poland." He was drunk. He kept saying that, over and over again.
The music here sucks big ass and the smoke is heritating my trought. Jake would love it here! All the food is fresh and bio, there are no chemicals in any of the food, (execpt for Coke) there's no sugarwater. Real fruit juice, weeeee.
Saturday, September 12th 2004 (5pm - 11am MTL)
Samedi, le 12 septembre 2004 (17h - 11h MTL)
Anna, Jane and Patricia (Patricia is the girl from Portugal we picked up at the train station yesterday) picked me up at my room this after noon. We went to the school and Anna told us how the school works and she gave us a small Polish lesson.
C'est très beau ici avec le grand lac. Après avoir mange, j'ai rencontre Patrick. Je vais faire une formation pour une semaine et je vais commencer a enseigner après. Je vais surement être a Lomza. Lomza est une plus grande ville que Elk. La seule chose qui me dérange est le fait que je vais etre la seule enseignante la-bas. Jane sera a Elk, Patricia a Grajewo et Anna retourne a l'école a Warsaw. Alors que je marche dans les rues de Elk, pour rejoindre les filles au Pub, je pense au fait que je vais être ici jusqu'a la mi-juin. Je serai loin de MTL, loin de vous, loin de tout ce que je connais.
What the hell am I getting myself into? What an adventure it's goin to be! I can do some sailing, horsebackridding and other great outdoor activities for cheep. You are welcome to spend some time here, once I've found and appartment. Me who hates cellphones, I'm requiered to purchase one. Well, it's about 11pm (5pm MTL) and tomorrow I have to go to Warsaw therefore, I'll go to sleep now.
Monday, September 13th 2004 (9am - 3am MTL)
Lundi, le 13 septembre 2004 (9h - 3h MTL)
I packed my stuff and whent to the internet across the street from where I'm staying. It's closed! Crap! I'm meeting Jane at 9:45am (3:45am MTL) or 10:45am (4:45am MTL) (I don't remember, and I've got all my bags with me. This is goin to be a hell of a day.
Je me sent très intimidée par les Polonais. J'ai hâte de connaitre la langue pour me sentir plus confortable. Lorsque je vais être a Lomza, je vais surement rester avec une famille Polonaise. Je pense toujours a ce collier que j'ai vu a Warsaw. Demain, c'est la fête a Isabelle et a Cynthia (Je crois). Je me suis rendue en un seul morceau dans le train pour Bialystok, j'ai trouve une place en face d'un beau polonais en "suit" avec une cravate verte. Il est en train d'étudier de l'algèbre. Il n'est pas rare de voir des personnes ages qui portent des vêtements de 1940, c'est super. Il y a une fille dans le wagon qui vient de demander au jeune homme d'ouvrir une bouteille d'eau pour elle. Il est vraiment charmant. Les vaches ici sont souvent très près du chemin de fer. Le paysage n'est pas très différent de celui du Canada excepte pour les vieux "buildings".
A la gare a Elk, il y a de très vieux trains a vapeur qui ne fonctionnent plus depuis des années. C'est super!!
Another "hunk" just got in the train and sat across from me. Me who was wondering in the past few days where all the cute guys were. I've got my answer, they're all in local trains on weekdays.
As you walk around the streets in Poland, you often see people eating a "bagette" cut in half with mushrooms, grilled cheese and ketchup on top, it's called Zapiekanka. Poles put ketchup on almost everything especially on pizzas and their pizzas are made with the toppings on top of the cheese.
Tuesday, September 14th 2004 (1pm - 7am MTL on a train to Bialystok)
Mardi, le 14 septembre 2004 (13h - 7h MTL dans un train pour Bialystok)
Yesterday, at the youth hoste, I had 4 roomates : Sarah and her friend from Belgium, Kim from Japan and Alma from Mexico. Sarah is studying in Warsaw this year as for Alma, she's is goin to study in Madrid. It's great! I'm making friends from everywhere who invites me to their homes. That's awsome!! When I first got here, I only "meet" Poles who didn't speak a word of english but now I'm meeting foreigners. I'm feeling more and more comfortable in this country as the days goes by. I still can't understand Polish bu I'm starting to speak a bit. There's some words that written looks more or less the same as in english, french or spanish. As I was goin to the train station, I meet Scott from Scottland. He was very nice and he helped me out with my luggage. His friends are all at the youth hostel as they are feeling sick.
The males here are very helpfull as my luggage is humongest. My Polish journey starts here as the train takes me to my destiny. I just realized that the inscriptions in the train are in 4 languages including French excluding English.
Le contrôleur est très gentil, il a cherche quelqu'un dans le train qui parle anglais pour m'expliquer que je dois changer de train a Bialystok, a quel heure et a quel quai. Je le savais déjà. Ou était t'il la première? Il y a un beau jeune homme dans le même compartiment que moi, son nom est Pavel (Paul en français), il vient du Belarus, il parle le Polonais, le Russe et un peu l'anglais. I'm glad to be here but I miss home.
Thursday, September 15th 2004 (11:30pm - 5:30pm MTL)
Jeudi, le 15 septembre 2004 (23:30 - 17:30 MTL)
Yesterday, I didn't have time to write because I was training all day. Patrick (my boss) is asking way too much from me. He wants me to know by heart a book of 145 pages for tomorrow. He makes me spend 10 to 13 hours a day at the school watching him teach. Then, he expects me to do as well as him. I'm not exagerating. If I'd do what he want's me to, I wouldn't be writing this but I'd be reading the book. No time for anything but training. The worst part is that I'm not being paid for this training. It's just full of crap. I'll see Jane tomorrow and we'll see what we wanna do. Jane and I are getting along very well, she's one of the reason I decided to teach at that school and the fact that I decided to stay made her stay. Mainly, if one leaves, the other one leaves too. It feels good to have someone to share this experience with.
Here, they have birds that are like a cross inbetween a crow and a pigeon, they're really ugly. They have the head of a crow, the body of a dark gray pigeon and they walk and move their heads like pigeons. Tonight, at Dos Pattos (a local restaurant), some students came to me and asked me if I wanted to play volleyball with them from time to time. I sure hope Patrick will give me some time off to do that. Anyways, I've got to go now. Good night!
Friday, September 16th 2004 (9:15pm - 3:15pm MTL)
Vendredi, le 16 septembre 2004 (21:15 - 15:15 MTL)
Je suis a Dos Pattos (restaurant) seule. Je suis fière de moi, j'ai réussi a me commander un plat en Polonais (a l'aide de mon livre de phrases, bien sûr!). Ma journée était beaucoup mieux, je ne me suis pas sentie presser et j'ai pris mon temps. Je suis même partie a 20h de l'école. Demain, je donne 2 cours, un a 9h et un autre a 10, après c'est tout jusqu'a lundi. Je me sent toujours comme une étrangère, mais je commence a m'y habituée. Dimanche, je dois me rendre a Lomza une petite ville ou il y a une autre école qui fait partie de la cie. La-bas, je vais rester chez une famille Polonaise. Sa, ca va être toute une expérience!! Les gens qui hier m'on demander de les joindre au volleyball ne sont pas des étudiants, mais des profs de d'autres écoles.
Ici, les chiens sont quasi jamais en laisse, en une semaines, j'ai vu pas plus de deux chiens qui étaient en laisse. Je mange une salade Greck accompagne de petits pains (fait maison Délicieux,!) et un jus de tomate pour 10,50 Zloty (~4CAD) le midi, je mange une soupe qui me coute 2,80 Zloty (~1,10CAD), une bouteille d'eau minéral de 1,5l me coute 55 Grosze (~20c Canadien). En Pologne, les gens ne sont pas gros, il sont tous maigre. Comparer aux Polonais, je suis très grosse. Je crois qu'ici, la notion de "napkins" est abstrait. Sur ce je vous laisse.
C'est tout pour le moment!
That's all for now!
Bonjour de la Pologne!
Hi from Poland!
Samedi, le 16 septembre 2004 (3h (17sept) - 21h MTL)
Saturday, September 16th 2004 (3am (17th sept) - 9pm MTL)
Hier, j'ai demande a Patrick pourquoi les bonnes soeurs portent des habit differents. Il m'a explique que ca dépend du rang auquel elles appartiennent. Il m'a aussi dit que si je voyais un homme habille comme Keanu Reaves dans "The Matrix" (Neo), c'est un prêtre. Justement, ce matin alors que je me rendais a l'école et que je pensais a Neo, j'ai vu un prêtre habille comme lui.
Je suis allée me baigner a la piscine municipale. Ca fonctionne comme pour l'internet. Tu paye a partir du moment que tu rentre au moment ou tu sort, incluant le temps de se changer. Les casier, les douches et les toilettes sont unisexe. Ca cout 9 Zloty/heure (~3,50 CAD). C'est fou!! Ce soir, c'est le dernier Samedi soir de Anna, donc on a fêté ca au pub (Semtek). Vers 1h, alors qu'on dansais, Marius nous a aperçu, il est venu danser avec nous. Son ami est grand et il danse très bien mais je suis sur qu'il est gai. Marius est drôle, il cruise Jane puis il part cuiser d'autres filles. Plus tard dans la soirée, on a rencontre des américains. C'était bien mais la musique n'était pas très bonne et le plancher ne glisse pas. Bon! Sur ce je vous laisse. Bonne nuit.
Dimanche, le 17 septembre 2004 (00h10 (lundi 16) - 21h10 MTL)
Sunday, September 17th 2004 (12:10am (monday 16th) - 9:10pm MTL)
Aujourd'hui, Patrick est venu me voir, il veut que je prennent 2 semaines "de vacances" pour visiter la Pologne et que je parte demain. Il va m'envoyer un courriel quand il va avoir besoin de moi.
We (Patrick, Anieshka (Pat's girlfriend), Anna, her boyfriend, Jane and I) all went sailling. It was really nice! I missed sailling. Then we went for food and meet students at Dos Patos. Jane and I decided to leave and not to come back. We've had enough of the way they were treating us and all the crap. So, she's gona quit and I'm not gona return from my "vacation". We're just very tired of bein treated like crap and of them changing their minds every second. We're goin to look for a job somewere else. Hopefully, we'll find someting better.
And so the adventure contunues.....
Good night for now.
Et l'aventure continue....
Bonne nuit pour l'instant.
Lundi, 20 Septembre 2004 23:10 (17:10 MTL)
Monday, September 20th 2004 11:10pm (5:10pm MTL)
Jane and I left ELK this morning and took a 4h and 20 minutes bus journey to Warsaw. On are way, we got to have a better view of how the people live in the country side. We saw a guy that had 2 horses pulling a wooden "trailler" (don't know what it's called). It was just great! We went to the hostel where I stayed last time but it was full so we had to go to another one. While I was at the 1st yourh hostel, I saw this guy (Philippe) that I had met last time when I came to pick up my luggage. His name is Philippe and he's from France but he often comes to Poland for buisness. He was really nice, he offered us a lift to the other youth hostel. It was mercy for us 'cause we were soooo exhausted and with these heavy luggages we had. We took his offer without any hesitation.
Afterwards, we went for food, it was about 7pm (1pm MTL) and we hadn't got anything to eat all day. After eating, we went looking for a Jazz club to hang out for a bit. On are way to a club, we met 3 guys from France. They sing soul and they're having a concert here at the end of the month. They were really cute. Yeah! we found a Jazz club and it has live music. After hanging at that horrible pub in Elk it felt good. The music is pretty good and I just wanna dance. I wish Gabriel was here. He's love it, as the guy on the piano is very good. Oh! how it would be great to dance some blues right now. There's a cuite barthender and we keep exchanging looks.
We just met 2 guys, one's from England (Nick) and the other one's from Ireland (Maurice). They both work here and Maurice is a Director of studies for an English school and he's searching for native speakers. That is sooo funny. We talked for a long time. Afterwards, we took a walk and Maurice went back to his place and we went with Nick to ground zero (club) but we found out it was closed. We went to the straingest bar in Warsaw but it was closing time. So, we ended up goin to his place and now, it's 3:50am (9:50pm -MTL) and we're waiting for a taxi. As we left Nick's place, we did what we've been wanting to do since the moment we've met them : Laught, laught and laught! To think, that we just "ran away" from that horrible job in Elk and on that same day, we got another job offer. THIS IS GREAT!!
Mardi, le 21 Septembre 2004 (21h55 - 18h55 MTL)
Tuesday, September 21th 2004 (9:55pm - 6:55pm MTL)
We went to bed at 6am (midnight - MTL) so we didn't get up until 2pm (8am - MTL). We were supposed to meet Philippe at 5pm at the Marriott but he couldn't make it. As we were looking for a post office to send our post cards, we met this guy from Algeria (Martin). He was following us for awaile. He was totaly stuck on me. He wanted us to meet him in Lodz. He even wanted to meet us in Spain. When he FINALLY left us to catch his train to Lodz, we went for food.
We went to this restaurancjia (restaurant) where everytime we asked for something, they didn't have it. I guess, it was on the menu, so it looked like they has loads of stuff. So, Jane got some pirogis (somekinda pasta field with potatoes and cheese). I just are some KFC. Now, we're in somekinda student klub (club) waiting for some action. This bunch of guys just asked us to sit with them, so we did. They were about 8 of them, all students. Krzystof (equivalant of Christopher) is really cuite and his english was pretty good. There were so many, I couldn't remember all of them. Some of them wrote notes in my book :
This Canadian woman is very nice, I like her and think she meet many good people from Poland. Arel Orvyjleneski (or something like that)
---Something I can't send you in this e-mail from Mike.
Pzikosc Serca (Song title)
Jeszczg dokola sltcmai tnos smiech
Czuse zapach twoj
Egzotyczny kwiat
Znow jestem sam
Tnih patwornie san....
Dzem (group)
Krzystof et Mike sont vraiment beau. Mike nous a accompagne jusqu'au centre ville puis, il nous a mis dans l'autobus pour l'auberge de jeunesse. Krzystof a envoyé un sms a Jane et il voudrait la rencontre mais il est un peu trop jeune et elle a déjà un copain. En arrivant a l'auberge, il y avait un camion militaire et un gars habille comme ceux qu'on voit a la TV (avec casque et carabine énorme a la main) a passe a cote de moi pour se rendre a la voiture. C'est bizarre parce que lorsqu'on est parties cet après midi, il y avait 2 policiers (dont un qui était très beau et qui parlait anglais).
C'est tout pour le moment, on fait beaucoup de choses ces temps-ci et on rencontre beaucoup de gens. Je n'ai pas grand temps pour l'internet. Je suis allée a Auschwitz hier, et j'en parle dans mon journal a venir.
It's all for now, we're doing load of stuff these days and we're meeting lots of people. I don't have a lot of time for internet. I went to Auschwitz yesterday, and I'll be talking about it in my journals to come.
Mercredi, le 22 septembre 2004 (23h05 - 17h05 MTL)
Wednesday September 22nd 2004 (11:05pm - 5:05pm MTL)
Today, Jane and I went touring in Old town. It was cold and occasionally raining. We went to this well known restauracja called the Gessler. It is just beautiful. It's a must see, even if not ordering from their expensive menu. Jane and I decide to treat ourselves by eating there. We took herbata (the) at 7 Zloty each (~2,66 CAD), Jane got a soup (24Zloty - ~9,13 CAD) and I took some Pirogies Rusky (35Zloty - ~13,31 CAD).
Nous sommes allées dans un immense parc en plein milieu de la ville ou on y retrouve toutes sorte d'oiseaux bizarres. Le parc Lazienki se qui veut dire toilette en Polonais a plusieurs monuments historique dont un Palais au milieu d'une rivière. Puis, nous avons fait une commande. En revenant a l'auberge de jeunesse, il y avait 3 beau Italiens qui brulaient des hot dogs sur le poêle. Nous nous sommes fait a mange puis, nous sommes partie a la rencontre de Nick et Maurice au Tygmont Jazz bar. Au métro, il y avait un train... (Maurice a écrit ce qui suit) toutes sortes d'etranges oiseaux! Avec des plumages magnifiques que nous avons beaucoup choquees! En plus, Maurice nous a raconté que "oiseaux" a tout une autre sens en Polonais, mais je m'en doute de ca. (fin des récits de Maurice) On descendait les marches du métro lorsque l'on entend un gros vacarme puis, il y a des 10aines de jeunes qui descendent les escaliers en trombes suivie de policier (habille comme l'esquade anti-emeute). C'était toute une expérience. Dans le métro, on a demande a un jeune se qui venait de se passer. Il a dit que les policiers abusent de leurs pouvoir et qu'ils aiment courrir après les "football (soccer) fans". Au Tygmont Jazz Klub, il y a un beau serveur, on s'est fait de l'œil toute la soirée.
Jeudi, le 23 septembre 2004 ( 16h15 - 10h15 MTL dans un train pour Krakow)
Thursday, September 23rd 2004 (4:15pm - 10:15am MTL in a train for Krakow)
Jane et moi avons décidée de se rendre a Krakow pour chercher un emploi. On n'est pas sur si on veut travailler a Warsaw ou a Krakow alors, on va chercher un emploi au deux endroits et on prendra une décision dépendant des offres. Dans le compartiment ou nous sommes, il y a un policier et un ex-policier qui revient de Chicago. Il pleut a l'extérieur et j'observe les goutes d'eau qui voyagent sur la fenêtre extérieure. Tien! Il ne pleut pas par ici! Ce que je voie par la fenêtre sont des kms de fermes. Ici, c'est le pays du choux. Tout ce que l'on mange contient du choux. Il y a du choux partout. C'est super de voir de pauvres fermiers utiliser des instruments rustiques comme ceux qu'il y a dans nos livres d'histoires. Souvent, je vois un cheval tirer un instrument qui sert a mélanger la terre. Qu'est-ce qui ce passe??? Ou est passe la lumière? Bon, il fait clair maintenant. Tant mieux! Wow!! On vient tout juste de passer dans une montagne et maintenant, lorsque je regarde a l'extérieure je vois des valles et des montagnes. Il y a plein de couleurs, surtout a cause des fermes. C'est magnifique!!
17h45 (11h45 MTL) Krakow
5:45pm (11:45am MTL) Krakow
Jane and I just got to Krakow and after a long quest to finding out how to get to our hostel, we wait for the trammvai (tramway). In Warsaw, the streets are very big and they have "decks" in the middle of them so we can get in and off the trammvai. Here in Krakow, we have to go in the middle of the street to get on and off the trammvai. Beware of cars!! If the doors are closed there's a button on the right hand side of the doors that opens them.
It sucks!! At this youth hostel, we gotta be out of the rooms between 10am and 5pm and at night we gotta be back for midnight. The only good thing about this youth hostel is that it's a couple of streets from downtown. After checking in we went downtown looking for an internet cafe and we found one in a basement, the walls and celling are made of bricks and are in the shape of an arch. It's beautiful!! We got some "kebab" and walked ourselves to the youth hostel before it closed.
Vendredi, le 24 septembre 2004
Friday, september 24th 2004
Today, we had to get out of the youth hostel by 10am and we can't go back until 5pm. It's crap (bollock - correction by Mike)!! We went to do some sightseeing around beautiful old town Krakow. It's just great here! Jane and I decided to get a job here, we definetely wanna (want to - correction by Mike) stay in Krakow. Every building is beautiful. Krakow is the only place in Poland that wasn't touched by WW2. You gotta pay for everything here in Poland, whether it's to go to the bathroom or for ketsup (Heinz 57 - correction by Mike) at McD's. The bathroom at the market charges 0,5Zloty for piss and 1Zloty for crap (No2 - correction by Mike) on the men's side as for the woment, it's the same as crap for men no matter what. We found a wegetaranski (vegetarian) restauracja, it's cheap and good. We went back to the youth hoste and we met 2 girls from Pennsylvania. I'm such a clump today, I've managed to lose my gloves (that my mother gave me) as well as both my note books with my travel journal inside.
Jane and I went to this bar in Old town Krakow. There weren't a lot of cuite guys and most of them were with girls (friends or more). We saw these cuite guys at a table and we decided to sit next to them, hoping they'd come and talk to us. For awhile, we just kept looking at eachother and smilling but then, 2 guys (Simon and Mike - only Simon's cuite but not that cuite) came to talk to us. It turn out, they're from the airforce in England. Anyways, we planed to go to Auschwitz tomorrow and so did them. We talked and talked and talked but at the same time, we kept giving glaces to those guys at the other table.
We had to go back to the youth hostel before 1pm (they lock the doors). Simon offered us to stay in his room for the night. Jane and I in the bed and him on the coutch so we could stay up later and leave with them the next day to Auschwitz. We accepted the offer but we had to get to the hostel to get some stuff before it closed. So, I took a piece of paper wrote down my name, my e-mail, Jane's cell number and her name and gave it (discretly) to the cuite guys from the other table. The guy who took the paper started to talk to me and I told him that if they'd like to go out some time (like maybe tomorrow), they can reach us. He said that he'll definitely reach us and set a "date". His name is Bartek and the four of them are from Krakow.
So... Jane and I went to the Hostel, got our stuff and meet with Simon and Mike. We were out so late that we decided to go to Auschwitz on Sunday insted of tomorrow.
Samedi, le 25 septembre 2004 (23h15 - 17h15 MTL dans un bar)
Saturday, September 25th 2004 (11:15pm - 5:15pm MTL in a bar)
We got up around 10:30am and we took a "real" shower. It felt soooo good. After, we met with some of Simon's co-workers (airforce) and we went to.... (Mike and the guys took my journal at this point and wrote this) We went out tonight -- we both needed some love ---- ...... Jane got some, I listened ---- Nev (Simon's nickname) was a nice lad ---- Not alot between the ears ---- But he could reach his cow's lick with his tongue. (end of their writing) ....the Wawel castle but it was 1pm and they decided to take a drink and eat. The castle closed at 3pm. I was pissed (off - added by Mike)!!! We were waisting time for notting. Jane and I left and we visited the "Lost Wawel" exposition as well as the "Dragon's cave". The "Lost Wawel was nice but didn't have any guide and we didn't know what we were looking at much but it was nice.
As for the "Dragon's cave", it starts with (almost an - added by Mike) a never ending twirling staircase (135 stairs - goin down, Thank god!) then there's a humongest beautiful cave. The story says that a powerful prince, Krak or Krakus, who built a castle on a hill named (Wawel) on the banks of the Vistula and founded a town named after himself. A dragon lived in a cave underneath the castle. The dragon eate cattle and sheep. The prince ordered a sheep's but to be filled with sulphur, which was set alight and sent in the cave. The dragon eate the sheep and exploded. The town was saved. The dragon has become the symbol of the city.
We then meet up with Simon and went to the center of old town to meet with his "co-workers". Then we went for pizza and meet with his friends again. As Jane and I walked to the hostel, we saw some guys wearing traditionnal clothes and playing traditionnal music. Jane and I stoped to listen to them and 2 guys made us danse in the middle of the market. It was fun!
All of the sudden, as we're walking next to St Mary's church, we hear someone playing the trumpet. Every hour the Heejnal (bugle call) is played on a trumpet from the higher tower of St Mary's church to the 4 quarters of the world in turn. This simple melody, based on 5 notes only, was played in medieval times as a warning call. It breaks off abruptly in midbar. A watchman on duty spotted the enemy and sounded the alarm, a Tatar arrow pierced his throat in mid-phrase, the tune has stayed this way thereafter. We looked for him and we couldn't find him and then, I saw a shadow closing a tiny window. A minute later, we heard it again. We searched for him again and we found him. All we could see was the end piece of his trumpet out of a tiny window.
We took our stuff out of the hostel, brought them to Simon's room and then we met up with the guys at the bar near the market. There was good live music. I think this is "bull...". Jane and I were supposed to be sticking together but she's just with Simon and his co-workers. Mike only talks to me when he's drunk. Great!! (being very sarcastic) I don't think they care much about me. Simon's all over Jane and she's taking advantage of it, leaving me out. They think I'm stiff and boring. I lead Simon into a dance and showed him how to follow (for like 5 mins.). That was fun!
Mike spoke to me and I was sooooo tired, I felt like crying. I left the table and loocked myself into the toaleta (toillet aka WC). I didn't get much sleep in the past 3 weeks and it just caught up to me. Aftewards, I just left the group and went to the room. I took a shower and looked at Simon's work booklet filled with airgraphs to try and understand it. As Simon's a navigator student with for the English Airforce, I've been asking him loads of questions. I just love learning about it.
Dimanche, le 26 septembre 2004 (Auschwitz)
Sunday, september 26th 2004 (Auschwitz)
Ce matin, on s'est levé a 8h23 du matin (2h23 MTL) et notre autobus pour Auschwitz part a 8h40. On l'a manque. Mike est la personne qui arrange la sortie. Il est trop "laid" back. Plus on prend notre temps pour partir, moins on a de temps a passer la-bas. Après 2h de "niaisage", on a finalement pris un taxi pour 6. Ils sont fou!! Ca coute 500Zloty (~191 CAD) et le taxi va rester avec nous a Auschwitz et nous ramener.
Simon m'a dit qu'ils (la airforce) voulaient mon chapeau (ma "casquette" brune des années 40 qui a une pin de Goofy dessus -- je la porte dans la photo avec Clayton a se lien : )
Il m'a dit que les gars voulaient mon chapeau en souvenir de leur voyage a Krakow pour le mettre dans leur placard a souvenir. Il a dit qu'ils ne partiraient pas sans mon chapeau. Il n'en est pas question!! Je ne donnerai pas mon chapeau. Je lui ai dit que je voulais celui que j'ai vu a 520 Zloty (~199CAD) en échange. Rendu a Auschwitz, on a cherche pour avoir un guide prive mais il n'y en avait plus, on a donc pris un tour organise.
The sky is gray and it is raining over Auschwitz. As I go thru the gate with a sign that says "Arbeit macht frei" which means "Work makes free". I feel a lot of nostalgy. There are 2 electric wired fences all around the camp. It is not a beautiful sight. Many human beings were killed in front of those fences. Before the tour, we watched a ~15min video with loads of images from the liberation of Auschwitz prisonners at the end of WW2. It is so horrible that I felt like crying during the screening. I walked around the camp as our guide talks about how the people were treated and killed. We entered a courtyard were people were executed. As I go into the courtyard, my heart "pinches". We are now goin into cells. The sight of these cells are just horrible. There are some cells that are 90cm x 90cm (about the size of a telephone both) and there were 4 inmates per cell at a time. These inmates worked all day and then they were sent into these cells which they had to get on their knees (door) to get in and couldn't sit or see the light.
We are now at the first crimaturim that later also became a gas chamber. I have chills all over my body. Auschwitz was originally build at the begining of the 19th century for miners but it was never used because of WW1. During and after WW1 it was used by Polish soldiers until it was taken over by the Nazi. Auschwitz 2 (aka Birkenau) was build by the prisonners of Auschwitz 1 because Auschwitz 1 was too small to kill all the people they intended to. We are now in Birkenau, this is where Shindler's list was filmed. It is humongest. Part of it was destroyed including all the crymatoriums and gas chambers which were emptied and then blowned up by the nazis a couple of days before the end of the war. All of the prisoners who worked at the crymatorium and the gas chambers were killed. Some children (mostly twins) were kept for un-successful experiments. It's quite a site and the smell is very peculiar. After the tour, I walked around on my own, and then I went back to Auschwitz 1.
We didn't go into all the buildings with the guide, so I went to other ones that were suggested to me by someone. One of them (the last one I did) is the martyr of the Jews. When you get in, the first thing you notice is the music ( Jewish sad music), the second thing you notice is the smell, it smells like a funeral home (incent). It is very dark with brick walls and black wall with horrifing pictures on them. The only lights are the ones lighting the pictures. Those pictures are "shocking" (though we know what happend) a lot of them shows dead bodies and ill people rescued at the end of the war. Even thought we know how horrible it was for the jews in those times, there's notting like seeing that exposition. I left the building with a lot of sadness and I felt like I saw more than enough. As I walked out of there, my face was frozen and I walked slowly thru the camp as I was stunt by all the horror. I felt like vomiting and I was mad. What a sight!!
Once I've left the camp, I took the train back to Krakow (~8,50Zloty - ~3,25CAD). Simon et moi avons fait un accord, mon chapeau contre un chapeau de la "English airforce" et des nouvelles de mon chapeau. Ils vont mettre mon chapeau sur un ourson et il va voyager avec.
Lundi, le 27 septembre 2004
Monday, September 27th 2004
On a du se lever de bonne heure ce matin car les gars partent a 8h30 (2h30 MTL). Simon était très beau avec son "jumpsuit" (uniforme). Nous (Jane et moi) sommes allées voir une des exposition du Wawel castle qui est gratuit les lundi. Nous sommes très déçue car les inscriptions ne disent que ce que c'est (ex: c'est une chaise. WOW! Je ne le savais pas. - très sarcastique), quand et ou ca ete fait. Les objets, ne sont pas a leurs endroits original même les murs et les escaliers on été modifier. Il y a beaucoup de belles tapisseries.
Après la visite, nous sommes allées manger dans un restauracja Ukrainiens situe dans le sous-sol d'un bâtiment. C'est très beau! J'ai pris une soupe au betteraves mais elle n'était pas très bonne (j'en ai goute des meilleures). Jane et moi avons passe notre temps a échanger nos soupes. Il y avait une fille d'environ 10-12 ans qui était seule pour manger alors, on l'a invite a manger avec nous. Il y a un homme a l'allure bizarre qui passe son temps a rentrer et sortir du restauracja. Plus tard, il a commence a jouer de l'accordéon (musique traditionnelle Ukrainiaine).
Après notre repas, nous sommes allées visite l'église du château, c'était magnifique. Il y avait beaucoup de carcophage contenant les corps des anciens roi de Pologne. C'était impressionnant! J'ai sortie mon livre sur la Pologne et je lisais sur tout les rois qui étaient la. On a aussi été jusqu'au cloche de l'église mais je n'ai pas trouve le Quazimodo Polonais.
Plus tard, nous sommes retournées a l'auberge de jeunesse mais il n'y avait plus de lits de disponible. J'ai donc sortie mon livre sur la Pologne et on a appelle partout pour trouve un endroit de libre. C'est 1,50 Zloty de plus mais, c'est plus propre et il y a une cuisine ainsi qu'une laveuse. Sauf qu'a l'autre auberge, nous étions a 10min. de marche su centre ville, tandis qu'ici, nous sommes a 2,5km du centre-ville. Il n'y a pas d'heure pour rentrer et ou il faut sortir.
Mardi, le 28 septembre 2004 (minuit - 18h MTL)
Tuesday, September 28th 2004 (midnight - 6pm MTL)
Aujourd'hui, Jane et moi avons fait un peu de magasinage. J'ai acheté un chapeau noir style années 20. Il est très beau. On a fait une commande pour ne pas avoir a aller au restauracja. On s'est levé très tard. En se moment, je suis dans un bar et on viens de rencontrer des Italiens qui sont dans la "airforce". Ca doit être la capital mondial de la "airforce" ici. Ils sont tous parti mais Jane est a une autre table avec l'un d'entre eux. Je crois que je vais tout simplement partir. Elle veut que je reste mais je ne ferai pas la même erreur qu'en fin de semaine. J'en ai assez de jouer le 3eme violon. En fin de semaine avec les gars de la airforce anglaise, je me suis sentie plus seule que si j'étais réellement seule. Cette fois-ci, je ne ferai pas la même erreur.
Mercredi, le 29 septembre 2004 (20h45 - 14h45 MTL)
Wednesday, September 29th 2004 (8:45pm - 2:45pm MTL)
Jane et moi sommes dans un cinéma Polonais au centre ville. On va voir 911 Fahrenheit. La salle de cinéma est petite et l'écran est minuscule. On dirait un bistro ou un café. Il y a 20 chaises en bas et 9 sur le balcon avec quelques petites tables. Il y a un petit bar a l'arrière. Jane et moi nous sommes assises au balcon, les escaliers sont petites et ressemblent a des touches de piano. Le film commence. Bien, le film viens tout juste d'arrêter en plein milieu. C'est trop drôle, ils doivent changer le ruban comme dans les années 40-50. Je suis sous le choque. Les images que je viens tout juste de voir dans ce film sont quasiment les mêmes que celles du livre que je me suis achetée a Auschwitz. Dans mon livre, il y a une photo d'un chariot rempli de corps humain et dans le film, on voit un camion rempli de corps humain en Irak. C'est dégelasse. On dirait que Georges Bush est Hitler (avec moins d'intelligence) et que les soldats américains sont des nazis. Ils veulent exterminer les Irakiens (Juifs) et prendre le contrôle de leur pays (dominer le monde). La ressemblance est inouïe. En chemin vers l'auberge de jeunesse, on a rencontre des soldats polonais (leur base n'est pas loin de l'auberge). Je n'ai jamais rencontre autant de gars de l'arme en si peu de temps.
J'ai un appart à Krakow / I have a flat in Krakow
Bonjour tous,
La suite de mes journaux de voyage sera pour un autre jour. Jane et moi avons trouve un appart. Nous y serons au moins un mois car on cherche un moins cher. Il est très beau et nous sommes bien. Si vous voulez me rejoindre, mon numéro est le 0048 (code du pays) 12 (code de la ville) 658-0797 ( donc de l'Amérique il faut faire 0048 12 658-0797). Que de plaisir... J'attend de vos nouvelles (par téléphone ou par courriel).
p.s. N’oubliez pas qu'il y a 6 heures de différence donc, s'il est 18h a MTL, il est minuit en Pologne.
Hi all,
More of my travel journal will be for another time. Jane and I got an appartment. We'll be there for at lease one month 'cause Jane and I are looking for a cheaper flat. This one is very nice. If you want to reach me, here is my number 0048 (country code) 12 (city code) 658-0797. Therefore, from america you gotta do 0048 12 658-0797. So much fun... I'm waiting for news from you guys (by phone or e-mail).
p.s. Don't forget, there's 6 hours of difference so, if it's 6pm in MTL, it's midnight in Poland.
Jeudi, le 30 septembre 2004 (11h05 - 5h05 MTL)
Thursday, September 30th 2004 (11:05am - 5:05am MTL)
Je suis dans un autobus pour l'autre bout completement de la ville. J'ai une entrevue a midi pour un emploi. Je suis tres nerveuse car je veux absolument pouvoir rester. J'adore cette ville, ce pays sourtout que je rencontre des gens quasiment tout les jours et que je ne suis pas seule. Parconre, je m'ennuie follement du swing.
My interview went well, he wants me o work at his school. I told him that I had an interview tomorrow and that I'd give him my answer tomorrow afternoon. I guess, I'll be staying here after all. I'm just soooo happy. I can't wait to have my own appartment (most likely with Jane) and to really start living here. It's great! I'm also gonna start taking Polish classes. To understand and to be understood. Oh! how I can't wait. Since Elk, this is the first time I'm eating alone in a restauracja. It feels a bit weird to think that Krakow will soon be the city I live in. I sure hope you guys will come by and visit me 'cause it's worth comming here. It is trully beautiful and theirs loads of things to do and see. It is also a very touristic city. I've been here for one week now and I know I haven't seen all it's beauty yet. Oh! and remember, it's CHEAP here.
I called my mother today and it was the first time since I left home that I got to hear her voice. I was soooo happy to hear her, I miss her a lot. It is hard to be so far away from home where you don't understand the language and most people don't understand you. Jane got back from Debica, it didn't go well. They want her bur she doesn't want to ge there. Well, tomorrow we both have an interview with Mission. We'll see what happends.
Vendredi, le 1er octobre 2004
Friday, October 1st 2004
Ca fait quasiment un mois deja que je suis ici. Jane viens tout juste de sortir de son entrevue avec Mission et elle n'a pas aime du tout. Je ne suis donc pas allee a l'entrevue, je leur ai plustot envoye un courriel disant que j'ai trouve un autre emploi et que je les remercie de me donner une entrevue. Jane est desesperee de trouver un emploi, quelques jours plustot, c'etait moi. Bien, c'est pas grave. Je vais l'aider a trouver un emploi et elle a toujours une entrevue lundi.
Nous somes dans un train en direction de Warsaw. Il faut aller chercher nos valisses. J'apprend le Polonais avec un livre et je fais tellement de "jokes" que le jeune homme assis en face de nous ri de mes "coneries". Cette fois-ci pour economiser, Jane et moi avons pris le train qui arrete dans chaques villes. Ah!! ce que c'est long. L'express prend 2h30min tandisque celui-ci prend 5h pour ce rendre. Je suis tres fatiguee. Enfin! Nous sommes arrivees. Encore une fois, il n'y a plus de place a Karolkowa et il faut se rendre a l'autre auberge. Quel merde!!
On a decide d'aller au Tygmont ce soir, pour la bonne musique (et le serveur ;)). Merde! Ce soir, il faut payer et la musique n'est pas bonne du tout de plus que le serveur n'est pas la. Ce que l'on s'enmerde! Bon! Il y a des Polonais qui assis a notre table, nous parlent. Il y en a un qui est saoult et qui me colle. Je le pousse sans arret. Les autres sont bien! On sort d'ici avec 2 Polonais pour rouver un autre endroit qui est mieu mais il n'y a pas grand chose. On prend un taxi pour se rendre chez l'un d'eux mais sa clef ne fonctinne pas. Apparament, sa blonde (son ex, sa blonde, son ex, ect.) l'aurait enferme a l'exterieure. Jane, moi et l'autre gars sommes repartit au centre ville dans un autre bar. Je suis tellement fatiguee, que je dors sur les bancs. Il est 4 heures trente, Jane vient de rencontrer un Tunesien. Il est en Pologne pour un stage. On sort du club pour trouver a manger et le polonais nous suit, il me parle et il est fache que le t! unesien est avec nous. Mais qu'est-ce qu'il lui prend??? Jane n'est pas sa blonde. Bon, on va se coucher il est 6am.
Samedi, le 2 octobre 2004 (18h00 - 10h00 MTL)
Saturday, October 2nd 2004 (6pm - 10am MTL)
Je suis encore entrain d'attendre apres Jane. Ca fait 2 semaines que j'attend apres elle a tout les matins. On est "debout" depuis 16h. Elle prend literallement 1h ou plus pour sortir du lit, apres il faut attendre entre 45min et 1h15 avant qu'elle soit prete a partir. Je suis patiente mais ma patience commence a partir. J'ai tellement hate d'avoir un appart pour ne pas avoir a attendre apres elle a chaque fois. Je ne suis pas parfaite non plus mais j'en ai ras le bol.
Nous devions rencontrer le Tunesien a 20h mais nous sommes arrivees en retard de 40min. On a ete chanceuses car on l'a rencontre en chemin. Nous sommes alles dans un bar ou son ami (celui du tunesien) travaille. C'etait plate mais plate!!! Il ne parlait pas, le bar etait vide, le barman etait le DJ et la musique n'etait pas tres bonne. J'ai donne la suggestion d'aller jouer au bowling mais il (le tunesien) ne voulait pas. Alors, on l'a laisse.
On cherchai une place pour jouer au bowling et on a demande a des jeunes polonais. Ils etaient gentils et droles, il nous ont dit de ne pas aller au bowling mais de les accompagner au "Under Ground". On en avait souvent entendu parler mais nous etions jamais allees. Ils etaient tellement l'fun qu'on a decide d'y aller avec eux. Il y a beaucoup de jeunes ici. Et toutes les filles portent des souliers au bout pointu. AFFREUX!!! La pointe remonte et on dirait des soulier de lutins. On dirait que la pluspart des filles ici se sont trouvees une idole et ont adoptees leurs style, habillement, leur facon de bouger et danser. Elles n'ont pas leur propre styles. Les gars ici sont laid ou pas tres beau. La musique parcontre est pas si pire parfois, on entend une bonne chancon. Je suis prete a partir et encore une fois, j'attend apres Jane. Bon, c'est la vie!! Je dois m'y faire il n'y en a plus pour longtemps. Des qu'on aura notre appart, j'aurai plus d'indepen! dance.
Messieurs, si vous cherchez une miss Ozborne, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears (wanna be), ect. Venez au club Under Ground a Warsaw.
Dimanche, le 3 octobre 2004
Sunday, October 3rd 2004
Today, Jane and I brought our luggages to the youth hostel on Karolkowa and then we "ran" to the Saski Palac (Palace) to see the ceremonial of the guards changing places. We misted all of it. There were some guys from the navy, air force and "ground" militairy. We'll fave to go back another sunday at noon and be on time so we can see the whole ceremony. One of the militairy guarding the tombof the unknowned soldier was somekinda cuite and Jane got him to smile at us.
We went downtown and eate at Pizza Hut. Weeee... a restauracja with a non-smoking section. The food was discusting. We then went to "Old town" and their were some festivities. A lot of people wearing traditionnal costumes. It was nice to see! We left rainy "Old town" to get our luggage and take the train back to Krakow.
I'm tired and it's cold in the train. As we got off the train, this woman approched us offering us a place to stay for the night (at a certain cost of course). We went to see. She lives alone with her mother (in the same room) and lives off renting a room in her appartment as well as a small appartment above hers. She seemed desperate to keep us for the night but we felt she was pushing us too much. So, we went back to the hostel. Bad move!! There's some space for tonight bu not for tomorrow. We'll have to pack again. We are getting fedup of packing-unpacking all the time.
Lundi, le 4 Octobre 2004 (9h40 - 3h40 MTL en route pour ESCS*)
Monday, October 4th 2004 (9:40am - 3:40am MTL on my way to ESCS*)
*English School of Communication Skills
I'm on a buss and this is a nightmare. This buss (as all busses) makes sure that if you're not completely awake you're more than awaike by the end of the ride. On trammvai and busses, it's impossible to keep balance when standing up. It's great, I have the job, I only need to get my visa. My boss knows a girl who has an appartment with 2 bedrooms to rent. Cool! Jane has a meeting with him today.
We went to the restauracja after her interview and then we're goin to see the appartment. Wow! This appartment is nice. The decoration and colors are nice and most of the stuff are new. The only problem is that the second bedroom is also the living room Well..... we'll take it! An APPARTMENT!! It's just a great feeling to have our own appartment. Home, sweet home. No more moving from one youth hostel to another. No more packing-unpacking. I was starting to become an expert.
Mardi, le 5 octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 5th 2004
This morning, someone knoked on our door insistingly twice. We were a bit scared and we never got up to answer. Latter, we discovered that the person knoking on the door was our neibor because we left the keys on the door all night (they left a note).
All we did today is cleaning up the appartment as well as groceries. Yes groceries, what an experience! We went to Tesco it's a big suppermaket but all products are in Polish (sometimes there's some german, russian and rarely some french or english). We had to figure out what the hell the product was and how much it costs. The price is on the shelves but not alwais at the same place than the product. That was quite an experience.
Mercredi, le 6 octobre 2004
Wednesday October 6th 2004
We inherited of 10 000 cups and mugs but on oven plates and only one pot (of course too small). We also have 100 CDs good and bad as well as 200-300 polish book. Not to forget 20 towells and bed covers. Oh, and I forgot the dozends of spiders, web included. We went to our neibors to pick up our keys. They're an old couple. They're very nice. They tried to explain to us in Polish that we had left our keys on the door. They stopped a man passing by so he can translate, his english wasn't very good but we understood the concept.
Well, I'll leave you guy a that if you want to reach me, my mother says it's less expensive (9cents a minute from MTL) if you us this number 1010925-0114812-658-0797 to reach me.
Bon, je vais vous laisser maintenant si vous voulez me rejoindre, ma mere dit que c'est moins cher (9 sous la minute de MTL) si cvous composez ce numero 1010925-0114812-658-0797.
p.s. Haven't got much news from you guys lately. :(
p.s. Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de nouvelles de vous dernierement. :(
Address: ul Wlotowa 2/33
30 668 Krakow
Thursday, October 7th 2004
Jeudi, le 7 October 2004
Ce soir, nous sommes sorties. Jane et moi voulons nous faire des amis en Pologne.
Biensur, les clubs ne sont pas les meilleurs endroits mais on a rencontre des gens bien a Warsaw. On doit avoir fait 6 club differents et on n'a pas rencontre un seul chat. Nous sommes dans un club au "Market square" le barman est cute.
Jane vient de me gager 2 Zloty que je ne pourrais lui faire un commentaire sur son chandail. J'ai gagner!!
Wow 2 Zloty pour moi!! On vient de s'assir avec 5 gars Polonais, il y en a seulement 2 qui nous parlent, les autres ne parlent pas anglais. Ils sont plate, on part! Bon! On est chez McDo, il y a un gars qui mange tout seul, on l'invite a manger avec nous. Il est tres gentil. La soiree commence a etre plate. On vient de demander a 2 gars comment se rendre a un certain Klub.
Ils nous ont dit que le Klub etait vide. Nous allons donc dans un autre Klub avec eux. Ahhhhhhhh! Pouach! Du techno. On sort vite! Je crois qu'on va retourner a celui avec le beau barman. C'est triste, il n'est plus la. Oh non! 3 des 5 gars qu'on avait rencontre plustot sont encore ici. Bon! On en a marre, on part. On doit prendre l'autobus de nuit et il y a plein de gens saoult. Les gens ici, sortent des bars avec leurs piwo (biere). Pas encore! Les 2 autre gars (du groupe de 5) prennent le meme buss que nous. Il y a un gars assi en avant de moi et Jane le trouve beau. Je lui ai gager 2 Zloty qu'elle ne lui dira pas. Ca y est, elle lui a dit. Bon, j'ai perdu les 2 Zloty que j'avais gagner au paravant.
What the hell is he doing?
He's getting out of the buss at the same stop. He just invited himself to our place. We'll, tea it is! He's not that cute after all! Oh god! It's 6am and he's still here and boring. Let's get him outta here ASAP.
Ouf! He's finally gone. I think, he taught Jane wanted to sleep with him. Well it's late, good night.
Friday, October 8th 2004
Vendredi, le 8 octobre 2004
Jane and I are on a trammvai, our way to the swiming pool. A young men (in his 20's with a back pack on his shoulder) show his card (he's a contoler). I tell him in fransuski (french) that I don't understand and don't even speak anglielski (english). Jane tells him she speaks a little anglielski. He shows us a paper in I don't know how many languages (he points out the fransuski version).
This paper explaines that we have to buy a bilete (ticket) before getting on the trammvai or autobus and that we have to punch it in. If we don't and we get caught, we gotta pay a fine of 96 Zloty and buy a bilete rightaway. We tell him, we don't have such amount on us. He tells us we have to go to the bankomat (guichet) or else, he calls the policja. He brings us to the bank, 1st is out of order, 2nd doesn't let us take out more than 20 Zloty at a time, 3rd is out of order, 4th works, finally. Jane and I are cracked up about the situation. He (the controler) is so sweet, he charged us the student rate for the fine and bilete. That's what I call savings. We've been traveling on trammvais and autobus for free for the past 2 weeks. It costs less to pay a fine every 2 weeks than to buy a bilete.
This swimming pool sucks big ass. We payed 7 Zloty for 45mins and the door to the pool is locked. Let's get outta here and ask for our money back. Well, we gotta go to another one. People here are so nice and helpful. Well, except for that lady. We just asked this lady for directions in polski (polish) and she walked away saying she doesn't speak anglielski. Wow! this other swimming pool is soo far away. It better be worth it. It's pretty big. It's 12 Zloty for an hour. This was great, they have slides, a sauna, hot tubs, sprinclers and even a climbing wall and a place in which the water pushes you. Gotta luv this. It's like a small indoor water park. It's called the aquapark. We just found a real movie theater. I guess, we'll go there next time.
Dimanche, le 10 octobre 2004
Sunday, October 10th 2004
Well, Saturday and Sunday, Jane and I stayed at home to save our money. I gave Jane a swing dancing lesson on Saturday night, it was quite fun.
Lundi, le 11 octobre 2004
Monday, October 11th 2004
I want to go to the school to see if I have any classes this week but I think it's better if I don't and wait until Zbignef calls. He just called, he wants me to pass by to pick up some teaching material. I finally met the other teacher, his name is Peter, he's from Ireland and good looking.
We've been talking and talking. He's really nice. I invited him for a tea. Jane isn't here. It's great because Peter has many things in common with Jane and others with me. All 3 of us will definetely get along fine. We'll, I can also say with confidence that he feels really comfortable in my (and Jane's) appartment. Jane just got here. She's getting along fine with Peter, just as I expected. Great, we finally have someone we can invite for tea. He, just like "almost" all the other guys, seems to like her more than me. Oh god! I've got a class tomorrow, how am I gonna do it? I've gotta make a class plan, good thing Jane is helping me. We're goin te bed at 4am again. What a bad habit!!
Mardi, le 12 octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 12th 2004
Oh god! I've gotta teach today, I'm oh so nervous. My class is in 5 min. I;m a nerve wreck. Well... it's time! Ouf! It's finnished. The class went well but I'm still unsure of myself.
Jane and I have been cooking a lot lately and it feels really good to eat at home. I feel really home sick today. I miss my mother, swing, you guys, poutine, maple sirup, etc. I asked my mother to call me, it felt oh so good to talk to her. I also asked her to tell Isabelle to call me if she wants. Oh, the phone is ringing must be her. It was her, she's just great! I miss the long conversations we used to have It felt so good to talk to them.
Mercredi, le 13 octobre 2004
Wednesday, October 13th 2004
Jane and I want to meet some people today. We're goin to that place where we saw a sign that says : Foreigners welcome to meet polish students. It is somewhere around the main square. We've past in front of it so often but we never got ourselves inside. Well, it's 8:20pm and we've been all around the main square and we couldn't find it. Now, we're in a restauracja. We've decided to treat ourselves. Oh soooo cool!!! There's a couple from Moreing Heights.
It feels so good to meet people from home.
Jeudi, le 14 octobre 2004
Thursday, October 14th 2004
Jane and I wanna do something tonight, maybe bowling.
We'll ask Peter if he wants to join us. It would be nice! Jane and I are just tired of goin to bed late (between 3 and 5am) and waiking up late (between 2 and 4:30pm). I don't have classes tomorrow, and after our failed attempt to meet locals we've decided to go out tonight. We'll, I've just called Peter and we shall meet him with some Poles he met before. This is a polish/"Irish" pub. There's a group of people signing songs at the back of the pub with some musicians. I'd love to join them, they seem to have loads of fun.
Well, this is starting to be a bit boring. This guy's talking to me and he's nice and intelligent but too serious.
I'm jealous of Jane, she's once again with the interesting guys. I bet you that just like 99,9% of the guys we met, he's interested in her. By now, I'm used to it. We're looking for another place to go.
It's 4am, I doubt we'll find anything open. Peter has his arm around Jane. I was right, he likes her. Like I said, I'm used to it. Well, I still got Eddie I haven't met yet. It's not like I want a boyfriend or anything. It's just that I'd loke to be noticed more or less as often as Jane. I guess I'm just a bit jealous 'cause she's beautiful, thin, brilliant and has a great personality. Well, we just invited the guys to party at our plave. The guy who was talking to me whent home so it's Jane, Peter, this guy Angej and me. They're all in the kitchen smoking and getting drunk as I'm in the living room waiting for my potato to be ready. Oh god!! Angej and Jane are throwing up.
Yeah! Well, Peter has joined me in the living room He's funny (not ha ha funny), he's trying to tell me something but he's drunk and he studers when he's drunk. I can't make out what he's saying. I think he's trying to tell me he likes me but it's impossible. I have to be wrong. I just don't understand! He's so sleepy and drunk, I offered him to stay here for the night (or day, it's 6am). What the hell just happened?? When I got up, he also got up and we huged but then, he kissed me. What's up with that? I'm too tired to think. I was just so sure he wasn't interested in me. Oh well, time to go to bed. We'll see what happends tomorrow. Good night.
Je me suis acheter un cellulaire car c'est moi cher pour moi. Je vais bientot demenager, je serai donc rejoinable que par mon cellulaire ou Internet. Le numero de mon cellulaire est 503 806 077, lorsque l'on appelle un cellulaire en Pologne, il ne faut pas inclure le numero regional (12 dans ce cas), donc... 48 503 806 077. La facon la plus facile et moins dispendieuse (gratuit) est de m'envoyer des SMS par Internet parcontre je ne peux pas repondre.
La facon de m'envoyer un SMS est de se rendre sur (c'est en Polonais) et de cliquer sur Bramka SMS (milieu-bas a droite). Sur la page suivante, il y a un endroit qui dit Nadawca (Nom), Obdiorca (Numero, dans ce cas: 503 806 077), Treœæ / podgl¹d wiadomoœci (ecrire le mesage dans cette case et il y a une boite jaune avec le logo de POP a l'interieur, il y a un mot et il faut l'ecrire dans la boite a droite Aby wys³aæ..... puis, cliquer sur Wyslij (envoie).
Au plaisir d'avoir de vos nouvelles!!
I've bought a cell phone 'cause it cost less for me. I will be moving therefore, I will only be reachable by my cell. My cell number is 503 806 077, when calling a cell phone in Poland you have to omit the regional number 12 in this case so... 48 503 806 077. The easyest thing is to send me sms from the Internet it is free for you and me but, I can't answer with my cell.
The way to send an sms is to go on (it's in Polish) and to click on Bramka SMS (middle-bothom right). On the next page there's a place which says Nadawca (Name), Odbiorca (Number, in this case: 503806077) Treœæ / podgl¹d wiadomoœci (write your message in this box) and there's a yellow box with a POP logo, there's a polish word in it and you have to write it in the box on the right Aby wys³aæ..... then click on Wyslij (send).
Waiting for news!
Sorry, I haven't been writing much, I don't have access to Inernet often. I haven't got much news from you guys. What's up???
Desole de ne pas avoir ecris depuis un bout. Je n'ai pas souvent acces a Internet. Je n'ai pas recu de vos nouvelles. Qu'est-ce qui ce passe???
Vendredi, le 15 Octobre 2004 (7h - 1h MTL)
Friday, October 15th 2004 (7am - 1am MTL)
Still not sleeping, damit! Peter's snoring like hell. Jane is talking to me thru the door (I think). This is so funny! Jane is drunk and she's pulling Andrzej, by the arm, who's asleep on the floor in her room. She want's him to leave her room. I talked to Andrzej who's actually half asleep. Got him out of her room and gave him blankets and a pillow to sleep in the kitchen. I can hear them throwing up all the time.
Jane knocks at my door, Andrzej is in her room again. I told Andrzej to leave her room again, he fell and broke the bed when he got up. He's unbelievable. It's funny because, Jane is in the bathroom throwing up and yelling in french to Andrzej, telling him to leave her room. I finnaly got him in the kitchen, I think this time, he'll stay there. I hope! Time to go to bed now.
8:20am Oh god! What now? Andrzej's phone keeps on rigning. I answered, it was a woman (I hope not his girlfriend, if he has one), she wanted me to wake him up, it's imposible. She had a man talk to me, he alked if he could pass by in an hour. OK, I said. Oh non! I gotta stay awake for another hour, I haven't sleep yet.
J'en ai plein mon casque. L'homme etait en fait son pere, il est charmant. Bon, ils sont partie. Enfin, je vais pouvoir dormir. Je regarde Peter dormir et je l'envie. Qu'est ce que je vais faire (avec lui)? Je suis contente d'etre avec lui mais jene veux pas tomber pour lui. Il vient d'irlande et moi du canada ce serait trop difficile. J'ai peur de trop m'attacher a lui. Oh Peter, if you knew how confused I am.
Samedi, le 16 Octobre 2004
Saturday, October 16th 2004
Wow! It's 9:20am and I have a class at 10am. I'm soooo tired, I've sleeped less than 5hours. It's break time and I need something to eat. As I walk down the street looking for a bakery, I observe the people and admire the houses. It's funny how I wouldn't be doing that at home. But it was nice to see this teenage boy taking care of his little brother and helping his mother with the groceries. I just found a tiny bakery which is in a house, it's pretty nice.
I'm feeling quite sick today, I'll have to go to the doctors. Now, it's time to clean up the mess from thursday night. Jane want's to leave and travel thru Poland and it's suroundings now so she can get to France for november (when her classes starts). She asked Peter if he wanted to take her room so she can get some money, but he doesn't want to. And now I'm a bit upset 'cause he said he would take her place but now, he changed his mind. That means, that I have to look for another appartment. It's gonna be sooo hard. And I definetely dont want to do the searching and visiting crap. It took Peter 2 weeks to find an appartment and it's not furnished, he pays 750 Zloty and I pay 625 for a full furnished flat.
Jane and I decided to go swiming today. It's 9:45pm and the pool closes at 10pm. Too late! Well, lets go for a movie across the street. All the "english" movies we want to see are dubed so we gotta watch "Before sunset", it starts in an hour (11pm). We'll that was a boring movie with a weird (boring) ending. We just asked some employes where we could get the night bus and one of them asked us to wait as he's gonna take us to the bus stop. Meanwhile, Jane and I are saying in french how cute he is and the security guy is just craking up. Jane and I are wondering if he understood our conversation. We were right! He doesn't speak french much but he understands pretty well. The guy who's taking us to the bus stop gave us an umbrella. He's so sweet! His name is Krzysztof and he's studying to become a sport's journalist. We'll that's all for now!
Dimanche, le 17 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 17th 2004
This trip is the best thing that ever happened to me. Not only because I'm in Europe, traveling and learning about polish culture. But mostly because I've learned sooo much about myself. Since I've been a kid, TV, my mother, teachers, etc. were telling me that I had to study, the n work, then get a husband and build a familly. Sometimes, we learned about single parents and different types of famillies. I've always been told that I have first to study and choose a carier (doctor, teacher, police officer, business woman, etc.) and get a stable appartment or house. I always had some difficulty with that. I remember spending most of my 4th grade (high school) in the career conselor's office, not knowing what I wanted to do in life, knowing that next year, I'd have to choose what subject I'd be studying in Cegep. I remember my conselor asking me what was my biggest dream and I said that eventho I knew it was impossible, I wanted to know each and every person on earth and know all about their lives. Since I've been in Poland,
I've met great people like Anna, Patricia, Maurice, Krzysztof, ect. But most important, I met Jane and Peter, they both have more or less the same expectations and ambitions in life. They helped me realize that I wanted the same things they do. I feel I now know so much more about myself. I don't want to study and get a career that will kee me in one place all the time, I want to travel. I want to experience the world. I'm gonna live in a suitcase. I knew, I didn't have to live my life the way people expects you to, but I didn't trully realized it utill I've met those 2 incredible people. I treasure these people very much. Meeting them was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Mardi, le 19 Octobre 2004 (15h30 - 10h30 MTL)
Tuesday, October 19th 2004 (3:30pm - 10:30am MTL)
I'm on a trammvai goin to a meeting. It is such a beautiful day today. Jane went to Auschwitz. This is one of those automn days were the sky is clear, the sun is shining, there's a slightly cold breeze reminding you that it is fall and everywhere you look, there's colorful leaves that left the trees recently. Fall in Krakowseems magical with the old architecture and the park surounding Old town. There's a smell of freshness is the air and a sence of freedom inside. This is my home away from home.
Vendredi, le 22 Octobre 2004
Friday, October 22nd 2004
I've been quite sick lately. I went to the doctor's on monday. I needed birth control pills but I had forgotten my pilss at home. So he told me to see him at the hospital on friday. Today, was quite an experience as I met-up with one of the secretaries to see an appartment, it was awful! I'm soooo not taking it. Well, later we went to the hospital, it looks so nice from outside with the trees and the small garden. This hospital is made of several different buildings, it looks like McGill college but in a smaller scalle. We went from building to building looking for my doctor. OK, we found him! Great, we've gotta go to another doctor, it turns out, he's a cardiologist and knows about notting when it comes to birth control pills. When I left his office, my college told me that the guys whom were waiting outside his door were complaining because I went in before them. I told my collegue that it's just because they didn't know I was giving him a blow . Anyways, we went to see another doctor who didn't speak any english so my collegue had to translate. I've never had so much fun (adventure) goin thru a hospital just to get birth control pills. I was so proud of myself, I understood some polish as the doctor didn't speak english and Paulina (my collegue) was translating.
I went out tonight with Jane and Peter. I got a bit fed up of not being included in the conversation. I took Peter on the side and we had a great long talk. It was hard to make him say what he thinkd but I had him talk. I really hate that he doesn't tell me what he thinks and that he doesn;t answer my questions. I only get thru to him when he's drunk and I've insisted. I hate that!! I feel much better now that we have spoken. He's an awsome person, he just need to sort off some things on his own. I'm not gonna wait for him, but I really like him a lot and he like me (even more). His appartment is in Kazimierz (the jewish district).
C'est un "building" communiste qui est en reconstruction du haut jusqu'en bas. Il habite en haut completement car c'est le su\eul etage ou il y a des appartements de reconstruit. Il y a de la poussiere partout a cause de la construction. Pour se rendre a son appart., il faut passer par 5 portes barres. Son appart est petit, sale et non meuble. Il faut pas se demander pourquoi il deprime.
Saturday, October 23rd 2004
Samedi, le 23 Octobre 2004
Jane et moi avons decide de se rendre a Zacopane (tout pres des montagnes Tatra), pendant mes 2 jours de conge puisqu'elle repart bientot pour la France et ca va etre la fin des aventures de Jane et Marie-Elizabeth. Alors qu'on etaient dans le tram, Jane et moi, nous sommes fait controler. Nous avions chacune un bilete qu'on avait dechire auparavant (biensur, ils devaient etre poinsonne mais ils ne l'etaient pas). On a dit que sur l'ecriteau, il etait ecrit (en anglais) "cancel your ticket" et qu'on l'a annule en dechirant le bilete. Il nous a finalement charge une amande pour les deux au prix d'un citoyen Polonais. Donc, on a paye 70Zloty. Nous sommes tres fiere de nous. On a encore fait d'enormes economies. J'ai apeine dormi 3 heures hier soir et je suis fatiguee.
I'm in a bus for Zacopane and as I look outside, there's a beautiful sight. Mountains and valleys. It's just great! I hate that I'm so tired. My eyes are closing all the time and I'm missing the beautiful view. As the sun sets, a rainbow of bright colors fills the sky to excite our eyes, as the shapes of the mountaines agrees with the sky. Such a beautiful day. I just can't wait untill tomorow. Jane and I are walking around the town as we look at the shops. You can buy a hand made wool sweater for 25PLN (~9CAD). It reminds me of the sheeps and shepard I saw on my way there. They also sell good cheese made from goats, sheeps, I have to buy some before I leave. When we got out of the bus, a woman offerd us a place to stay for 25PLN a night. It's really nice, it a private hostel and it looks like a ski chalet. The smell here is just great. There's not much pollution and the forests and mountains that surounds us just makes it better. It's a beautiful town, nicely located.
That's all for now. Gotta go teach. Take care!
C'est tout pour le moment. Je dois enseigner. Prenez-soin de vous!
Dimanche, le 24 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 24th 2004
We are in a bus to Palenicia and I just saw a sheperd with his sheeps following him, that was quite nice. We also see some locals wearing traditionnal clothes, it`s just great! Jane and I are in the Tatra mountains right now. We are walking along a paved path. There`s some carriges pulled by horses and the man driving the carriges, are wearing traditionnal clothes. There`s a lot of people on this path and I was told that tourist season is finished. Mostly, they`re all Poles comming here for a walk as Jane and I are the only ones with backpacks and sleeping bags. We took the wrong path, but it`s ok because, this one`s brigning us to the other hostel. Jane has much more energy than me and these backpacks are killing our backs. It took us 4 hours to get to the hostel (9km).
We left our stuff at the hostel and decided to go to a trail that takes us on top of the mountain. It is beautiful, magnificent. I`m much slower than Jane so I told her to go ahead without me. I sit down on a rock and I look at the view as I think about my G-Pa. I feel sooo much serenity. It is so peaceful. Up here, there`s nobody just trees, mountains, bugs and me with the lake at the "bottom" and an other one across. I love it here!! Jane is comming back down with some snow.
The sun is setting and we`re enjoying the view. As we were goin down, 2 young Poles past us and then, they waited for us. We started talking and they wanted to take their pictures with us. We got down the mountain to the chalet, one of them bought us drinks. They are brothers Tomek and Pawel, Tomek is an eletrician and Pawel is studying economics. They live inbetween Krakow adn Zacopane. Pawel studies in Krakow he has classes on Fridays and Saturdays, lucky bastard!! We`ve invited them to Jane`s goodbye party. I hope they'll come. Well, it's late and we have some hiking to do tomorrow. Good night!!
Lundi, le 25 Octobre 2004
Monday, October 25th 2004
Le soleil qui vient tout juste de ce lever, eclaircie notre chambre. Je jette un coup d'oeil par la fenetre et je voie des montagnes, une foret, quel vue splendide! Le reflet des montagnes sur le lac est si beau que je ne peux m'empecher de prendre une photo. Apres un bon dejeuner, Jane et moi entamons une marche autour du lac. De l'autre cote du lac, on peux monter dans la montagne. J'ai choisi de le faire et de prendre la meme route de retour qu'a l'aller tandis que Jane veux prendre une autre route, c'est alors qu'on se separe.
La montee est difficile mais je m'y suis rendue. Je suis entre deux lacs magnifiques, la vue est superve d'ici. Il fait beau, le soleil brille et je suis en paix avec moi-meme. Je suis tellement fiere de moi. Je n'aurais jamais cru que j'aurai ete si haut en montagne. Il y a des chutes d'eau a cote du sentier. La vue, l'odeur (sans pollution) et les sons (non-agressant), c'est parfait et dire que je dois partir bientot de cet endroit. Bon! il faut que j'y aille. En chemin vers le retour, il y a beaucoup de penses qui traverse mon esprit. Je pense a mon grand-pere, a ce que je viens de faire. Je me sent si libre ici! Il n'y a rien qui peut m'atteindre. Je suis seul sur le sentier (de pave uni) et je commence a chanter des chancons de camps. Merde! je viens tout juste de tomber et je me suis fouler la cheville, ca fait mal mais je dois continuer. En chemin, je rencontre des gens qui me parlent en Polonais, je leur dit que je ne comprend pas et ils reprennent leur route. Ici, tout les gens que l'on croise, nous disent chesch (bonjour). Je suis a moitier chemin de l'autobus et je pense a grand-papa. Je voie un bel oiseau a la tete rouge et au corps noir et blanc. Il est en avant de moi et il volle d'un endroit a l'autre aux cotes du chemin. On dirait presque qu'il veut que je le suive. C'est magique!! Enfin, je vois la barriere du parc. On dirait une ligne d'arrive d'une course. Chaque pas m'amene plus pres du but. Ma randonnee est presque fini. C'est trite mais aussi heureux. J'ai mal partout. Je n'en revient toujours pas, je suis allee en haut de la plus haute montagne en Pologne.
Il y a une fille qui me demande si je vais a Zacopane. Elle conduit un mini-bus ca me coute 5 Zloty (1 de plus que l'autobus reguliere) au moins, je n'ai pas besoin d'attendre apres l'autobus. Je n'avais pas vu Zakopane a la lumiere, c'est bien! Il y a beaucoup de marchands qui vendent des vetements en laine (un chandail a 25 Zloty, des mitaines, des tuques, des bas, des pantoufles, etc.) c'est super! Je me suis achete un chandail et des mitaines. Souvent, on vois des "bout de bois" qui ont ete travaille. Oups! Une dame dit que c'est du fromage. Elle est tres gentille, elle me fait gouter. MMmmmm... C'est tres bon! J'en prend un au chevre et un autre au brebis. Je mange un Placki ziemnniaki (galette de pomme de terre semblable aux "hashbrowns" que l'on mange pour dejeuner) devant un restauracja. Mais que vois-je? Des amandes sucre comme a Orlando et NY, j'en prend. Ca fait ci longtemps depuis la derniere fois que j'en ai mange. Je me sent en paix dans les rues de Zakopane entoure de montagnes, on dirait presque Vancouver. Malheureusement, il est temps de retourner a Krakow. Au revoir montagnes Tatra, au revoir Zakopane, je reviendrai!!
Mardi, le 26 Octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 26th 2004
Jane est partie ce matin. Elle va a Warsaw et a Gdansk. Il ne lui reste qu'une semaine avant de retourner en France. Je me sent deja seule sans elle dans l'appart. Elle revient dimanche pour sa fete de depart mais apres, elle sera partie pour de bon. Je commence a m'habituer au style de vie polonais et a mon emploi. Je m'ennuie toujours de ma mere, du swing et de MTL mais j'arrive a continuer. Tout les muscles de mon corps me font mal, j'ai l'impression d'etre une petite vieille. Je suis chez moi et je me rend compte que la seule personne que je peux appeller si je m'ennuie est Peter. Les deux secretaires a l'ecole veulent que je leur enseigne le francais, c'est super! Elles sont tellement gentilles. J'ai aussi hate d'apprendre le polonais. Celon elles, je prononce les mots avec aucun accent. Ce que c'est vide ici sans Jane! Je vais m'y habituee. Il est presque 2h du matin, je devrais me coucher. Bonne nuit!
Jeudi, le 28 Octobre 2004 (14h30 - 8h30 MTL)
Thursday, October 28th 2004 (2:30pm - 8:30am MTL)
I'm alone at home, there's the sun that's keeping me company. I'm listening to Beau Dommage and it reminds me of home. I have a class at 5 p.m. I`m loosing my days 'cause I work in the evenings and finish at 8:30p.m, go home, do stuff (clean, cook watch TV, prepare classes, ect.), go to bed and wake up the next day around noon. I dance alone in the living room. I haven`t been out for awhile now. I need to meet people fast. The only person I feel I can talk to here is Peter. It iis not easy to make friends (real friends) in another country where you don't speak their language. Time to put some good old jazz. It's weird how life can bring you places you'd never expect. I'm glad I'm here in Poland. This is a great country with great people (they praise the states too much tho). I can't wait 'till one of you comes over so I can show you the beauties of this country.
It is night and I'm walking down a small street. It's the full moon and it's showing us it's beauty. There is life on this street, people walking their dogs, dogs barking behing a fence, leaves falling from the trees and the church's bells reminding us of the time. It is beautiful.
Je suis tellement heureuse, Zbishek m'a dit qu'il y a un endroit ou je peux acheter des bagels. C'est un americain qui a ouvert une boulangerie. J'ai aussi trouve une recette sur Internet pour faire du sirop de potteau. C'est super! Biensur, c'est pas du sirop d'erable mais c'est mieux que rien.
Samedi, le 30 Octobre 2004
Saturday, October 30th 2004
Apres avoir ete malade hier soir, je me suis leve tard pour me rendre a l'ecole. Je viens tout juste de finir de donner un cours de francais a Paulina et Peter. Paulina est partie, ce n'est plus que Peter et moi a la maison. Je lui fait ecouter du Beau Domage. Je me sent bien. Mais je crois que c'est seulement en surface. A l'interieur, je cris, je panique. Je ne me sent plus moi-meme. Je me deteste, je passe trop de temps dans cet appartement. Je me sent tellement seule et il n'y a rien de pire que de se sentir seule alors qu'on est avec quelqu'un.
I feel oh so lonely without Jane. She was a great partner in crime. She was someone to talk to go out with. I try asking Peter to do stuff with me but he alwais has an excuse to refuse. The only time is when he comes up to my place and I think it is only so he can listen to music. I'm so sad and depressed, I don't know what to do. My mother just called, it felt good to talk to her. I miss having people who cares about me around. Everybody drinks here and I find it very hard to meet people without goin out to take a drink. I feel so alone. I want to go home! It is so hard to not have anyone to talk to. Once Jane leaves for France, I won't have anyone but Peter and I'm sure he doesn't care and don't wan't to hear about my sorrow. I wish Isabelle were here. The tears that are fillings my eyes are making me blind. There are so many of them that they are running down my cheaks and falling on my note book. It is pain I feel inside as the lonelyness catches me up. Oh what to do? I've been eating about the same thing everyday (baked potatoes). No more than one meal a day. No wonder I'm loosing tons of weight. I feel so lonely, I wish someone could hold me in their arms right now. I'm sitting home alone in the living room/my room listenning to music, hopping someone, anyone will call. If only I could watch a movie.
It's 11pm, I was supposed to meet Paulina and her friends to go at a club but they changed their plans and they're drinking at one's house. I've there fore decided not to go. I've tried to call Peter but he must be drunk in a bar somewhere. What am I goin to do if I can't count on anyone when I need help. I knew this would be hard and I have to go thru this. I've been single for so long, I think I'd fall for any guy. I need someone to love me, someone who'd be crazy about me, someone who cares about me, someone who feels that I'm the world to them. Girl, you're dreaming!! How can this ever happen to me. And even if it did, I probably wouldn't see it. I'm fucked!
Je viens de parler avec ma mere et elle m'a demande pourquoi je ne reviens pas a la maison. Je lui ai repondu que c'etait important pour moi de vivre cette aventure jusqu'au bout. C'est normal pour moi de me sentir mal, seule, triste, deprimee, etc. Ca fait partie du choc culturel. Je suis heureuse de lui avoir parle. Ca fait du bien. 2 minutes plus tard, Pierre m'a appelle, je n'aurai jamais cru ca possible mais j'etais contente de lui parler.
Dimanche, le 31 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 31st 2004
I woke up at 10:30am, I wasn't tired but I didn't feel like being awake. This happends a couple of times. Now it`s 1:30pm, I still wish I was sleeping. I wish I wouldn't wake up at all. The same feeling of lonelyness is goin thru me. I wish I wouldn't have kissed Peter, I wish I would've pushed him away. If only I knew he'd push me off after. Now, I can't even talk to him, do things with him or count on him. He seems to be avoiding me. The only person I have here in Krakow to do stuff with is avoiding me. Oh god, I hate myself! I hate myself even more knowing that I have some feelings for him.
I just don't care! I just want to have someone to du stuff with. Oh what an idiot I've been, if only I have knowned what woud've happend. He's now scared of me. I've lost a friendship over a 2 nights of romance. I'd go for the longtime friendship instead. I'm so stupid, he has all the faults I hate, he smokes (and the worst, he has no respect for me in that matter), he drinks, he doesn't respect me, he's selfish, he has problems, he lies (they're small stupid lies but I know he'll never stop and one day, they'll grow bigger), he take no responsability for his actions, for all I know, he's just a loser who took advantage of me. He runs away from his problems and his responsabilities, hurting the people around him without any care. He's so selfish it's incredible, no considerations for anyone. And yet I'm worst, I have feelings for that ass hole.
To think he want to get married. He can't, he'll run away at the first obsticle. He's a wild horse, he needs his freedom, he's undependable. He'll never change. He likes his independance too much. I know he has feelings for me and that he's trying to deny thim, that's why he avoids me (it's easier on the phone than when we see eachother at school). There's a lot of horses on TV, he'd love it! I know, he's too much on my mind. I wish, I could stop having these stupid feelings for him. No wonder I hate myself so much. To think that he's still dwelling on his brother and thinking about his ex-girlfriends (writting poems about them). Oh, I'm such an idiot! You're dreaming girl! Just the fact that I'm thinking about him romantically makes me sick. I wish I've never met him (no I don't), I wish I'dve never kissed him.
Je suis allee faire une commande aujourd'hui et en revenant, j'ai rencontre une de mes etudiantes. Meme si on s'est parlees que quelques minutes, ca faite du bien. Pour le fait d'avoir reconu quelqu'un dans la rue. Ca fait une semaine que je me terre dans mon appartement et je suis tannee. J'ai decide de sortir meme si ce n'est que pour aller a l'internet. J'ai l'impression que tout l'monde me regarde et qu'ils savent que je ne suis pas polonaise. Il pleu de grosses goutes sur Krakow se soir. Je marche dans le marche central, la pluie battante avec un predzel dans la main a la rechercher d'un endroit pour aller sur internet. Je suis fier de moi. J'ai achete un bilete, un predzel et un dlogopis (stylo) sans utiliser un mot d'anglielski (anglais). J'ai hate de prendre des cours de polski. Mon premier cours est mercredi. Je vais me sentir mieux lorsque j'aurai une meilleure connaisance de la langue.
La suite une autre fois!
The following another time!
Lundi, le 1er novembre 2004
Monday November 1st 2004
It's All Saints Day in Poland today. Everybody is visiting the graves of their dead relatives and friends. They bring candles and flowers to them. Since last night, Peter is dead (to me). It hurts so much but much less than when he was "alive". I'm hurting so much inside. Well, I guess he's happy now, this is what he wanted. He wanted me to forget him and be completely alone well, it's done. I now, officially have no one in Krakow. I sure hope he's happy now. It's still better this way. Instead of being alone with someone, I'm completely alone.1 is the loneliest number that I've heard of, 2 can be as lonely as 1 (actually ever worst).
I knew about this culture choc crap and I knew it would be hard but I was hopping to have someone to help me go thru it. Peter just made things worst with his stupidity and Jane is giving excuses for him. He's a fucking ass hole. I'm happy to have met him at first but it was just a joke. Now, I wish I'dve never met him. He made my life worst lately. Selfish bastard.I hope that he's in hell now. That dead bastard, I spit on his grave. I guess, I'm the stupid one who taught I could count on him for help. You're crazy Marie-Elizabeth, no body cares about you and there will never be anyone you can count on. Oh, how I miss Isabelle. Se would be there for me now. This is so hard.
Jane just called, Krzysztof sent her an SMS and she wants me to meet with him. I don't know! I think, I just want to cry alone at home and be stupid by feeling sorry for myself. That's what happends when I have my mind set on something. I'm such a horrible person. If only there was swing here. I know it would make me feel so good and I'd be forgetting all my troubles. I think dancing is what kept me alive up till now. But being here without swing is killing me slowly. These classes has to start ASAP. I taught that just the fact of travelling would be enough but I guess not.
I need swing.
I need to feel good and appreciated.
I need to glide on a dance floor like on clouds.
I need the feeling of complicity from the lead-follow connection and the satisfaction of a dance well executed.
I need the feeling of fufillment I get when I know I've followed every move perfectly and got to add some of my creation without disturbing the lead.
To dance is to fell free,
to express yourself without words,
to talk with your body,
to exchange heat and movement without taking your clothes off,
to follow the music and let it take over your body and senses,
to feel the beat take over,
to let loose,
to glide across the dance floor,
to be someone else,
to communicate your feelings,
to spread your evergy and happinest,
to be proud and conquer
to dance is to fly.
I just met Krzysztof and we walked in the Market Square where a guy was playing the Beatles (let it be) on the guitar. He got the crowd goin, they were all signing with him. It was really nice. I remember Peter telling me about him. We went to this klub and talked. He's a student, he want's to be a doctor like his G-Pa. He's brilliant. He's having a hard time speaking english but he's trying so hard and he wants to practice. I hope I'll see him again. His eyes are just great. He's ambitious. I like him. It feels great to feel like a woman. Having the guy pay for you and driving you back home. He's so sweet.
Mardi, le 2 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 2nd 2004
I'm so bad with relationships. Just like my mother said, I drive guys away. I might be wrong at times but I'm tired of him blaming me all the time as if all of what's been happening is my fault. I hate that, he reminds me of my mother. Man are asses. I wish I would've kicked him in the guts like I intended to. I'm mad at myself for not doing it. Well, he's dead to me now and that's it. Zbishek put my swing DVD on a tape and it feels good to watch it. I miss it very much. There's old people swing dancing on TV right now, it's great. I was payed today, it's good for my walet. I'm beeing payed more than I taught, even better.
I'm glad that Jane is here for me but I want some loneliness. She's leaving tomorrow at 9am. I've been pretty tired all day. Now, it's 11:45pm and I'm at an "Irish" pub with Jane. I wanna go to bed but I'm staying up because Jane's leaving tomorrow. We're only at this Irish pub 'cause Jane want's to see Peter but I really don't want to. I hope he wont talk to me 'cause he's dead to me.
Last night, I got really mad because Jane told me she saw the "ass hole" kissing another girl. I taught he didn't want to be in a relationship. He told me this morning that he still didn't and he just kissed her because he felt like it. BASTARD!!! What does he think I'm stupid or something. All of a suddent, I'm reminded of the best publicity I've ever seen. The one where this guy is goin thru the carwash like 100 times and he can't get the word "BASTARD" off his car. Written with durable lipstick. I guess, my problem is that I don't trust him and I always have the impression he's lying. This is it, it's midnight and Jane is leaving today. Oh so sad!! It's the end of this episode of the Mad Tings in Poland.
Earlier, Jand and I went to a Chinesse restauracja and I got to eat some "soupe tonkinoise", it was nice. The lady who was serving us looked like the signer in the Chinesse Klub in one of the Indiana Jones movies. On our way out, we saw some elevators and we decided to go in for fun. The door is like a regular house door. The elevator is so small only 4 (very thin) people can go in and it would be tight. It reminds me of the cells in Auschwitz. It's funny, because it doesn't have a door inside so you see the wall and the doors as your goin up or down. Don't fall on the "moving" wall.
This pub is nice, I think I'm gonna come back here to do my class planing. I never taught that one day I would be in an "Irish pub" in Poland where everyone speaks english while the US elections are playing on TV. This is a peaceful pub, I really like it. I feel peace inside. Jane is out smoking a joint with an other teacher. I like my loneliness in here I'm glad Jane brought me here.
Mercredi, le 3 novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 3rd 2004
It's 10am and I'm on a tram back home from the bus station. I left Jane as she is goin back home to France. I look outside as I see one of those mini Polish cars, the one we pointed out on the way to the bus station this morning. It has a peculiar "easter" purple color. I'm sad, I'm not goin to see her untill X-Mas. I'll be having my first Polish class today and I can't wait.
I just met Suzy, my new roomate, she's american. She is very nice. I still miss Jane.
Jeudi, le 4 novembre 2004
Thursday, November 4th 2004
Suzy and I woke up early to walk around the center. It's her first time in Krakow. It is such a nice day today! It's been awile since I've walked here daytime. Walking around reminded me of why I've decided to stay here. It's just soooo beautiful we also took a walk into Kazimiesz (the Jewish district) and we found the bagel shop Zbishek told me about. It feels so good to walk around. Oh my god!!! I'm at work and I just learned that Peter got fired. The secretairies told me it's because Zbishek doesn't like him. My boss is an ass! I'm mad at Peter but he doesn't deserve this. I'm shocked. I hope he won't leave now and especially without telling me goodbye.
Well, it's night and Suzy and I are at the "Irish" pub, it's called the Irish arms. I've just spoken with the waitress and she told me she saw Peter a couple of days ago with some girl leaving his appartment at 7:30am. Bastard! He told me he didn't sleep with this girl. It better not be the same one he was kissing the other day. Anyways, Suzy and I are on our way back home when Peter SMS's us. We decided to meet with him.
On our way back, we met an Italian who looked a bit like Robert Downey Jr. He was funny, he bearly spoke anglielski. We're back at the Irish arms and he's not there. It's funny because the waitress keeps on telling me that she's sorry for letting it out about Peter and that girl. She thinks I'm Peter's girlfriend and that he cheated on me and she told other people about it. I'm so glad. Everybody will now think that he cheated on me. What a reputation he'll have! And the best part is, that I haven't done anything, he did it all on his own. YEAH!!!
On our way out, we met 3 canadians, 2 from TO and the other one from Winnipeg. They're travelling all over Europe. Lucky! I hope they'll keep contact. Well, it's late now, time to go to bed. I've lost my book with the picture of my mother and I at my first B-Day. I'm sooooo sad!
Vendredi, le 5 novembre 2004
Friday, November 5th 2004
Jane just called. I'm so happy, I didn't think she'd call so soon. It was nice to talk to her. I told her about Peter getting fired and about what the waitress said. Jane says it's the same girl she saw kissing him. Ass hole!
Samedi, le 6 novembre 2004
Saturday, November 6th 2004
After my class, I gave a swing class. I have only one student but she's been dancing ballet and modern for a couple of years. It's great to teach her. All of my co-workers are meeting in Kazimierz to go out. That will be fun! I have now officially decided that I want to dye my hair red. I'll call Paulina and ask her. Well, we've been goin all over town and most hair dressers are closed. The only ones that are open are the "fancy" ones and they don't have what I want . The only one that had what I want is charging 298 Zloty. No way! Well, it's time to meet the others.
Poor Macek, he's the only guy and he doesn't even work with us (he's Anna's husband). OK, this night is a flop. Everyone left after one hour. Suzy and I called Peter, we're goin to meet him in a bar around the market square. He is such a jerk! First of all, we didn't find him so I called (a woman answered) and now, I've just learned that he went to another bar as we were goin to join him. He's not saying where he is because he says he's too drunk to tell me. Liar! If he was too drunk, he'd be studering way more. Ass hole!
Suzy has been talking with these 2 polish guys since I'm on the phone. They are oh so drunk! They're funny! We just left Carpe Diem (a Klub) it was way too crowded. Wait a minute! Where's Suzy and the other guy? I'm with one of them. OK, gotta go back inside to find them. It's so crowded, we lost eachother. Well, I don't feel like goin out anymore, especially if all the klubs are this full. I'll just take the last tram at 11:04pm home.
Dimanche, le 7 Novembre 2004 (midi - 6h MTL)
Sunday, November 7th 2004 (noon - 6am MTL)
It's noon, gotta get up!! I think I'm gonna go to the market square today. I just sat down on a bench next to the market and there's some people dressed traditionnaly playing music. It gives me a reminder of why I decided to stay here. This is just so beautiful. By god! It's 4pm and it's alwready dark outside. This is crazy! I just whent to the EMPIK (like archambault) a CD costs inbetween 30 and 80 Zloty. This is soo expensive! I'm goin home now.
Lundi, le 8 Novembre 2004
Monday, November 8th 2004
Anna was supposed to wake me up at 9 and it's 10. I just called her and she doesn't want to go to the hairdresser with me today. She says tomorrow. I'm a bit frustrated because I depend on her since I don't speak the language. I'll just go back to bed! Yesterday, I went on the internet and looked for cheap flight tickets anywhere in Europe. I have to leave Poland before december 6th. The cheapest flight I found was with Wizz air to Athens. The only problem is that the flight leaves nov. 27th I teach that morning and the only possible return ticket is on Nov. 29th I teach that evening. I have to ask Zbeshek the permission to take those days off. I just asked Zbezhek and he said yes. Great! I'm so glad, I'm goin to Athens for my B-Day. This is fun! I'm jumping of joy. Wow! Athens! Happy, I'm so happy!!
Mercredi, le 10 novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 10th 2004
I had an appointment at an english speaking gynecologist. They game me wrong directions and I was 10mins. late. The Dr. left because I "didn't show up". Whatever! I'll ask Anna to find me another one. Wow! It's so hard! Ouf! She found one who can see me today. Great! Oh christ! I left my keys inside. I gotta go to the school to ask Suzy for the keys. I'm tired of all this traveling.
Jeudi, le 11 novembre 2004
Thursday, November 11th 2004
On this foggy day, Suzy and I left the appartment to conquer Mount Kopietski. This Mount located at 10 min from Wawel Castel has a peculiar shape. It was built in the 19th century by Poles. This mount is perfectly round and you have to walk around it to go on top. It is noon, Suzy and I are on top of this mount. From here, we can see the city on one side and on the other side, we can see "natural" mounts and valleys. Here, it is nice and peaceful.
Suzy and I are now on our way downtown to go eat at a Milk Bar Anna recomended. This is funny,it looks like a cafeteria. there's a menu on the wall. I have my dictionnary out, trying to understand what's written. Suzy and I both took some typical Polish dishes and they were great as well as cheap. There's a girl sitting with us and she's French. She bearly speaks any english and no polish. Wow! We've been talking a lot. I'm translating.
We are now in St-Mary's church (Isabelle's idea). It's 4 Zloty to get in but we went tru the door for prayers (it's free). Isabelle is studying history especially Louis the IIIrd. He was king of France and Poland. She's awsome, she's telling me about this church and the architecture. This is soooo interesting. As we walk down the streets of old toen Krakow, we see loads of people with polish flags in their hands. Today is independance day in all of Europe (end of WWI) and "everyone" has off. There's an outdoor show at the market square with people dressed in army suits and traditionnal costumes.
Well, it's 4pm and it's dark. I hate this! It gets dark so soon, I don't feel like doing much after 4. I think I'm goin to go to the cinema. I wanna see Bridget Jone's Diary 2. Suzy's not comming with me. Ah well! This movie was great! I loved it, it's so funny! It feels so good to watch a movie "in english". Suzy's not home, she's probably with some friends, I hope she's alwright.
Vendredi, le 12 novembre 2004
Friday, November 12th 2004
Anna came early to my appartment to call the hairdresser. She was recommended by one of my students. I want my hair to be bright red. Well, they don't have space today, I'll have to go on monday.
Anna's such a sweetheart! She brought the cell phone of a friend who wants to sell it. It's nice and cheap. I'll take it! Now, I have to buy a card. Anna's so nice. We've been goin to shops to find a starter card and then we found a shop that would explain us how much long distance cost and if I pay when I receive calls. Yes, yes me who hates cell phones bought one. I had no choice. The phone system is different in Europe than America. When you have a land line, you pay for so many credits and when you make a phone call (local or long distance) it costs so many credits. The longer you talk on the phone the more credits it cost and calling a cell is like making a long distance call. SMS is cheapest 30 Grosh/SMS.
It's nice outside with all that fog. It's soo foggy, we can't see at more than 100 meters in front of us but it's still very beautiful. I've gotta meet Peter at one but I really don't feel like it. It's only because I feel it's my duty. He's late! That bastard! I'm so angry. Alwready, I don't feel like meeting him, he's gotta be late. Well, that's done! I can't believe he was smiling (uncomfortably) the whole time I was talking to him. He couldn't even tell me he's sorry for what happened to me because of him. When I was done talking to him, I expected him to leave but he kept on walking with me. I so just wanted him to leave. Thank god, someone he knows came to him and they started to talk, it was the good occasion for me to flee. Well.... that's done.
Samedi, le 13 novembre 2004
Saturday, november 13th 2004
It's my second swing dancing class. It's great to teach but I miss having a good dance. Oh how I'm eager to do a swingout. My students are only girls so I have to lead all the time but it's better than notting. It's raining today and I don't feel like goin out. I'll just stay home and cook. Eggs in vinigar. Yum!!
Dimanche, le 14 novembre 2004
Sunday, november 14th 2004
Ce qu'il est de bonne heure, il est 7h40 du matin. Je viens tout juste de me leve et Suzy et moi devons rejoindre Isabelle a Wawel. C'est super, Isabelle me raconte beaucoup de choses sur l'exposition et c'est tres interessant. J'adore l'ecouter. C'est drole car je dois tout traduire pour Suzy. J'apprend tellement de choses c'est existant de savoir et comprendre. Isabelle et moi sommes a la pizzeria, Suzy est partie car elle ne se sentait pas tres bien, mais je crois qu'elle se sentait rejet. Ca fait du bien d'avoir quelqu'un avec qui je m'entend bien et que je peux parler. On a fait le tour du marche et maintenant, nous sommes dans une cremiere deluxe et on mange lody (de la creme glace) c'est delicieux. J'adore parler avec Isabelle c'est tellement plaisant et ca fait longtemps depuis que j'ai parle avec quelqu'un autant. Suzy ne parle pas du tout. Il y a un gars qui travaille ici et qui passe son temps a me regarder lorsqu'il est a la caisse. ! Il est cute. Bon, il est tard! Temps de rentrer a la maison. Aneta viens tout just d'appeller et je dois demenager bientot.
Lundi, le 15 novembre 2004
Monday, November 15th 2004
Anna was supposed to go with me to the hairdresser. I just called her house and th man who answered doesn't speak much english, he told me she has a big problem and then he spoke german. Great, other delais! I'm tired of depending on these people to do stuff. I wish I spoke polish. I wanna be 100% independant. Well, that spoilds my day.
Suzy and I just got back from the market square. We went to the british counsel where you can find teaching material. It's a nice day today. Krakow is so beautiful that I enjoy walking around on a sunny day. We went to a couple of optyk (optometrists) to look at glasses for when I'll change my hair color. At this one optyk, there was this nice man who worked there and he taught I spoke polish.
I'm at school and Paulina just told me that Anna's mother died. I now understand the "big problem". Poor her, I don't know what I would do if my mother died soon. My student Joanna spoke to me about teaching swing at her club, she wants me to meet with her boss for times and pay. Great! I also spoke with Marta and she'll go with me to the hairdresser. Cool!
Mardi, le 16 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 16th 2004
Suzy vient de me dire qu'ell veut trouver un endroit avec un polonais. Merde! J'ai pas le gout de vivre avec un polonais. Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. C'est trop cher de vivre seule. Ca va etre difficile car la personne doit etre non-fumeur, non-alcoholique et ne pas avoir de party tout les soirs, cette personne doit aussi accepter que ma mere reste cher moi pour un mois. Oh, il ne faut pas qu'il y ai de tapis dans ma chambre. Ca fait beaucoup de restrictions.
Jeudi, le 18 Novembre 2004
Thursday, November 18th 2004
Everytime I take the tram I discover new architectural details I haven't noticed before. I'm now on my way to the hairdresser, finally getting my hair dyed. Everything here is such an experience to me. Well, my hair is now dyed, it's nice vut not what I wanted. It's not as bright as I wanted and it still looks like a natural color. Oh well! It's the risk. She sais that after a couple of washing my hair will get lighter. I'm thinking that when my hair will turn orangy, I'll buy coloration and get the color I want.
Vendredi, le 18 Novembre 2004
Friday, November 18th 2004
It is getting colder in Krakow. As I was teaching earlier, I saw the first snow falling on Krakow. What a beautiful sight! It is magnificent! I can't wait to see the market square filled with snow. It'll be great! I was so happy this morning as I've received the package my mother sent me. I can't wait to eat Poutine. Being so far away from home make me realise all the great things we have. I've become more patriotic also. Everytime I see something Canadian, I point it out with so much pride. I also find myself talking about Canada to my students and coleagues pretty often. Well, I think I'm gonna make that poutine now! I'm so mad at Zbishek. He was supposed to get me Pirates of the Carabean so I can play it in class but he didn't get it. I just learned about this before I left the school and it was for my class tomorrow morning. I now have to replan my class. What an ass!! As if I was a machine and I could come up with a 3 hour class in a few hours.
Samedi, le 20 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 20th 2004
I met with Isabelle after class and we spent all day together. It was great! She's from France and bearly speaks english, it feels just great to speak french with someone.
On a fait le tour a la recherche d'une pair de lunettes puis, nous sommes allees chez Tesco mais les lunettes etaient trop cher. Nous en avons profite pour faire une commande, pendant qu'on faisait notre commande, ma mere m'a telephone. J'etais si contente! Ce tesco est beaucoup plus grand que celui pres de chez moi. Ensuite, Isabelle est venue chez moi pour gouter a la poutine et aux oeuf dans le vinaigre. C'est amusant avec Isabelle car elle ne me comprend pas tout le temps et je dois souvent lui expliquer ce que je dit. Depuis quelques semaines, j'ecoute un "soap opera" polonais qui est sous-titre en anglais. J'adore l'ecouter car il me donne une idee de la mentalite et la facon de vivre des Polonais. C'est tres interessant!
Samedi, le 21 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 2004
Last night, Suzy and her sister came in late (while I was sleeping) with some guy and they spoke loudly. I asked them to keep it quiet but they were drunk and kept me awake for awhile. Therefore, I woke up quite late to meet Isabelle. It's anoying 'cause the trams by my house are out of service and I have to take the bus instead. We went to the museum but it wasn't what she expected and she was quite upset about it so, I suggested we'd go for food at the restauracja she spoke about the other day. This is pretty good and cheap. I'll definetly come back! Afterwards, we walked around the market square and went desert hunting. Cool! I've finally found some carrot cake. It's not the best but it's good enough. I've also found somkinda bastardized brownie, not so good! Isabelle and I went to an Apteka for my birth control pills and I spoke only in Polish (reading a piece of paper). It is illegal here to have a prescription that lasts for more than one month and mine is for six months.
Lundi, le 22 Novembre 2004
Monday, November 22nd 2004
I just learned that I have to find replacement teachers for the days I'm taking off (to go to Athens of course!). Why did he have to tell me now. "A" hole! I'm getting pretty enoyed with that school. Always last minute. Crap!! I just left the optyk and the guy was oh, so nice. There's a customer and she speaks english, she's been very nice and translating for me. He is so sweet, he let me order the glasses without paying as I have to save my money for Athens. I'll pay when I come back and get my pay. He thrusts me and it's very nice of him. I'm back in that lody place. That cute guy's still here. Everybody's staring at me. I don't know if it's my red hair or because I'm so beautiful (being my ironic self of course) but it's very obvious on their part. Well at lease, I get to exchange glances and smiles with that cute employe. It's funny because I'm writing this at the same time as our "glances exchanges". Well, I guess I'll leave now. I miss you all very much!
Mardi, le 23 Novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 23rd 2004
I'm finally backing Sheperd's pie. It feels really good to eat something "non-polish". It's not my cooking day today. Things are not great in the kitchen but the Shepard's pie turned out good by the end. There's not much more to say about today.
Mercredi, le 24 Novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 24th 2004
I've come to realise that I got usesd to the polish language though sometimes frustrating, I don't mind that I don't understand and that I'm not undrestood anymore. It is oh so very cold here. Gotta put on many layers.
Jeudi, le 25 Novembre 2004
Thursday, November 25th 2004
I'm meeting up with Paulina downtown as we are goin to some kinda student agency where they help you find an appartment (for a certain cost of course!). This is incredibly hard, we have to look thru many offers and they don't always suit me (cost, lacation, no kitchen, no washing machine). Roomate and flatmate have 2 different meanings here : roomate is someone you share a room with and flatmate is someone who has a different room. I'm just so nervous as I have to move out one week from monday and won't be here from Saturday 'till Tuesday. Therefore, I don't have much time considering that I work evenings. This is great, I have a new student and she's Corean. We don't see alot of "colors" here in Krakow, so it makes me very happy when I see different "colors".
Vendredi, le 26 Novemre 2004
Friday, November 26th 2004
I hate Poland and polish people! I just came back from 2 horrible appartment searching. To get to the first one, I have to go thru a gate (which is looked and from where there's no bell) so I followed some guy who was getting in. When I got to the appartemtn building, the man from the appartment didn't speak english (tho the student's place had specified I didn't speak polish) and he didn't let me in. On my way out, the gate was looked and I couldn't get out. I saw a woman walking her dog in the "park" around the buildings and she opened the gate for me. That was not a good experience. Then, I had a meeting at another appart. and when I got there, it was an old lady, not only did she not speak english but she stood in front of her door staring at me (like if I was an alien). That was enough! I have an other apointment but I'm not goin to go. I'm too upset!
Well, at lease I have a meeting with Isabelle today, that'll cheer me up! Well, Suzy and I are at the restaurant where we were goin to meet and she's not there. Ah well, I'll call her from school. I don't feel like teaching this class, I have to explaine clauses, phrases and prepositions. I'll just do something else. I did some listening comprehension and it felt good to be "lazy". I called Isabelle and we should be meeting later on tonight.
It was great to see her one last time before she leaves krakow. We walked around the market square there's shops, that have been instaled for a week now and just opened. It has a Christmasy feeling. They seel x-mas decorations, "cooked" food, hot wine, ginger bread St-Nicholas, trees and houses, candy and a variety of sugar covered nuts. It's really begining to look alot like Christmas. Good bye Isabelle, hope to see you again one day. Thanks for everything (history and arts "lessons:, very interesting). I'm on my way home from the center and there's 2 "black" guys who just got in the tram. Yeah! "colored" people (again) it is so rare here and as I'm used to seeing alot of "colors" at home it is very refreshing to met. We've been exchanging smiles but now they're gone. It's funny because they have no clue as for why I was smiling at them.
Samedi, le 27 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 2004
The tram are out of service again. What a bull of crap1 Now, I'm in bus athat won't take me to the train station but somewhere in the center, where I hope to catch another bus or tram to the train station. I'm nervous, because I don't want to miss my train. I can still catch the next one but I'd rather take this one. I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm goin to Athens. This is goin to be great! There's a rush of excitement growing inside of me. I'm just sad I'm not there longer. I'm at the Katowice train and bus station and I've just had the most expensive piss, up 'till now at the price of 1Zloty 50 Grosh, the tea I'm enjoying as I wait for my bus to the airport cost me that much.
Comme je me suis couchee a minuit et que j'ai du me lever a 5h du matin, je suis plutot fatiguee. Je n'ai pas voulue dormir dans le train par peur de manquer mon arret de plus, il fesait tres froid dans le train. Le concept de chauffage n'est pas chose courante ici en Pologne. On gele dans mon appart. et le chauffage est au bout depuis que j'y suis, il n'y a aucun chauffage dans les transport en commun ou les endroits publics tel que station de train, d'autobus, centre d'achat, etc. Je n'ai jamais bu autant de the que depuis que je suis en Pologne. C'est incroyable! Je bois quasiment que du the et presque pas d'eau. Le the est en fait, moins cher que l'eau. Si ma mere crois que je met beaucoupe de sucre dans mon the, elle devrait voir la quantite que les polonais mettent.
I made a bad deal. Wizz air offers transportation from Krakow to the Katowice airport for 40 Zloty. I've decide to try and save by taking the train (12Zloty) and from the train station take a bus (50min from Katowice center 15Zloty). Plus 1.50 for bathroom, plus 1.50 for the tea, not mensionning the uncomfortable seats and being cold for a total price of 35 Zloty. I'll see if I can get the Wizz (comfortable, heated) bus on my way back. I'm at the airport, it's 11am (5am MTL) and my plane leaves at 12:20pm. I should be in Athens in about 4hrs. I can't wait. I'm so anctious. I've had quite a pleasant "time" here at the airport. The guy at the Wizz air counter let me in (cabin) with my 2 bags, the guy at the "border" was checking me out as well as his coleague (had his head over the side window) and the guys at the control (for metal) was making jokes with me, it was fun. They're all young also. I can't believe I brought scisors with me and totally forgot about it. Ah well, bye bye scisors! It's funny because the TV is on and it's in German not Polish.
I am now in Greece. I've met a Pole in the plane and as we landed, he started talking to me. He made me wait for his luggage and for him to smoke a cigarette for notting as we are goin on seperate ways now. I could be in central Athens by now. What a waite of time! On our way to Athens, the pilot pointed out the beautiful mountains as we were flying over Romania. It was magnificent. It is beautiful and hot as the sun shines on Athens. I'm so excited to be here! At the youth hostel, the guy at the desk is cute. There's a Brasilian man who's staying at the youth hostel, he reconized me from the plane.
I'm at a greek restaurant eating my first meal of the day and I'm enjoying it so much. Finally, some non-polish food and some drinkable tap water! This gyros is very good. I've been walking down the streets of Plaka and it is so nice and some kinda peaceful architecture with lively boutiques. From the Plaka, you can admire beautiful Acropolis so well lid, I can't wait to ge tomorrow. Eating alone in a restaurant is something I gotta get used to. I'm full but looking at this food makes me want more, maybe later.
I'm very happy to be in Greece but I'm very lonely and tomorrow's my B-Day. What am I goin to do? I hope I make friends in Krakow fast. I can't even reach Maurice or Anna 'cause Jane didn't give me their contacts. At this point, I wonder if she does it on purpose. I must not think too much, it is depressing me and I shouldn't be depressed, I'm in Athens for Christ sakes! It is pretty cold in Athens tonight. I wanted to go out but I'm too tired so I decided to go back to the youth hostel. The metro in Athens is quite new and nice. They also play classical music, I don't know if it has a specific purpose but it's nice. I love the fact that here everything is in english and that everyone I talk to understands me. There is also a lot more "colors" here.
Dimanche, le 28 Novembre 2004
Sunday, November 28th 2004
It's my B-Day today. I'm in the metro and there's a clown next to me. I'm alone and I can' t help feelinf sad eventho I'm in Athens. I'm goin to the Acropol. It is sunny and beautiful. The bells of a church are rigning, it's peace ful as I walk up the path to the Acropol. There is a cat in the middle of the ruins and everyone's taking a picture. The view from the Acropol is breathtaking on one side the mediteranian sea and on the other side, miles and miles of mountains. I'm very happy to be here. What a B-Day gift! The wind just came up and it's getting a bit frisky.
Lorsque je suis venue, j'ai oubliee d'acheter des bateries et mon stylo a l'auberge et comme je ne voulais pas descendre jusqu'en bas, j'ai su les acheter au premier magasin (10 Euros). C'etait beaucoup trop cher. Quel merde! Maintenant, il y a beaucoup trop de touristes.
As I am sitting next to the Acropol, I feel so much serenity. About 20 mins ago, I met that Brasilian guy again and just now one of my hostel roomates. It is a bit funny to meet 2 people I've just met in Athens. To think that people lived here thousands of years ago and built these splendid monuments. As I'm walking down from teh Acropol, I hear some music, a lonely violin. It sets quite a mood! At my suprise, it is not a violin but a greek instrument (don't know the name).
Walking through the narrow streets of Athens full of life and colors is an enjoyment. All the restaurant have outdoor tables. These streets are filled with people, unleached dogs and street cats. I'm sitting outside a restaurant waiting for service. People look at me alot as I'm sitting alone (of course!). I think my lonelyness is affecting me alot. Yesterday, I ate gyros and today, I'm goin for a greek salad. I gotta treat myself but I have to be careful of how much I spend here as 1 Euro cost 4 Zloty. Oh my god! There are pointy shoes here too. I'm going crazy. This is so awful. The olympic games are everywhere here, it's incredible, everywhere olympic souvenirs.
Tout d'un coup, je me sent incomfortable. Je suis toujours au resto mais j'ai fini de manger et j'ai le gout de partir vite. Je devrais etre heureuse d'etre a Athene mais je m'ennuie tellement de vous qu'on dirait que ca gache tout. Je veux rentrer a MTL. Etre loin de chez soi pendant longtemps est tres difficile, meme dans un endroit magnifique. J'ai besoin de bouger pour ne plus y penser.
I've just walked by this store on Adrianou st. and a greek who works there stoped me to talk with me. He said he saw me last night but he was with a customer. He offered to meet him after work to visit Athens. He was quite charmin.
J'adore marcher dans les "sentiers battu" sur la rue Iperdou, j'ai trouve un chef d'oeuvre par un artiste inconnue qui adore Bush et la famille Ladden. Vous comprendrez par la vue de mes photos. Je pense a ma mere alors que je vois d'autres chats errants. Elle se ferait un plaisir de les flatter et de les nourrir. Quel vue superbe, des ruines au coeur de la ville. Quel sensation que de se promener dans l'agora Romain en plaine ville le vent dans les cheveux.
There are a lot of motorcicles in those small streets. I just walked by 2 old man playing badgamon as they are next to their stan selling different types of nuts and some traditionnal greek sweets. It is a nice scene. As I was writing these notes, a greek (Armando) came up to me. He doesn't speak english very well. His friend is waiting across the street. I saw them before I stoped to write these notes and I had noticed they were looking at me. His friend is cuter. Anyways, we walk around together. We went to the ancien agora were we find romain monuments. It is beautiful! From the Agora, the view of the Acropolis is enchanting. We sat on a bench and he kept on playing with my hair and trying to kiss me as I said no everytime. There are alot of trees around the Acropolis and as I was sitting there, I was imagining what it would look like if fall as we know existed here, with all the colorful leaves. What a beautiful image. Armando NO! Again, this guy is waisting his time, it's not goin to happen. Oh god, he's starting to be anoyng! Guys flirts way more here than they do in Poland. And they're obsested with sex. In every shop, there's porn, porn postcards, porn calendars, porn poterie, ect.
I've just met up with Marco (actually, I'm in a restaurant and I'm taking the oportunity of him being in the bathroom to write). He'svery nice. Before the restaurant, we were at somekinda Bar/Cafe and I'm just having such a good time talking with him. I think he's a bit shorter than me but that's cool. We passed by a store so he can buy cigarettes (his biggest fault!). The man at the store was so nice, he knew Marco and kept on talking to me in greek with a bit of english saying I'm such a beautiful girl and the Marco's such a nice guy. He was so energetic, it was nice and funny, he also gave me some candy. People here are so nice, it's great. Marco is a nice quy. He's in the bathroom again. There's just something about him, I don't know what. For now, he makes me happy and that's all I need to know. It's my B-Day, I gotta enjoy it. There are 2 musicians playing traditionnal greek music. Marco told them it was my B-Day and they came to our table to sing the dreadful B-Day song. This is fun! As we were leaving the restaurant, the musicians sang a romantic greek song dedicated to me. It was so sweet and lovely as Marco translated the words for me.
Then, we stoped by a convinience store/cafe that belongs to his aunt. His cousin was playing some "pop" greek music to which she loved dancing. Hes aunt gave me wine and we all drank it together as they sang the B-Day song. Not again! I hate this sont! It was really nice to be with a greek family. I was just peting their nice little dog. The streets here are just as pretty night time as they are daytime. I'm in his small, extremelly dirty appartment and I have the strange feeling I'm making a mistake. As he's in the bathroom completely naked making awful discusting noises. It's really cold in his appartment. He's sleeping now and I'm son cold, I can't sleep. I know I would regret this.
Lundi, le 29 novembre 2004
Monday, November 29th 2004
Well it’s morning, I wanted to get up earlier but I didn’t sleep much, it was so cold. He asked me to meet him tonight but I don’t think so. Not after the night I just had. I want to got to the mediteranean sea today and visit the Averof ship. I’m on a bus but I don’t know if it goes there, I hope it does. I was first told to take the E2 than, they told me to take the B2 and the B2 told me it’s not right, I have to take the 040. I really want to get there, I hope I will. At lease I’m kinda sure I’m goin to the sea. Great! I’m lost. The bus driver of the 040 didn’t speak english and the stops are in greek as my map is in english. I got off at the wrong stop, obviously. I met this very nice girl, her name is Eva she doesn’t speak much english but she taught me some greek and showed me the way to the metro. To think that I could’ve taken the metro all this time waisted. I’m at the peace and friendship stadium and I finally found someone who speaks english and knows about the Averof ship. It’s closed, of course! I have to wait 1 hour. That’s just great! I hope this ship is worth it. I’ll just go for food it’s 2pm and I haven’t eaten yet. I’m at an Italien/Greek restaurant. I’m hoping to get soem good Italien food. I miss Cornelli where I eat canelloni with rosee sauce and gratine. They don’t have good Italien restaurants in Krakow. I was hoping to get to swim a little in the mediteranean sea but I guess it won’t be possible. Maybe tomorrow but I doubt it. The good thing about today is that it’s nice and sunny. When I think about the fact that I’m in Athens, I get “gitty” like a little child. At lease here the girls don’t all have “reddish” hair actually, it’s quite rare. Well, this was the best pizza I had in 3mths. It was good but I’ve had better.
I’m on the Averof and it is great. It’s a greel ar,u ship that served in many wars including WWI and WWII. The view of the Mediterranean sea from this ship is magnificent. At the entrance, there were two guys in navy suits. Gotta luv guys in uniforms, especially navy and marines! On the boat, I met a man who works at an engineer officer. He showed me all the great places on the boat. He didn’t speak much english but he tried hard. He even offered me something to drink. I just passed at, the hostel and the guy who works there is extremelly gorgeous. He is so sweet as well. I’ve been enjoying talking with him every night. It’s a pitty I won’t see him again before I leave greece. I just received an SMS from Solomon. That was really nice of him. It made me very happy. It’s like a suprise, somekind of a gift. Just to know that he reads my e-mails and takes the time to send me a message on my phone thru the internet. I might sound small to you but to me being so far from home, it means the world. He had to 1 read my e-mail, 2 go on a Polish web site, 3 make out the polish (instructions in my e-mail), 4 write a message and 5 send it. All of that and he made me happy. My best friend Isabelle, often sends me SMSs, she’s the best. Even if she sometimes write 2-3 words, if feels good to read her messages. I’m stupid, I’m on my way to meet Marco, I know I shouldn’t but like I just said, I’m stupid. I guess, I feel alone too much and he was nice last night, it just turned ugly at his appartment, a mistake I won’t do twice. I’m at that restaurant we went last night waiting for Marco (somekinda problem at the jewlery store where he works). When I got in the restaurant, the musicians reconized me, smled and said hi. They’re charmin. There’s a group of asians with a british guy at a table not far from mine and it’s funny because they’re eating the meals like they do at home (many plates in the middle of the table and they eat from all of them). Everybody knows Marco here, it’s just like a small village. Marco wants me to have a treesome with one of his friends. He invited him to meet us at the restaurant. OK! I’m not having sex with this guy. He’s nice (a bit –lot- idiot) but most of all, he’s not physically attractive to me. Alwready Marco’s not that good looking but Sam ..... notting to say. We’re in another restaurant where there’s some greek live music and some people dancing. It is really nice, I love watching them dance. Marco’s smoking way too much now, a cigarette every 10 mins. That’s way too much. He’s now acting like a child because of my comments on his intolerable smoking habit. I’m getting tired and I wanna wake up early tomorrow as it’s my last day in Athens. I’m at Marco’s appartment with him and he sent Sam to get beer. I’m mad because I told Marco I didn’t want to have sex with Sam. Sam bought some Ruffles (chips) I was so happy to eat those as they don’t have them in Poland. He just left and thank god. I’m heritated by Marco’s behavior. I’ve told him many times that I don’t want to have sex with Sam and he kept on pushing him on to me.Telling him to give me a massage (and he was horrible at it). Sam was holding me so tight and trying to kiss me. I tried to be nice na push him slowly away but it didn’t work so I went to the bathroom and when I came back, I was getting ready to leave.
I think I should’ve pushed him with all my force and tell him I don’t want him but I also think Marco’s just as bad if not worst ‘cause he kept pushing him on me. It was uncomfortable and truelly unpleasant. I hate people forcing themselves on me and trying to kiss me against my will. It is such a horrible feeling. Sam is gone now, thank god and it’s time to sleep. Marco put the heater on this time. He’s a bit frustrated because he wants to have sex (me too) but he’s such in a hurry to take off my pants again and I told him to wait but he doesn’t want to. He thinks (or pretends to) that I don’t want to have sex. I just don’t want the same thing to happen like last night. I want to take it slow. He’s too frustrated now, ah well, tough luck!
Mardi, le 30 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 30th 2004
As I leave Marco sleeping, I feel somekinda emptyness like I’m leaving him on unhappy terms. This morning and last night, he made me feel like he didn’t want me there. So, this morning. I left a message on my pillow and walked thru his front door. As I was walking down Adrianou st, the pleasant view of the marchands opening their shops, the sun shining on the streets of Athens, the smell of morning’s fresh air didn’t seem to be pleasant to me as I’m taking a plane back to Krakow this evening. It’s funny how of 3 days being in Athens I made more friends than in the 2 months I’ve been in Krakow. Marco kept on telling me how easy it is to find a job in Greece and how I should stay and work here. He’s sweet! I will come back one day. The metro here is new, it was built 3-4 years ago. The lines within the city and it’s “borrows”, they call it train and the line that goes to the airport, they call metro. I’m walking down the streets and all I can think of is Marco. Today is gift shopping day. I only have 2hrs. I’ve walked by the jewlery store to see him but he’s not there yet. I’ve been goin to everyone I know to say last goodbyes. Where is Marco? The man at the shop who gave me candies the other day, was way too “sticky” and he gave me a bottle of greek wine. So nice of him! He gave me a hug and the next thing I know, his tongue is in my ear. EWWWWW that’s discusting! What’s up with these greeks, this is becoming a very unpleasant weekend. All those greeks forcing themselves on me. Hey! I’m not a sexual toy. Leave me alone
The main greek “thing” is somekinda bracelet too big to fit your wrist with beeds that people use to play with (to have something to occupy their hands). It is a beautiful, hot suny day today and to think I’m leaving this warm city for freezing cold Krakow. I just went to the exchange office and I know the guy charged me way too much and I forgot to keep some for the train and bus on the way back. I haven’t shoped for food ‘cause Marco told me it would cost less from the airport (duty free). I’m in the metro on my way to pick up my bags at the hostel and enjoying my last gyros. This is so good! I want more. If you take it to go, it costs 1,50 Euro. Well, now I’m in the metro on my way to the airport and all I can think of is Marco. I feel like we have some “unfinish business” and that we left eachother on a bad note without any goodbyes.
It’s the second time I have to leave the metro ‘cause it doesn’t go to the end of the line (airport) this is really anoying. I just got controled and it turned out that the ticket I had wasn’t good for the metro to the airport and I was supposed to get another ticket for 6 Euros and now it’s costing me 10 Euros. This is crap! I passed by the duty free and bought olives and cheese. I am tired and in someways I can’t wait to be at home. I sent Marco and SMS and I keep on checking mine at every little sound hopping he’s answered. As I’m in the plane on my way back from Athens, I feel like I wanna go to MTL not Krakow. I wish I had some friends in Krakow. The plane has stoped at the Katowice airport but we can’t leave the plane ‘cause some woman was smoking in the plane (it is illegal and cause for arrest) therefore, she was being arrested. Some girl who was with her started to go balistik on the poor flight attendant.
I’m in a shuttle to Krakow and I’ve just received an SMS from Marco. What a sweetheart, he just called me to see if I got home alwright, he’s gonna call me again later. Well, I have no Zloty left, thank god the driver takes Euros. My mother the best, she just called me to ask me how my trip went. I love her so much. She’s the best. The shuttle drive is so nice, he dropped me off at my place. I’m glad, I didn’t have to take the tram home. I’m happy to be home but I’d rather be at home in MTL or in Greece. I only have Euros and CADs, good thing I’m getting paid tomorrow. Good night.
Mercredi, le 1er decembre 2004
Wednesday, December 1st 2004
I’m so mad at my boss, he decided that we wouldn’t get paid today but tomorrow. I have completely notting. Dammit! Well, I’ll download my pix and check some e-mails at work. I’m thinking more and more about goin to Greece. I tought, I should only go next year but my boss is getting me mad and I’m thinking about January.
Jeudi, le 2 decembre 2004
Thursday, December 2nd 2004
I finally got my glasses. Paulina and I went looking for appartments. The first appartment we saw was perfect. It was nice had a kitchen washing machine, it was clean, cheap (400 Zloty ~ 160 CAD) + utilities, it was fully furnished, it even had 2 sofa beds. It would’ve been great if the woman renting it wasn’t psyco. She wanted to come over anytime she wanted. I said she would have to let me know before hand and she asked Why? She was goin to come in (with her key) whenever she wanted and she wanted this other woman to be able to hang her clothes in the appartment to dry them. Why can’t she do it in her own?!? She was a real nut job. At the other place, it was one room at an old woman’s appartment. I don’t want to live with an old woman. Especially that her 40 year old son kept on checking me out. No way!! This appartment searching crap is horrible. It goes from bad to worst. And the good news is, that I have to move out by monday. Great! This was too stressful. I’m thinking about what Marco said and I think I’m going to get a job in Athens. At lease there, more people speaks english and I have friends. People here are alwais too busy and aren’t very sociable. The only friends I made were tourists.
Vendredi, le 3 decembre 2004
Friday, December 3rd 2004
Suzy n’est pas tres en forme en se moment. Elle n’est pas tres heureuse avec cet emploi et moi non-plus. J’en reviens pas! Il paye Suzy 2 Zloty de moins que moi. C’est affreux! Mon patron est con. Je suis tannee de cette merde. Je crois que je vais partir. J’ai pas d’amis, pas d’appart et mon patron est une ordure. Bon! Ca y est, j’ai decide de partir. Maintenant la question est : Est-ce que je vais en Greece directement ou a la maison? Mon billet d’avion est bon jusqu’au 6 decembre. Je crois que je vais rentrer a la maison et me rendre en Grece plustard. Je viens tout juste de parler avec Marco, il m’a offert de me rendre directement en Grece, il a dit que je pourrai rester chez lui pendant qu’il est en Espagne et en Angleterre. Non merci! Je crois que je vais renter chez moi. Il va me trouver un emploi et je pourrai dormir chez lui, jusqu'à ce que je me trouve un appart. Bien sur! Je viens tout just d’appeler ma mere (il est 5 :40 a MTL) elle est endormie mais heureuse de savoir que je reviens a la maison. Je suis tellement exitee, j’ai hate de rentrer. Mon patron n’est pas la, il me doit de l’argent pour le mois passe et il a mes diplomes (originaux). Je le deteste. Il fait toujours les choses a la derniere minute et finalement, c’est jamais fait. Ass hole! Bon, j’ai deux cours a donner ce soir. J’ai pas l’gout mais je vais prendre ca tres relaxe. Suzy et moi allons sortir pour feter. Nous sommes dans un bon petit restaurant Polonais pas cher et c’est delicieux. Demain, Pierre va appeler mon boss pour lui dire que ma grand mere est gravement malade et qu’elle va mourir (elle est morte depuis 4ans). Quelle mise en scene!
Samedi, le 4 decembre 2004
Saturday, December 4th 2004
Well, my mother just woke me up. It’s time to show my acting talents. I’ve gotta be depressed and very sad. Oh my god! What an ass hole! When I got to the school without even trying, I started crying. Wow! I told my boss that my G-Ma was dying and that she might not make it through the night. He knew this ‘cause Pierre called him to let him know. He asked me to still teach my 3hr class (even in my “emotional” state) I said I was too “emotional”. He said I had to at lease give the exam for the first hour and a half. Then (I can’t believe he even taught of it), he ask me if I could not leave tomorrow be in a week. I said no way (ass hole) what if she dies over night, I’m gonna get there after she buried. What did he think! Then, he asked me to corect the exam for 2pm (giving me an hour). He’s oh so dreaming. Bastard! My only problem is, he owes me some money for teaching and he has my original diplomas. Well, I’ll take the exams with me (by mistake of course!) and I’ll send them back when I have “money” to send it and my certificates. I’ve got soo many things to do: pack, go to the salt mines, buy presents (mostly for my mother), ect. I have so little time, I’m taking the train to Warsaw at 8:05pm tomorrow. When I get to Warsaw, I’m goin directly to the airport (will get there at about midnight) and my plain leaves at 6:20am. I have a 5hr layover in Amsterdam and I get in MTL at 4:20pm (10:20 Polish time), that makes about 28hrs of travelling. Well, I’m going downtown now to buy presents. As I’m looking outside the tram, I’m feeling a bit sad to leave this beautiful city. I’ll be coming back, but when? I’m goin to miss certain things and I wish I knew more Polish. The market square is oh so beautiful this evening. With all the lights, the X-Mas music, the smell of food and all the people. There are so many just strolling around. I’ve decided to eat at those X-Mas outdoor restaurant stands. I think the guy scrood me on the price of the food but what the hell! Suzy and I, are on own way to meet Marta, Marta is one of my students. She’s really nice, she lived in NYC for a year so her english is very good. I’m glad I’m seeing her before I leave. We’re in this club where they have a live band, this must be the worst, if not one of the worst bands I’ve ever heard. They are not even playing together, it’s ridiculous! We left the club with the horrible band. There’s a guy who came to us and started talking and talking and talking. It was annoying! He’s gone now, thank god! Well, time to go home, bye Martha.
Dimanche, le 5 decembre 2004
Sunday, December 5th 2004
This is my last day in Poland (Krakow) I’m sad but also happy to go home. I’m in a bus on my way to the salt mines in Wielicka. I can’t wait to see it. I had gotten used to libing here taking the tram everyday, learning polish. This is quite sad. I just met 2 English who came here on a weekend holliday. It is 40 Zloty to be able to take pictures. We just got down about 300 steps and we’re at level one. The smell and the air is different but really nice. The salt mine is therapeutic. You can sleep here for health reasons. It is beautiful, the statues and the chandelier is made out of salt, you can even lick the walls. Our guide is nice and he has this way of saying errr every two-three words like all Poles who speaks english. We’re now in this big chapel where the carvings on the walls are spectacular. There are some ceremonies held here, weddings included. On one of the walls, the carvings shows man killing children as women cry. I asked the guide to explain to me and he said that in the bible, a king (don’t remember his name) ordered all the baby boys to be killed hoping one of them would be Jesus. We are now at level 3 about 130 meters underground. It is beautiful, there are 3 lakes down here, it’s really nice. I’m in a “chamber” and we are in total darkness. They’re presenting this “chamber” with a piece from Chopin acompanied by lights effects. It’s nice! It’s so specia to be here. I like it. It’s the end of the tour now and we’re goin back up thru a 4 level elevator in which they put 9 person/floor. It’s weird, we are squiched and it is total darkness. Things could happen ;) ! I’m in a bus on the way to downtown, it is getting late and I’ve gotta leave the appartment at 6:30pm. I gotta get some stuff before I leave, like wodka. I just called Marco, he sais he’s goin to call me later on my cellphone. What a sweetheart!
Suzy’s great, she’s helping me to the train station. I’m gonna miss, these people I met here. I’m now on a train to Warsaw and I’m finally sitting down. It’s horrible ‘cause my luggage is a wide as the hall and I’ve just learned that I’m in the wrong wagon. This is Hell! My humongest luggage is hell. Thank god some polish guys are helping me out. I’m so tired and we’re so squshed that I can’t lean to sleep a bit. It is 11:30pm and My flight is in 7hrs. I’m extremely tired and I have a huge headeache. I’m at McD’s, more or less against my will, it’s about the only thing around that’s open (I have too much luggage and I don’t feel like goin far). I have to find a way to get to the airport without taking a taxi. I wanna save some money besides, I have 7hrs to get there. I’m goin to stay here awhile. I just wanna sleep. My body aches from the weght of my luggage. Guys have been very nice and helping me out.
I took a taxi and I’m at the airport now. I just broke a bottle of Wodka and I’m sooooooo tired that I’m crying over that incident. I just wanna sleep. The mother and Pierre are calling me every half hour to keep me awake.
Lundi, le 6 decembre 2004
Monday, December 6th 2004
The flight attendant is very nice. He’s joking with me and I’m about to drop dead. Man this 5hr layover in Amterdam is long. I’m too tired to go out of the airport and there’s nowhere to sleep but on the chairs. I’m so tired I can’t sleep. I’m at the Montreal airport waiting for my luggage and it feel like forever. Finally home! When I saw my mother at the airport, I couldn’t help myself from crying. I was soooooo happy to see her. I’m at home but I feel strange. Things are pretty much the same but I don’t feel at home. It weird because I reconize everything. Now, all I want is a smoke meat and pizza. I can’t help but feel weird. I can’t wait to go out dancing tomorrow night at the Petit Medley. I somekinda miss Poland. I’m just so used to the way of living. I had my own life there and now, it’s like goin back to my previous life. I don’t feel at home here. I guess it’ll take some time for me to get used to this again.
P. S. My journal is bilingual, therefore parts of it is in french and others in english.
Lundi, le 6 septembre '04 (17h)
Monday, September 6th '04 (5pm)
Jour D, D comme départ. Je suis rempli d' émotions, de joie, de tristesse, de nostalgie, ect. Ce sont mes derniers moment a MTL avant mon long séjour dans un pays inconnu, une aventure a la fois palpitante et stressante. Je suis a l'aéroport, avec ma mère assise a une table, entrain de manger de la poutine ma dernière pour un certain temps, quand tout d'un coup, je me sent frape par la réalité de ce en quoi je m'embarque. J'ai peur, je ne veux plus partir, mais pourtant je dois, je dois surmonter ma crainte. Je pense a Gabriel qui m'avais bien dit que je pleurerais a l'aéroport. Bon, ca y est, je dois y aller. Au revoir maman, j'vais beaucoup m'ennuyer de toi, je t'aime. Je suis prise de panique assise parmi tout ces étrangers qui prennent le même vol que moi. Plus qu'une heure avant le décollage, j'essaie de me calmer en écoutant de la musique que Timothé m'a grave. Très bientôt je vais être en route pour un pays qui m'est totalement inconnue.
Mardi, 7 septembre '04 (8h - 2h MTL)
Tuesday, September 7th (8am -2am MTL)
As I have now arrived into Amsterdam a rush of excitement is running thru my vains. I have finnally made it overseas. I'm walking thru the airport with such a smile that I get easylly noticed. At this very moment I'm in a train to downtown Amsterdam. I only have a couple of hours but it is enough to give me chills. Oh! how I can't wait to be there.
It's my first day in Europe and I'm already lost. I asked a couple of paperboys who's shop is on the corner. They are very nice, trying to help me as I laught at myself. To get to my destination, I have to walk thru Vondelpark. Oh! it is beautifull. Everyone here is on a bike or has an unleached dog. It is magnificent. I take a seat infront of a lake as I write these notes, while the wind blows into my hair. There's a guy next to me enjoying a joint as his dog refreshes himself by drinking the water from the lake. People here goes to work on their bicicles, often you'll see man in suits ridding their bikes. It is a beautifull day as the sun shines on Amsterdam.
Sorry, but I have to stop my friends are waiting for me, more later.
Desole, je dois m'arrete, mes amis m'attendent. La suite bientôt.
7 Septembre 2004
September 7th 2004
My mother would love this city, there's bike paths everywhere, here not only do you lookout for car you also do for bikes. Threy have species of dogs you don't see in MTL there's one with very long hair that bounces on their back as they skip around.
Les cours d'eau qui sortent de partout, les édifices avec leurs architectures a en couper le souffle, c'est magique!! A chaque cours d'eau, on y retrouve des bateaux miniatures accrocher aux clôtures sur le bord des canaux. Lorsque l'on regarde les gens d'ici, on n'est pas dépaysager, ils portent les mêmes style et on y retrouve toutes sortes de cultures.
Walking in the streets around Vondelpark was a totaly different experience from walking in the Central area. The central area is field with shops and mostly tourist traps while the Vondelpark area is more of a residential area. They both stand out as they are very different architecturally. Strolling in the Central area I think of Isabelle as I pass by a Sbarro and see this huge mall.
It's now time to go back to the airport. As I obviously realise that there is much to see here, I regret that I didn't have much time to spend in this beautifull city.
I'm back in the airport and again, I wanna burst in tears. What the hell am I doing again? I'm so tired I can think straight. Je ne dois pas avoir dormi plus de 45 min. en pensant que j'ai dormi 5h la nuit passe et qu'il est 6:30 a MTL tandisqu'ici il est midi trente et mon avion part dans 1h. Quand j'entend de la musique ou il y a quelque chose qui me fait pense a une bonne tour, j'ai le gout de danser. Mon moi interieur pleure juste a y penser sachant que ca va etre un certain temps avant que je puisse le faire. I feel home sick and it haven't been 24 hours yet.
Je suis folle!!! I'm totally crazy! What the hell am I doing? Non mais qui connais une fille qui voyage seule dans un pays inconnue ou elle ne connait personne qui y réside et que les gens parlent une langue qu'elle ne connait pas. J'ai peur, j'ai le gout de pleurer et je sent constamment une bouffe de larme qui me monte a la gorge. Je sais que je peux revenir quand je veux mais je dois le faire jusqu'au bout. Je prend mon courage a deux mains et beaucoup de grande respiration. J'ai de plus en plus de misère a retenir mes larmes. J'ai peur et je me sent insecure. Par contre, je suis sur que ca va être une expérience enrichissante. J'ai toujours voulu voyager outremer. Voici ma chance.
Me voici! Je viens d'arriver a Warsaw. J'ai dormi un total de 1h - 1h30 en 24 heures, je suis fatiguée. Je prend un autobus jusqu'au centre ville pour prendre un taxi. Les autobus ici sont fait pour qu'il y est le plus de gens assis que possible. Ma valise prend toute la place et les gens doivent sauter par dessus pour passer. Tiens! Quelqu'un parle français, je me retourne et se sont des bonnes sœurs qui ont appris la langue a leur couvent. Tout l'monde ici parle Polonais, j'ai même de la difficulté a trouver quelqu'un qui parle l'anglais. En sortant de l'autobus, je trouve le portier d'un hôtel qui m'aide a trouver un taxi. Il met la radio et la première chanson qui joue est française. Ici, il est 17:30 donc 11:30 a MTL. Je prend une chambre a 3 lits dans une auberge de jeunesse et je me retrouve seule. Je suis ravi. Je dois me coucher maintenant. Je pleure un peu mais je crois que c'est la fatigue. Bonne nuit!
Mercredi, le 8 septembre 2004 (6h30 - minuit trente a MTL)
Wednesday september 8th 2004 (6:30am - 12:30am in MTL)
J'ai dormi 12h et je me sent bien. C'est une belle journée aujourd'hui et je vais faire un petit tour.
I have made my way to Downtown Warsaw. People here bearly speaks English. This city is field with tall buildings, build in every decades. Everywhere you look there's busses and trams. This city make TO look like a village. It's a bit funny as if you look aroun, everything seems modern but just look up and you'll see centuries of architecture. It is beautifull!! The everyday life is located underground at street intersections and it is humongest. Anything you need is underground. You'll find passports for almost every country on the sidewalk as well as some of the biggests collections of shoes laces.
Ici, les gens vendent leurs fruits et legumes comme au marche Jean-Talon, sur des tables exterieures biensur, il n'y a qu'un marchant ou deux par rue et la selection est minime. On peu acheter un casseau "double" de framboise pour 3 Zloty (environ 1,15 CAD) et elles n'ont pas de preservatifs, donc il faut les mangees tout de suite. Si au Quebec on ne trouve qu'un seul "roundabout" ici, il en pleu. Aujourd'hui, il vante tres ford et c'est froid surtout qu'il a pleu deux fois pendant environ 20 minutes.
You'll find, there's not a lot of english or french spoken tourists, they're mostly German, Russian, Tcheck or Ukranian. Je pense a ma mere alors que je passe devant une patisserie specialise en gateau au fromage. La vie ici, se situe sousterre comme a MTL excepte que c'est a tout les coins de rues et que ca ne relie pas un centre d'achat a un autre mais un cote du coin de la rue a l'autre. Il n'y a pas de lumiere pour les pietonier, si l'on traverse on risque de se faire ecraser et dans le cas echeant, c'est le pieton qui recoit l'amande. C'est a cela que sert les passages souterrains. Il sont remplis de boutiques, restaurants, bureaux de change, cordonniers, ect. Il n'est pas rare de voir des jeunes vetus de vetements vert forest qui constituent leur uniforme de l'arme Polonaise.
C'est tout pour le moment, la suite un autre jour.
That's all for now, more to come.
Bonjour de la Pologne
Hi from Poland
NB. Je suis contente de savoir que certains d'entre-vous liseré mon journal, j'aime entendre de vos nouvelles. Comme vous allez lire dans mes prochains journaux, j'ai trouve un emploi et je vais être en Pologne jusqu'a la mi-juin. J'espère que vous allez venir me voir.
PS I'm happy too learn that some of you reads my journal, I love getting news from you. As you will learn in my next journals, I found a job and I'll be in Poland untill mid-June. I hope you'll come and visit me.
Jeudi, le 9 septembre '04 (10h - 4h MTL)
Thursday september 9th '04 (10am - 4am MTL)
Il y a un petit cafe au premier étage de l'auberge. Je prend un the et regarde le menu, tout est entre 50 Groszy et 6 Zloty (19c - 2,29 CAD).
Today, I've decided to go to the old town. It is magnificent. The architecture here is just marvelous. The street pavement reminds me of old MTL, but the buildings are just sooo colorfull. Everywhere there's groups of tourists following a guide but I have yet to hear some French or English. It is pretty early as marchans are setting up. In the central plaza there's a musician playing the type of instrument which is made of a box with a handle, when he turns it, music comes out of it. Suprisingly, most of it is modern songs. He has some kind of parrot in a cage and sales all sorts of gadgets as well. In the center of the plaza you'll find a statue of a warior mermaid. Of course, it is covered with birds (mostly pigeons) and bird poop. Little kids are spreading bread on the floor and all of a sudden dozends of birds are flying at the same direction (towards the bread).
As I walk down the streets of the old town, field with pictures of the city ruins after WWII, I am overcome by nostalgy. You can buy postcards on which you'll find a picture taken in 1945 and a picture of the same place taken today as they show us which parts are still there.
A certains endroits ou il y a des statues, une pille de briques ou même au coin d'un bâtiment en dessous d'un écriteau on y retrouve des fleurs et des cierges. A l'endroit ou je me suis assise, entre les deux murs qui protège la ville, il y a une statue d'un enfant habille en militaire.
Ici, c'est l'ambre que ce vend a profusion. On en retrouve partout. Je m'assie sur un banc qui fait fasse a le Vistule ou l'on retrouve un pont a corde. Il y a un chien qui se promène, il a un collier mais aucun maitre en vue. Je me suis arrêtée dans un de ses magasins d'ambre pour acheter des souvenirs et c'est la que j'ai vue ce magnifique collier a 6 ou 7 rangées. Je le veux!! Il est 720 Zloty environ 270 CAD. Il me tourmente sans cesse.
Alors que je me promène dans les rues de "Old town", j'entend des tamtams, je suis la musique et je trouve un cameraman, un gars avec un micro, plusieurs photographes et un groupe de jeunes qui s'etirent. Après quelques minutes de patience, ils nous font cadeau d'un spectacle acrobatique magnifique. Un homme, qui en me voyant écrire ce journal me prend pour une journaliste, m'explique que ces jeunes viennent de Gdansk et qu'il y a un édifice de cette ville qui sera déplacé et érigé ici. Le spectacle est fait en l'honneur de cette édifice. Le nom du spectacle est Ocelot ( The spirit of artistics).
After a long search in the streets of Warsaw, I finally found the Saski Palace and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Which is about three archs left of the palace after WWII, with 2 young Polish soldier carying guns playing "statue" inside next to a tomb. Behind, you'll find a gigantic waterfountain preceded by a garden and surounded by statues. All of a sudden, I hear loud syncronized footsteps, I turn around to see both soldiers walking around what's left of the palace and of course, "en cadence" and with making as much noise as possible with their shoes. Here, you'll see nuns wearing the brown suit like friar Tok, others wearing the black and white ones like in rock 'in nun. I've also seen some with the blue or gray "uniforme".
Vendredi, le 10 septembre '04 (13h05 - 9h05 MTL)
Friday, September 10th '04 (1:05pm - 9:05am MTL)
Je suis dans un train pour Elk, une petite ville au nord-est du pays. C'est un train a cabine, il y a deux banc face a face par cabine, 4 personnes par banc. Il fait beau aujourd'hui mais c'est frais. Il n'y a que des jeunes dans la cabine ou je suis. Je suis arrivée de bonne heure a la station, je me suis donc rendue chez McDonald (et je pense a Éric). Un trio MacPoulet coute 10,99 PLN ~ 4 CAD. Ca goute la même chose qu'a MTL par contre les frites sont un peu différentes. A la gare, j'ai rencontre une fille de Belarus, elle vit maintenant a Londre, elle était en chemin vers la maison. Je me suis achetée un sac de bonbons Polonais qui s'appelle Krowki Mleczna (suggestion de Silwia) avec une vache sur le dessus. Ils goutent les petits bonbons a l'érable qui sortent dans l'temps de la cabane a sucre mais avec une touche de caramel. C'est délicieux.
Après 2h40 de voyage, je suis rendue a Bialystok ou je dois transférer de train. Ici, les wagons ressemblent a ce que l'on voit dans les films des années 30-40 mais de façon moderne. Je me trouve une place et encore une fois, je me vois entoure de jeunes. La plupart sourient au fait que je ne parle ni ne comprend le Polonais. Je suis dans un train rempli d'étrangers qui parlent une langue que je ne comprend pas. I feel like an alien. Il y a de quoi se sentir a part. Chaque jours, j'apprend de nouveaux mots polonais.
Je suis maintenant a Elk et il n'y a personne qui est venu me chercher. Je dois acheter une carte d'appel qui me coute tout ce qui me reste de Zloty. Finalement, je rejoint Patrick Harrisson qui viens me chercher a la gare. Il est canadien. Hourra!! Il m'amène a l'école et m'explique comment ca fonctionne. Je rencontre Jane qui parle Français (France). Patrick parle aussi le français mais il vient de TO donc c'est loin d'être parfais. Il veut que je lui enseigne.
Après tout cela il est temps de me trouver une place pour coucher. A Warsaw, l'auberge de jeunesse était très bien et la dame a la réception était très gentille avec moi. C'était le strict minimum mais c'était propre. Isabelle n'aurait pas aime. Ici, c'est affreux, c'est sale, il y a plein de bibittes. Pour les toilettes : veuillez suivre l'odeur de la pise, n'oubler pas votre papier de toilettes et veuillez a ne pas vous assir sur les bancs sales. Ah, et c'est unisexe. C'est la vie! Demain est un autre jour. Bonne nuit.
Bonsoir de la Pologne
Good night from Poland
Saturday, September 11th 2004 (6am - midnight MTL)
Samedi, le 11 Septembre 2004 (6h am - minuit MTL)
Il fait gros soleil a l'extérieur et je vient tout juste de me réveiller. Il y a quelqu'un qui est supposer venir me chercher a 8h.
Bon!! Il est 11h30 et la personne n'est pas encore passée. Je suis tannée d'attendre, je vais prendre une marche. A mon retour, il y a deux filles qui arrivent a ma porte Jane et Anna.
Jane is from England but she live's in France now, she's a teacher at A+ English in Elk. She's only been here for 2 weeks. Anna is Polish, she's also a teacher, she has been with the school for about 2 years. They're very nice. We went shopping in the "downtown" area. This town is like Granby and even smaller. It has about 16 000 people. Here, in Europe, people don't cross the streets at the corner, but about 3 to 10 meters from the corner. People are lookin at us weird because we are speaking english, it is very exotic to them.
On s'est rendues a la gare pour rencontrer une fille qui vient du Portugal. A la gare, Anna a change mon billet de retour. Bien sûr, je me suis fait avoir lorsque j'ai acheter mon billet, la dame m'a charge 2x le pris d'un aller simple au lieu de me charge un billet aller-retour. J'ai aussi appris que je me suis fait avoir quand j'ai pris le taxi la première journée pour me rendre a l'auberge.
We went for food and I tried a placki ziemniaczane which is like a potato "pancake" folded with meat inside and cheese on top. It was good but it was too much. It's now midnight, Jane, Anna and I are at a pub (Smetek). Everyone here smokes, it's discusting. The DJ here sucks big ass. Nobody's dancing and it seems to anoy everyone. There's a drunk man who comes to speak to us but only Anna understands and there's this other guy who lived in NY for 10 years and misted speaking english.
I just got back from the bathroom and there's 3 guys sitting at our table, one of them (Marius) is speaking loudly in "english" and asks Anna to translate what he is saying (when in Polish) : " I want to go to america but they won't give me a visa. They think I want to find work there but I only want to visit and see my mother. I don't want to work there, I love Poland." He was drunk. He kept saying that, over and over again.
The music here sucks big ass and the smoke is heritating my trought. Jake would love it here! All the food is fresh and bio, there are no chemicals in any of the food, (execpt for Coke) there's no sugarwater. Real fruit juice, weeeee.
Saturday, September 12th 2004 (5pm - 11am MTL)
Samedi, le 12 septembre 2004 (17h - 11h MTL)
Anna, Jane and Patricia (Patricia is the girl from Portugal we picked up at the train station yesterday) picked me up at my room this after noon. We went to the school and Anna told us how the school works and she gave us a small Polish lesson.
C'est très beau ici avec le grand lac. Après avoir mange, j'ai rencontre Patrick. Je vais faire une formation pour une semaine et je vais commencer a enseigner après. Je vais surement être a Lomza. Lomza est une plus grande ville que Elk. La seule chose qui me dérange est le fait que je vais etre la seule enseignante la-bas. Jane sera a Elk, Patricia a Grajewo et Anna retourne a l'école a Warsaw. Alors que je marche dans les rues de Elk, pour rejoindre les filles au Pub, je pense au fait que je vais être ici jusqu'a la mi-juin. Je serai loin de MTL, loin de vous, loin de tout ce que je connais.
What the hell am I getting myself into? What an adventure it's goin to be! I can do some sailing, horsebackridding and other great outdoor activities for cheep. You are welcome to spend some time here, once I've found and appartment. Me who hates cellphones, I'm requiered to purchase one. Well, it's about 11pm (5pm MTL) and tomorrow I have to go to Warsaw therefore, I'll go to sleep now.
Monday, September 13th 2004 (9am - 3am MTL)
Lundi, le 13 septembre 2004 (9h - 3h MTL)
I packed my stuff and whent to the internet across the street from where I'm staying. It's closed! Crap! I'm meeting Jane at 9:45am (3:45am MTL) or 10:45am (4:45am MTL) (I don't remember, and I've got all my bags with me. This is goin to be a hell of a day.
Je me sent très intimidée par les Polonais. J'ai hâte de connaitre la langue pour me sentir plus confortable. Lorsque je vais être a Lomza, je vais surement rester avec une famille Polonaise. Je pense toujours a ce collier que j'ai vu a Warsaw. Demain, c'est la fête a Isabelle et a Cynthia (Je crois). Je me suis rendue en un seul morceau dans le train pour Bialystok, j'ai trouve une place en face d'un beau polonais en "suit" avec une cravate verte. Il est en train d'étudier de l'algèbre. Il n'est pas rare de voir des personnes ages qui portent des vêtements de 1940, c'est super. Il y a une fille dans le wagon qui vient de demander au jeune homme d'ouvrir une bouteille d'eau pour elle. Il est vraiment charmant. Les vaches ici sont souvent très près du chemin de fer. Le paysage n'est pas très différent de celui du Canada excepte pour les vieux "buildings".
A la gare a Elk, il y a de très vieux trains a vapeur qui ne fonctionnent plus depuis des années. C'est super!!
Another "hunk" just got in the train and sat across from me. Me who was wondering in the past few days where all the cute guys were. I've got my answer, they're all in local trains on weekdays.
As you walk around the streets in Poland, you often see people eating a "bagette" cut in half with mushrooms, grilled cheese and ketchup on top, it's called Zapiekanka. Poles put ketchup on almost everything especially on pizzas and their pizzas are made with the toppings on top of the cheese.
Tuesday, September 14th 2004 (1pm - 7am MTL on a train to Bialystok)
Mardi, le 14 septembre 2004 (13h - 7h MTL dans un train pour Bialystok)
Yesterday, at the youth hoste, I had 4 roomates : Sarah and her friend from Belgium, Kim from Japan and Alma from Mexico. Sarah is studying in Warsaw this year as for Alma, she's is goin to study in Madrid. It's great! I'm making friends from everywhere who invites me to their homes. That's awsome!! When I first got here, I only "meet" Poles who didn't speak a word of english but now I'm meeting foreigners. I'm feeling more and more comfortable in this country as the days goes by. I still can't understand Polish bu I'm starting to speak a bit. There's some words that written looks more or less the same as in english, french or spanish. As I was goin to the train station, I meet Scott from Scottland. He was very nice and he helped me out with my luggage. His friends are all at the youth hostel as they are feeling sick.
The males here are very helpfull as my luggage is humongest. My Polish journey starts here as the train takes me to my destiny. I just realized that the inscriptions in the train are in 4 languages including French excluding English.
Le contrôleur est très gentil, il a cherche quelqu'un dans le train qui parle anglais pour m'expliquer que je dois changer de train a Bialystok, a quel heure et a quel quai. Je le savais déjà. Ou était t'il la première? Il y a un beau jeune homme dans le même compartiment que moi, son nom est Pavel (Paul en français), il vient du Belarus, il parle le Polonais, le Russe et un peu l'anglais. I'm glad to be here but I miss home.
Thursday, September 15th 2004 (11:30pm - 5:30pm MTL)
Jeudi, le 15 septembre 2004 (23:30 - 17:30 MTL)
Yesterday, I didn't have time to write because I was training all day. Patrick (my boss) is asking way too much from me. He wants me to know by heart a book of 145 pages for tomorrow. He makes me spend 10 to 13 hours a day at the school watching him teach. Then, he expects me to do as well as him. I'm not exagerating. If I'd do what he want's me to, I wouldn't be writing this but I'd be reading the book. No time for anything but training. The worst part is that I'm not being paid for this training. It's just full of crap. I'll see Jane tomorrow and we'll see what we wanna do. Jane and I are getting along very well, she's one of the reason I decided to teach at that school and the fact that I decided to stay made her stay. Mainly, if one leaves, the other one leaves too. It feels good to have someone to share this experience with.
Here, they have birds that are like a cross inbetween a crow and a pigeon, they're really ugly. They have the head of a crow, the body of a dark gray pigeon and they walk and move their heads like pigeons. Tonight, at Dos Pattos (a local restaurant), some students came to me and asked me if I wanted to play volleyball with them from time to time. I sure hope Patrick will give me some time off to do that. Anyways, I've got to go now. Good night!
Friday, September 16th 2004 (9:15pm - 3:15pm MTL)
Vendredi, le 16 septembre 2004 (21:15 - 15:15 MTL)
Je suis a Dos Pattos (restaurant) seule. Je suis fière de moi, j'ai réussi a me commander un plat en Polonais (a l'aide de mon livre de phrases, bien sûr!). Ma journée était beaucoup mieux, je ne me suis pas sentie presser et j'ai pris mon temps. Je suis même partie a 20h de l'école. Demain, je donne 2 cours, un a 9h et un autre a 10, après c'est tout jusqu'a lundi. Je me sent toujours comme une étrangère, mais je commence a m'y habituée. Dimanche, je dois me rendre a Lomza une petite ville ou il y a une autre école qui fait partie de la cie. La-bas, je vais rester chez une famille Polonaise. Sa, ca va être toute une expérience!! Les gens qui hier m'on demander de les joindre au volleyball ne sont pas des étudiants, mais des profs de d'autres écoles.
Ici, les chiens sont quasi jamais en laisse, en une semaines, j'ai vu pas plus de deux chiens qui étaient en laisse. Je mange une salade Greck accompagne de petits pains (fait maison Délicieux,!) et un jus de tomate pour 10,50 Zloty (~4CAD) le midi, je mange une soupe qui me coute 2,80 Zloty (~1,10CAD), une bouteille d'eau minéral de 1,5l me coute 55 Grosze (~20c Canadien). En Pologne, les gens ne sont pas gros, il sont tous maigre. Comparer aux Polonais, je suis très grosse. Je crois qu'ici, la notion de "napkins" est abstrait. Sur ce je vous laisse.
C'est tout pour le moment!
That's all for now!
Bonjour de la Pologne!
Hi from Poland!
Samedi, le 16 septembre 2004 (3h (17sept) - 21h MTL)
Saturday, September 16th 2004 (3am (17th sept) - 9pm MTL)
Hier, j'ai demande a Patrick pourquoi les bonnes soeurs portent des habit differents. Il m'a explique que ca dépend du rang auquel elles appartiennent. Il m'a aussi dit que si je voyais un homme habille comme Keanu Reaves dans "The Matrix" (Neo), c'est un prêtre. Justement, ce matin alors que je me rendais a l'école et que je pensais a Neo, j'ai vu un prêtre habille comme lui.
Je suis allée me baigner a la piscine municipale. Ca fonctionne comme pour l'internet. Tu paye a partir du moment que tu rentre au moment ou tu sort, incluant le temps de se changer. Les casier, les douches et les toilettes sont unisexe. Ca cout 9 Zloty/heure (~3,50 CAD). C'est fou!! Ce soir, c'est le dernier Samedi soir de Anna, donc on a fêté ca au pub (Semtek). Vers 1h, alors qu'on dansais, Marius nous a aperçu, il est venu danser avec nous. Son ami est grand et il danse très bien mais je suis sur qu'il est gai. Marius est drôle, il cruise Jane puis il part cuiser d'autres filles. Plus tard dans la soirée, on a rencontre des américains. C'était bien mais la musique n'était pas très bonne et le plancher ne glisse pas. Bon! Sur ce je vous laisse. Bonne nuit.
Dimanche, le 17 septembre 2004 (00h10 (lundi 16) - 21h10 MTL)
Sunday, September 17th 2004 (12:10am (monday 16th) - 9:10pm MTL)
Aujourd'hui, Patrick est venu me voir, il veut que je prennent 2 semaines "de vacances" pour visiter la Pologne et que je parte demain. Il va m'envoyer un courriel quand il va avoir besoin de moi.
We (Patrick, Anieshka (Pat's girlfriend), Anna, her boyfriend, Jane and I) all went sailling. It was really nice! I missed sailling. Then we went for food and meet students at Dos Patos. Jane and I decided to leave and not to come back. We've had enough of the way they were treating us and all the crap. So, she's gona quit and I'm not gona return from my "vacation". We're just very tired of bein treated like crap and of them changing their minds every second. We're goin to look for a job somewere else. Hopefully, we'll find someting better.
And so the adventure contunues.....
Good night for now.
Et l'aventure continue....
Bonne nuit pour l'instant.
Lundi, 20 Septembre 2004 23:10 (17:10 MTL)
Monday, September 20th 2004 11:10pm (5:10pm MTL)
Jane and I left ELK this morning and took a 4h and 20 minutes bus journey to Warsaw. On are way, we got to have a better view of how the people live in the country side. We saw a guy that had 2 horses pulling a wooden "trailler" (don't know what it's called). It was just great! We went to the hostel where I stayed last time but it was full so we had to go to another one. While I was at the 1st yourh hostel, I saw this guy (Philippe) that I had met last time when I came to pick up my luggage. His name is Philippe and he's from France but he often comes to Poland for buisness. He was really nice, he offered us a lift to the other youth hostel. It was mercy for us 'cause we were soooo exhausted and with these heavy luggages we had. We took his offer without any hesitation.
Afterwards, we went for food, it was about 7pm (1pm MTL) and we hadn't got anything to eat all day. After eating, we went looking for a Jazz club to hang out for a bit. On are way to a club, we met 3 guys from France. They sing soul and they're having a concert here at the end of the month. They were really cute. Yeah! we found a Jazz club and it has live music. After hanging at that horrible pub in Elk it felt good. The music is pretty good and I just wanna dance. I wish Gabriel was here. He's love it, as the guy on the piano is very good. Oh! how it would be great to dance some blues right now. There's a cuite barthender and we keep exchanging looks.
We just met 2 guys, one's from England (Nick) and the other one's from Ireland (Maurice). They both work here and Maurice is a Director of studies for an English school and he's searching for native speakers. That is sooo funny. We talked for a long time. Afterwards, we took a walk and Maurice went back to his place and we went with Nick to ground zero (club) but we found out it was closed. We went to the straingest bar in Warsaw but it was closing time. So, we ended up goin to his place and now, it's 3:50am (9:50pm -MTL) and we're waiting for a taxi. As we left Nick's place, we did what we've been wanting to do since the moment we've met them : Laught, laught and laught! To think, that we just "ran away" from that horrible job in Elk and on that same day, we got another job offer. THIS IS GREAT!!
Mardi, le 21 Septembre 2004 (21h55 - 18h55 MTL)
Tuesday, September 21th 2004 (9:55pm - 6:55pm MTL)
We went to bed at 6am (midnight - MTL) so we didn't get up until 2pm (8am - MTL). We were supposed to meet Philippe at 5pm at the Marriott but he couldn't make it. As we were looking for a post office to send our post cards, we met this guy from Algeria (Martin). He was following us for awaile. He was totaly stuck on me. He wanted us to meet him in Lodz. He even wanted to meet us in Spain. When he FINALLY left us to catch his train to Lodz, we went for food.
We went to this restaurancjia (restaurant) where everytime we asked for something, they didn't have it. I guess, it was on the menu, so it looked like they has loads of stuff. So, Jane got some pirogis (somekinda pasta field with potatoes and cheese). I just are some KFC. Now, we're in somekinda student klub (club) waiting for some action. This bunch of guys just asked us to sit with them, so we did. They were about 8 of them, all students. Krzystof (equivalant of Christopher) is really cuite and his english was pretty good. There were so many, I couldn't remember all of them. Some of them wrote notes in my book :
This Canadian woman is very nice, I like her and think she meet many good people from Poland. Arel Orvyjleneski (or something like that)
---Something I can't send you in this e-mail from Mike.
Pzikosc Serca (Song title)
Jeszczg dokola sltcmai tnos smiech
Czuse zapach twoj
Egzotyczny kwiat
Znow jestem sam
Tnih patwornie san....
Dzem (group)
Krzystof et Mike sont vraiment beau. Mike nous a accompagne jusqu'au centre ville puis, il nous a mis dans l'autobus pour l'auberge de jeunesse. Krzystof a envoyé un sms a Jane et il voudrait la rencontre mais il est un peu trop jeune et elle a déjà un copain. En arrivant a l'auberge, il y avait un camion militaire et un gars habille comme ceux qu'on voit a la TV (avec casque et carabine énorme a la main) a passe a cote de moi pour se rendre a la voiture. C'est bizarre parce que lorsqu'on est parties cet après midi, il y avait 2 policiers (dont un qui était très beau et qui parlait anglais).
C'est tout pour le moment, on fait beaucoup de choses ces temps-ci et on rencontre beaucoup de gens. Je n'ai pas grand temps pour l'internet. Je suis allée a Auschwitz hier, et j'en parle dans mon journal a venir.
It's all for now, we're doing load of stuff these days and we're meeting lots of people. I don't have a lot of time for internet. I went to Auschwitz yesterday, and I'll be talking about it in my journals to come.
Mercredi, le 22 septembre 2004 (23h05 - 17h05 MTL)
Wednesday September 22nd 2004 (11:05pm - 5:05pm MTL)
Today, Jane and I went touring in Old town. It was cold and occasionally raining. We went to this well known restauracja called the Gessler. It is just beautiful. It's a must see, even if not ordering from their expensive menu. Jane and I decide to treat ourselves by eating there. We took herbata (the) at 7 Zloty each (~2,66 CAD), Jane got a soup (24Zloty - ~9,13 CAD) and I took some Pirogies Rusky (35Zloty - ~13,31 CAD).
Nous sommes allées dans un immense parc en plein milieu de la ville ou on y retrouve toutes sorte d'oiseaux bizarres. Le parc Lazienki se qui veut dire toilette en Polonais a plusieurs monuments historique dont un Palais au milieu d'une rivière. Puis, nous avons fait une commande. En revenant a l'auberge de jeunesse, il y avait 3 beau Italiens qui brulaient des hot dogs sur le poêle. Nous nous sommes fait a mange puis, nous sommes partie a la rencontre de Nick et Maurice au Tygmont Jazz bar. Au métro, il y avait un train... (Maurice a écrit ce qui suit) toutes sortes d'etranges oiseaux! Avec des plumages magnifiques que nous avons beaucoup choquees! En plus, Maurice nous a raconté que "oiseaux" a tout une autre sens en Polonais, mais je m'en doute de ca. (fin des récits de Maurice) On descendait les marches du métro lorsque l'on entend un gros vacarme puis, il y a des 10aines de jeunes qui descendent les escaliers en trombes suivie de policier (habille comme l'esquade anti-emeute). C'était toute une expérience. Dans le métro, on a demande a un jeune se qui venait de se passer. Il a dit que les policiers abusent de leurs pouvoir et qu'ils aiment courrir après les "football (soccer) fans". Au Tygmont Jazz Klub, il y a un beau serveur, on s'est fait de l'œil toute la soirée.
Jeudi, le 23 septembre 2004 ( 16h15 - 10h15 MTL dans un train pour Krakow)
Thursday, September 23rd 2004 (4:15pm - 10:15am MTL in a train for Krakow)
Jane et moi avons décidée de se rendre a Krakow pour chercher un emploi. On n'est pas sur si on veut travailler a Warsaw ou a Krakow alors, on va chercher un emploi au deux endroits et on prendra une décision dépendant des offres. Dans le compartiment ou nous sommes, il y a un policier et un ex-policier qui revient de Chicago. Il pleut a l'extérieur et j'observe les goutes d'eau qui voyagent sur la fenêtre extérieure. Tien! Il ne pleut pas par ici! Ce que je voie par la fenêtre sont des kms de fermes. Ici, c'est le pays du choux. Tout ce que l'on mange contient du choux. Il y a du choux partout. C'est super de voir de pauvres fermiers utiliser des instruments rustiques comme ceux qu'il y a dans nos livres d'histoires. Souvent, je vois un cheval tirer un instrument qui sert a mélanger la terre. Qu'est-ce qui ce passe??? Ou est passe la lumière? Bon, il fait clair maintenant. Tant mieux! Wow!! On vient tout juste de passer dans une montagne et maintenant, lorsque je regarde a l'extérieure je vois des valles et des montagnes. Il y a plein de couleurs, surtout a cause des fermes. C'est magnifique!!
17h45 (11h45 MTL) Krakow
5:45pm (11:45am MTL) Krakow
Jane and I just got to Krakow and after a long quest to finding out how to get to our hostel, we wait for the trammvai (tramway). In Warsaw, the streets are very big and they have "decks" in the middle of them so we can get in and off the trammvai. Here in Krakow, we have to go in the middle of the street to get on and off the trammvai. Beware of cars!! If the doors are closed there's a button on the right hand side of the doors that opens them.
It sucks!! At this youth hostel, we gotta be out of the rooms between 10am and 5pm and at night we gotta be back for midnight. The only good thing about this youth hostel is that it's a couple of streets from downtown. After checking in we went downtown looking for an internet cafe and we found one in a basement, the walls and celling are made of bricks and are in the shape of an arch. It's beautiful!! We got some "kebab" and walked ourselves to the youth hostel before it closed.
Vendredi, le 24 septembre 2004
Friday, september 24th 2004
Today, we had to get out of the youth hostel by 10am and we can't go back until 5pm. It's crap (bollock - correction by Mike)!! We went to do some sightseeing around beautiful old town Krakow. It's just great here! Jane and I decided to get a job here, we definetely wanna (want to - correction by Mike) stay in Krakow. Every building is beautiful. Krakow is the only place in Poland that wasn't touched by WW2. You gotta pay for everything here in Poland, whether it's to go to the bathroom or for ketsup (Heinz 57 - correction by Mike) at McD's. The bathroom at the market charges 0,5Zloty for piss and 1Zloty for crap (No2 - correction by Mike) on the men's side as for the woment, it's the same as crap for men no matter what. We found a wegetaranski (vegetarian) restauracja, it's cheap and good. We went back to the youth hoste and we met 2 girls from Pennsylvania. I'm such a clump today, I've managed to lose my gloves (that my mother gave me) as well as both my note books with my travel journal inside.
Jane and I went to this bar in Old town Krakow. There weren't a lot of cuite guys and most of them were with girls (friends or more). We saw these cuite guys at a table and we decided to sit next to them, hoping they'd come and talk to us. For awhile, we just kept looking at eachother and smilling but then, 2 guys (Simon and Mike - only Simon's cuite but not that cuite) came to talk to us. It turn out, they're from the airforce in England. Anyways, we planed to go to Auschwitz tomorrow and so did them. We talked and talked and talked but at the same time, we kept giving glaces to those guys at the other table.
We had to go back to the youth hostel before 1pm (they lock the doors). Simon offered us to stay in his room for the night. Jane and I in the bed and him on the coutch so we could stay up later and leave with them the next day to Auschwitz. We accepted the offer but we had to get to the hostel to get some stuff before it closed. So, I took a piece of paper wrote down my name, my e-mail, Jane's cell number and her name and gave it (discretly) to the cuite guys from the other table. The guy who took the paper started to talk to me and I told him that if they'd like to go out some time (like maybe tomorrow), they can reach us. He said that he'll definitely reach us and set a "date". His name is Bartek and the four of them are from Krakow.
So... Jane and I went to the Hostel, got our stuff and meet with Simon and Mike. We were out so late that we decided to go to Auschwitz on Sunday insted of tomorrow.
Samedi, le 25 septembre 2004 (23h15 - 17h15 MTL dans un bar)
Saturday, September 25th 2004 (11:15pm - 5:15pm MTL in a bar)
We got up around 10:30am and we took a "real" shower. It felt soooo good. After, we met with some of Simon's co-workers (airforce) and we went to.... (Mike and the guys took my journal at this point and wrote this) We went out tonight -- we both needed some love ---- ...... Jane got some, I listened ---- Nev (Simon's nickname) was a nice lad ---- Not alot between the ears ---- But he could reach his cow's lick with his tongue. (end of their writing) ....the Wawel castle but it was 1pm and they decided to take a drink and eat. The castle closed at 3pm. I was pissed (off - added by Mike)!!! We were waisting time for notting. Jane and I left and we visited the "Lost Wawel" exposition as well as the "Dragon's cave". The "Lost Wawel was nice but didn't have any guide and we didn't know what we were looking at much but it was nice.
As for the "Dragon's cave", it starts with (almost an - added by Mike) a never ending twirling staircase (135 stairs - goin down, Thank god!) then there's a humongest beautiful cave. The story says that a powerful prince, Krak or Krakus, who built a castle on a hill named (Wawel) on the banks of the Vistula and founded a town named after himself. A dragon lived in a cave underneath the castle. The dragon eate cattle and sheep. The prince ordered a sheep's but to be filled with sulphur, which was set alight and sent in the cave. The dragon eate the sheep and exploded. The town was saved. The dragon has become the symbol of the city.
We then meet up with Simon and went to the center of old town to meet with his "co-workers". Then we went for pizza and meet with his friends again. As Jane and I walked to the hostel, we saw some guys wearing traditionnal clothes and playing traditionnal music. Jane and I stoped to listen to them and 2 guys made us danse in the middle of the market. It was fun!
All of the sudden, as we're walking next to St Mary's church, we hear someone playing the trumpet. Every hour the Heejnal (bugle call) is played on a trumpet from the higher tower of St Mary's church to the 4 quarters of the world in turn. This simple melody, based on 5 notes only, was played in medieval times as a warning call. It breaks off abruptly in midbar. A watchman on duty spotted the enemy and sounded the alarm, a Tatar arrow pierced his throat in mid-phrase, the tune has stayed this way thereafter. We looked for him and we couldn't find him and then, I saw a shadow closing a tiny window. A minute later, we heard it again. We searched for him again and we found him. All we could see was the end piece of his trumpet out of a tiny window.
We took our stuff out of the hostel, brought them to Simon's room and then we met up with the guys at the bar near the market. There was good live music. I think this is "bull...". Jane and I were supposed to be sticking together but she's just with Simon and his co-workers. Mike only talks to me when he's drunk. Great!! (being very sarcastic) I don't think they care much about me. Simon's all over Jane and she's taking advantage of it, leaving me out. They think I'm stiff and boring. I lead Simon into a dance and showed him how to follow (for like 5 mins.). That was fun!
Mike spoke to me and I was sooooo tired, I felt like crying. I left the table and loocked myself into the toaleta (toillet aka WC). I didn't get much sleep in the past 3 weeks and it just caught up to me. Aftewards, I just left the group and went to the room. I took a shower and looked at Simon's work booklet filled with airgraphs to try and understand it. As Simon's a navigator student with for the English Airforce, I've been asking him loads of questions. I just love learning about it.
Dimanche, le 26 septembre 2004 (Auschwitz)
Sunday, september 26th 2004 (Auschwitz)
Ce matin, on s'est levé a 8h23 du matin (2h23 MTL) et notre autobus pour Auschwitz part a 8h40. On l'a manque. Mike est la personne qui arrange la sortie. Il est trop "laid" back. Plus on prend notre temps pour partir, moins on a de temps a passer la-bas. Après 2h de "niaisage", on a finalement pris un taxi pour 6. Ils sont fou!! Ca coute 500Zloty (~191 CAD) et le taxi va rester avec nous a Auschwitz et nous ramener.
Simon m'a dit qu'ils (la airforce) voulaient mon chapeau (ma "casquette" brune des années 40 qui a une pin de Goofy dessus -- je la porte dans la photo avec Clayton a se lien : )
Il m'a dit que les gars voulaient mon chapeau en souvenir de leur voyage a Krakow pour le mettre dans leur placard a souvenir. Il a dit qu'ils ne partiraient pas sans mon chapeau. Il n'en est pas question!! Je ne donnerai pas mon chapeau. Je lui ai dit que je voulais celui que j'ai vu a 520 Zloty (~199CAD) en échange. Rendu a Auschwitz, on a cherche pour avoir un guide prive mais il n'y en avait plus, on a donc pris un tour organise.
The sky is gray and it is raining over Auschwitz. As I go thru the gate with a sign that says "Arbeit macht frei" which means "Work makes free". I feel a lot of nostalgy. There are 2 electric wired fences all around the camp. It is not a beautiful sight. Many human beings were killed in front of those fences. Before the tour, we watched a ~15min video with loads of images from the liberation of Auschwitz prisonners at the end of WW2. It is so horrible that I felt like crying during the screening. I walked around the camp as our guide talks about how the people were treated and killed. We entered a courtyard were people were executed. As I go into the courtyard, my heart "pinches". We are now goin into cells. The sight of these cells are just horrible. There are some cells that are 90cm x 90cm (about the size of a telephone both) and there were 4 inmates per cell at a time. These inmates worked all day and then they were sent into these cells which they had to get on their knees (door) to get in and couldn't sit or see the light.
We are now at the first crimaturim that later also became a gas chamber. I have chills all over my body. Auschwitz was originally build at the begining of the 19th century for miners but it was never used because of WW1. During and after WW1 it was used by Polish soldiers until it was taken over by the Nazi. Auschwitz 2 (aka Birkenau) was build by the prisonners of Auschwitz 1 because Auschwitz 1 was too small to kill all the people they intended to. We are now in Birkenau, this is where Shindler's list was filmed. It is humongest. Part of it was destroyed including all the crymatoriums and gas chambers which were emptied and then blowned up by the nazis a couple of days before the end of the war. All of the prisoners who worked at the crymatorium and the gas chambers were killed. Some children (mostly twins) were kept for un-successful experiments. It's quite a site and the smell is very peculiar. After the tour, I walked around on my own, and then I went back to Auschwitz 1.
We didn't go into all the buildings with the guide, so I went to other ones that were suggested to me by someone. One of them (the last one I did) is the martyr of the Jews. When you get in, the first thing you notice is the music ( Jewish sad music), the second thing you notice is the smell, it smells like a funeral home (incent). It is very dark with brick walls and black wall with horrifing pictures on them. The only lights are the ones lighting the pictures. Those pictures are "shocking" (though we know what happend) a lot of them shows dead bodies and ill people rescued at the end of the war. Even thought we know how horrible it was for the jews in those times, there's notting like seeing that exposition. I left the building with a lot of sadness and I felt like I saw more than enough. As I walked out of there, my face was frozen and I walked slowly thru the camp as I was stunt by all the horror. I felt like vomiting and I was mad. What a sight!!
Once I've left the camp, I took the train back to Krakow (~8,50Zloty - ~3,25CAD). Simon et moi avons fait un accord, mon chapeau contre un chapeau de la "English airforce" et des nouvelles de mon chapeau. Ils vont mettre mon chapeau sur un ourson et il va voyager avec.
Lundi, le 27 septembre 2004
Monday, September 27th 2004
On a du se lever de bonne heure ce matin car les gars partent a 8h30 (2h30 MTL). Simon était très beau avec son "jumpsuit" (uniforme). Nous (Jane et moi) sommes allées voir une des exposition du Wawel castle qui est gratuit les lundi. Nous sommes très déçue car les inscriptions ne disent que ce que c'est (ex: c'est une chaise. WOW! Je ne le savais pas. - très sarcastique), quand et ou ca ete fait. Les objets, ne sont pas a leurs endroits original même les murs et les escaliers on été modifier. Il y a beaucoup de belles tapisseries.
Après la visite, nous sommes allées manger dans un restauracja Ukrainiens situe dans le sous-sol d'un bâtiment. C'est très beau! J'ai pris une soupe au betteraves mais elle n'était pas très bonne (j'en ai goute des meilleures). Jane et moi avons passe notre temps a échanger nos soupes. Il y avait une fille d'environ 10-12 ans qui était seule pour manger alors, on l'a invite a manger avec nous. Il y a un homme a l'allure bizarre qui passe son temps a rentrer et sortir du restauracja. Plus tard, il a commence a jouer de l'accordéon (musique traditionnelle Ukrainiaine).
Après notre repas, nous sommes allées visite l'église du château, c'était magnifique. Il y avait beaucoup de carcophage contenant les corps des anciens roi de Pologne. C'était impressionnant! J'ai sortie mon livre sur la Pologne et je lisais sur tout les rois qui étaient la. On a aussi été jusqu'au cloche de l'église mais je n'ai pas trouve le Quazimodo Polonais.
Plus tard, nous sommes retournées a l'auberge de jeunesse mais il n'y avait plus de lits de disponible. J'ai donc sortie mon livre sur la Pologne et on a appelle partout pour trouve un endroit de libre. C'est 1,50 Zloty de plus mais, c'est plus propre et il y a une cuisine ainsi qu'une laveuse. Sauf qu'a l'autre auberge, nous étions a 10min. de marche su centre ville, tandis qu'ici, nous sommes a 2,5km du centre-ville. Il n'y a pas d'heure pour rentrer et ou il faut sortir.
Mardi, le 28 septembre 2004 (minuit - 18h MTL)
Tuesday, September 28th 2004 (midnight - 6pm MTL)
Aujourd'hui, Jane et moi avons fait un peu de magasinage. J'ai acheté un chapeau noir style années 20. Il est très beau. On a fait une commande pour ne pas avoir a aller au restauracja. On s'est levé très tard. En se moment, je suis dans un bar et on viens de rencontrer des Italiens qui sont dans la "airforce". Ca doit être la capital mondial de la "airforce" ici. Ils sont tous parti mais Jane est a une autre table avec l'un d'entre eux. Je crois que je vais tout simplement partir. Elle veut que je reste mais je ne ferai pas la même erreur qu'en fin de semaine. J'en ai assez de jouer le 3eme violon. En fin de semaine avec les gars de la airforce anglaise, je me suis sentie plus seule que si j'étais réellement seule. Cette fois-ci, je ne ferai pas la même erreur.
Mercredi, le 29 septembre 2004 (20h45 - 14h45 MTL)
Wednesday, September 29th 2004 (8:45pm - 2:45pm MTL)
Jane et moi sommes dans un cinéma Polonais au centre ville. On va voir 911 Fahrenheit. La salle de cinéma est petite et l'écran est minuscule. On dirait un bistro ou un café. Il y a 20 chaises en bas et 9 sur le balcon avec quelques petites tables. Il y a un petit bar a l'arrière. Jane et moi nous sommes assises au balcon, les escaliers sont petites et ressemblent a des touches de piano. Le film commence. Bien, le film viens tout juste d'arrêter en plein milieu. C'est trop drôle, ils doivent changer le ruban comme dans les années 40-50. Je suis sous le choque. Les images que je viens tout juste de voir dans ce film sont quasiment les mêmes que celles du livre que je me suis achetée a Auschwitz. Dans mon livre, il y a une photo d'un chariot rempli de corps humain et dans le film, on voit un camion rempli de corps humain en Irak. C'est dégelasse. On dirait que Georges Bush est Hitler (avec moins d'intelligence) et que les soldats américains sont des nazis. Ils veulent exterminer les Irakiens (Juifs) et prendre le contrôle de leur pays (dominer le monde). La ressemblance est inouïe. En chemin vers l'auberge de jeunesse, on a rencontre des soldats polonais (leur base n'est pas loin de l'auberge). Je n'ai jamais rencontre autant de gars de l'arme en si peu de temps.
J'ai un appart à Krakow / I have a flat in Krakow
Bonjour tous,
La suite de mes journaux de voyage sera pour un autre jour. Jane et moi avons trouve un appart. Nous y serons au moins un mois car on cherche un moins cher. Il est très beau et nous sommes bien. Si vous voulez me rejoindre, mon numéro est le 0048 (code du pays) 12 (code de la ville) 658-0797 ( donc de l'Amérique il faut faire 0048 12 658-0797). Que de plaisir... J'attend de vos nouvelles (par téléphone ou par courriel).
p.s. N’oubliez pas qu'il y a 6 heures de différence donc, s'il est 18h a MTL, il est minuit en Pologne.
Hi all,
More of my travel journal will be for another time. Jane and I got an appartment. We'll be there for at lease one month 'cause Jane and I are looking for a cheaper flat. This one is very nice. If you want to reach me, here is my number 0048 (country code) 12 (city code) 658-0797. Therefore, from america you gotta do 0048 12 658-0797. So much fun... I'm waiting for news from you guys (by phone or e-mail).
p.s. Don't forget, there's 6 hours of difference so, if it's 6pm in MTL, it's midnight in Poland.
Jeudi, le 30 septembre 2004 (11h05 - 5h05 MTL)
Thursday, September 30th 2004 (11:05am - 5:05am MTL)
Je suis dans un autobus pour l'autre bout completement de la ville. J'ai une entrevue a midi pour un emploi. Je suis tres nerveuse car je veux absolument pouvoir rester. J'adore cette ville, ce pays sourtout que je rencontre des gens quasiment tout les jours et que je ne suis pas seule. Parconre, je m'ennuie follement du swing.
My interview went well, he wants me o work at his school. I told him that I had an interview tomorrow and that I'd give him my answer tomorrow afternoon. I guess, I'll be staying here after all. I'm just soooo happy. I can't wait to have my own appartment (most likely with Jane) and to really start living here. It's great! I'm also gonna start taking Polish classes. To understand and to be understood. Oh! how I can't wait. Since Elk, this is the first time I'm eating alone in a restauracja. It feels a bit weird to think that Krakow will soon be the city I live in. I sure hope you guys will come by and visit me 'cause it's worth comming here. It is trully beautiful and theirs loads of things to do and see. It is also a very touristic city. I've been here for one week now and I know I haven't seen all it's beauty yet. Oh! and remember, it's CHEAP here.
I called my mother today and it was the first time since I left home that I got to hear her voice. I was soooo happy to hear her, I miss her a lot. It is hard to be so far away from home where you don't understand the language and most people don't understand you. Jane got back from Debica, it didn't go well. They want her bur she doesn't want to ge there. Well, tomorrow we both have an interview with Mission. We'll see what happends.
Vendredi, le 1er octobre 2004
Friday, October 1st 2004
Ca fait quasiment un mois deja que je suis ici. Jane viens tout juste de sortir de son entrevue avec Mission et elle n'a pas aime du tout. Je ne suis donc pas allee a l'entrevue, je leur ai plustot envoye un courriel disant que j'ai trouve un autre emploi et que je les remercie de me donner une entrevue. Jane est desesperee de trouver un emploi, quelques jours plustot, c'etait moi. Bien, c'est pas grave. Je vais l'aider a trouver un emploi et elle a toujours une entrevue lundi.
Nous somes dans un train en direction de Warsaw. Il faut aller chercher nos valisses. J'apprend le Polonais avec un livre et je fais tellement de "jokes" que le jeune homme assis en face de nous ri de mes "coneries". Cette fois-ci pour economiser, Jane et moi avons pris le train qui arrete dans chaques villes. Ah!! ce que c'est long. L'express prend 2h30min tandisque celui-ci prend 5h pour ce rendre. Je suis tres fatiguee. Enfin! Nous sommes arrivees. Encore une fois, il n'y a plus de place a Karolkowa et il faut se rendre a l'autre auberge. Quel merde!!
On a decide d'aller au Tygmont ce soir, pour la bonne musique (et le serveur ;)). Merde! Ce soir, il faut payer et la musique n'est pas bonne du tout de plus que le serveur n'est pas la. Ce que l'on s'enmerde! Bon! Il y a des Polonais qui assis a notre table, nous parlent. Il y en a un qui est saoult et qui me colle. Je le pousse sans arret. Les autres sont bien! On sort d'ici avec 2 Polonais pour rouver un autre endroit qui est mieu mais il n'y a pas grand chose. On prend un taxi pour se rendre chez l'un d'eux mais sa clef ne fonctinne pas. Apparament, sa blonde (son ex, sa blonde, son ex, ect.) l'aurait enferme a l'exterieure. Jane, moi et l'autre gars sommes repartit au centre ville dans un autre bar. Je suis tellement fatiguee, que je dors sur les bancs. Il est 4 heures trente, Jane vient de rencontrer un Tunesien. Il est en Pologne pour un stage. On sort du club pour trouver a manger et le polonais nous suit, il me parle et il est fache que le t! unesien est avec nous. Mais qu'est-ce qu'il lui prend??? Jane n'est pas sa blonde. Bon, on va se coucher il est 6am.
Samedi, le 2 octobre 2004 (18h00 - 10h00 MTL)
Saturday, October 2nd 2004 (6pm - 10am MTL)
Je suis encore entrain d'attendre apres Jane. Ca fait 2 semaines que j'attend apres elle a tout les matins. On est "debout" depuis 16h. Elle prend literallement 1h ou plus pour sortir du lit, apres il faut attendre entre 45min et 1h15 avant qu'elle soit prete a partir. Je suis patiente mais ma patience commence a partir. J'ai tellement hate d'avoir un appart pour ne pas avoir a attendre apres elle a chaque fois. Je ne suis pas parfaite non plus mais j'en ai ras le bol.
Nous devions rencontrer le Tunesien a 20h mais nous sommes arrivees en retard de 40min. On a ete chanceuses car on l'a rencontre en chemin. Nous sommes alles dans un bar ou son ami (celui du tunesien) travaille. C'etait plate mais plate!!! Il ne parlait pas, le bar etait vide, le barman etait le DJ et la musique n'etait pas tres bonne. J'ai donne la suggestion d'aller jouer au bowling mais il (le tunesien) ne voulait pas. Alors, on l'a laisse.
On cherchai une place pour jouer au bowling et on a demande a des jeunes polonais. Ils etaient gentils et droles, il nous ont dit de ne pas aller au bowling mais de les accompagner au "Under Ground". On en avait souvent entendu parler mais nous etions jamais allees. Ils etaient tellement l'fun qu'on a decide d'y aller avec eux. Il y a beaucoup de jeunes ici. Et toutes les filles portent des souliers au bout pointu. AFFREUX!!! La pointe remonte et on dirait des soulier de lutins. On dirait que la pluspart des filles ici se sont trouvees une idole et ont adoptees leurs style, habillement, leur facon de bouger et danser. Elles n'ont pas leur propre styles. Les gars ici sont laid ou pas tres beau. La musique parcontre est pas si pire parfois, on entend une bonne chancon. Je suis prete a partir et encore une fois, j'attend apres Jane. Bon, c'est la vie!! Je dois m'y faire il n'y en a plus pour longtemps. Des qu'on aura notre appart, j'aurai plus d'indepen! dance.
Messieurs, si vous cherchez une miss Ozborne, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears (wanna be), ect. Venez au club Under Ground a Warsaw.
Dimanche, le 3 octobre 2004
Sunday, October 3rd 2004
Today, Jane and I brought our luggages to the youth hostel on Karolkowa and then we "ran" to the Saski Palac (Palace) to see the ceremonial of the guards changing places. We misted all of it. There were some guys from the navy, air force and "ground" militairy. We'll fave to go back another sunday at noon and be on time so we can see the whole ceremony. One of the militairy guarding the tombof the unknowned soldier was somekinda cuite and Jane got him to smile at us.
We went downtown and eate at Pizza Hut. Weeee... a restauracja with a non-smoking section. The food was discusting. We then went to "Old town" and their were some festivities. A lot of people wearing traditionnal costumes. It was nice to see! We left rainy "Old town" to get our luggage and take the train back to Krakow.
I'm tired and it's cold in the train. As we got off the train, this woman approched us offering us a place to stay for the night (at a certain cost of course). We went to see. She lives alone with her mother (in the same room) and lives off renting a room in her appartment as well as a small appartment above hers. She seemed desperate to keep us for the night but we felt she was pushing us too much. So, we went back to the hostel. Bad move!! There's some space for tonight bu not for tomorrow. We'll have to pack again. We are getting fedup of packing-unpacking all the time.
Lundi, le 4 Octobre 2004 (9h40 - 3h40 MTL en route pour ESCS*)
Monday, October 4th 2004 (9:40am - 3:40am MTL on my way to ESCS*)
*English School of Communication Skills
I'm on a buss and this is a nightmare. This buss (as all busses) makes sure that if you're not completely awake you're more than awaike by the end of the ride. On trammvai and busses, it's impossible to keep balance when standing up. It's great, I have the job, I only need to get my visa. My boss knows a girl who has an appartment with 2 bedrooms to rent. Cool! Jane has a meeting with him today.
We went to the restauracja after her interview and then we're goin to see the appartment. Wow! This appartment is nice. The decoration and colors are nice and most of the stuff are new. The only problem is that the second bedroom is also the living room Well..... we'll take it! An APPARTMENT!! It's just a great feeling to have our own appartment. Home, sweet home. No more moving from one youth hostel to another. No more packing-unpacking. I was starting to become an expert.
Mardi, le 5 octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 5th 2004
This morning, someone knoked on our door insistingly twice. We were a bit scared and we never got up to answer. Latter, we discovered that the person knoking on the door was our neibor because we left the keys on the door all night (they left a note).
All we did today is cleaning up the appartment as well as groceries. Yes groceries, what an experience! We went to Tesco it's a big suppermaket but all products are in Polish (sometimes there's some german, russian and rarely some french or english). We had to figure out what the hell the product was and how much it costs. The price is on the shelves but not alwais at the same place than the product. That was quite an experience.
Mercredi, le 6 octobre 2004
Wednesday October 6th 2004
We inherited of 10 000 cups and mugs but on oven plates and only one pot (of course too small). We also have 100 CDs good and bad as well as 200-300 polish book. Not to forget 20 towells and bed covers. Oh, and I forgot the dozends of spiders, web included. We went to our neibors to pick up our keys. They're an old couple. They're very nice. They tried to explain to us in Polish that we had left our keys on the door. They stopped a man passing by so he can translate, his english wasn't very good but we understood the concept.
Well, I'll leave you guy a that if you want to reach me, my mother says it's less expensive (9cents a minute from MTL) if you us this number 1010925-0114812-658-0797 to reach me.
Bon, je vais vous laisser maintenant si vous voulez me rejoindre, ma mere dit que c'est moins cher (9 sous la minute de MTL) si cvous composez ce numero 1010925-0114812-658-0797.
p.s. Haven't got much news from you guys lately. :(
p.s. Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de nouvelles de vous dernierement. :(
Address: ul Wlotowa 2/33
30 668 Krakow
Thursday, October 7th 2004
Jeudi, le 7 October 2004
Ce soir, nous sommes sorties. Jane et moi voulons nous faire des amis en Pologne.
Biensur, les clubs ne sont pas les meilleurs endroits mais on a rencontre des gens bien a Warsaw. On doit avoir fait 6 club differents et on n'a pas rencontre un seul chat. Nous sommes dans un club au "Market square" le barman est cute.
Jane vient de me gager 2 Zloty que je ne pourrais lui faire un commentaire sur son chandail. J'ai gagner!!
Wow 2 Zloty pour moi!! On vient de s'assir avec 5 gars Polonais, il y en a seulement 2 qui nous parlent, les autres ne parlent pas anglais. Ils sont plate, on part! Bon! On est chez McDo, il y a un gars qui mange tout seul, on l'invite a manger avec nous. Il est tres gentil. La soiree commence a etre plate. On vient de demander a 2 gars comment se rendre a un certain Klub.
Ils nous ont dit que le Klub etait vide. Nous allons donc dans un autre Klub avec eux. Ahhhhhhhh! Pouach! Du techno. On sort vite! Je crois qu'on va retourner a celui avec le beau barman. C'est triste, il n'est plus la. Oh non! 3 des 5 gars qu'on avait rencontre plustot sont encore ici. Bon! On en a marre, on part. On doit prendre l'autobus de nuit et il y a plein de gens saoult. Les gens ici, sortent des bars avec leurs piwo (biere). Pas encore! Les 2 autre gars (du groupe de 5) prennent le meme buss que nous. Il y a un gars assi en avant de moi et Jane le trouve beau. Je lui ai gager 2 Zloty qu'elle ne lui dira pas. Ca y est, elle lui a dit. Bon, j'ai perdu les 2 Zloty que j'avais gagner au paravant.
What the hell is he doing?
He's getting out of the buss at the same stop. He just invited himself to our place. We'll, tea it is! He's not that cute after all! Oh god! It's 6am and he's still here and boring. Let's get him outta here ASAP.
Ouf! He's finally gone. I think, he taught Jane wanted to sleep with him. Well it's late, good night.
Friday, October 8th 2004
Vendredi, le 8 octobre 2004
Jane and I are on a trammvai, our way to the swiming pool. A young men (in his 20's with a back pack on his shoulder) show his card (he's a contoler). I tell him in fransuski (french) that I don't understand and don't even speak anglielski (english). Jane tells him she speaks a little anglielski. He shows us a paper in I don't know how many languages (he points out the fransuski version).
This paper explaines that we have to buy a bilete (ticket) before getting on the trammvai or autobus and that we have to punch it in. If we don't and we get caught, we gotta pay a fine of 96 Zloty and buy a bilete rightaway. We tell him, we don't have such amount on us. He tells us we have to go to the bankomat (guichet) or else, he calls the policja. He brings us to the bank, 1st is out of order, 2nd doesn't let us take out more than 20 Zloty at a time, 3rd is out of order, 4th works, finally. Jane and I are cracked up about the situation. He (the controler) is so sweet, he charged us the student rate for the fine and bilete. That's what I call savings. We've been traveling on trammvais and autobus for free for the past 2 weeks. It costs less to pay a fine every 2 weeks than to buy a bilete.
This swimming pool sucks big ass. We payed 7 Zloty for 45mins and the door to the pool is locked. Let's get outta here and ask for our money back. Well, we gotta go to another one. People here are so nice and helpful. Well, except for that lady. We just asked this lady for directions in polski (polish) and she walked away saying she doesn't speak anglielski. Wow! this other swimming pool is soo far away. It better be worth it. It's pretty big. It's 12 Zloty for an hour. This was great, they have slides, a sauna, hot tubs, sprinclers and even a climbing wall and a place in which the water pushes you. Gotta luv this. It's like a small indoor water park. It's called the aquapark. We just found a real movie theater. I guess, we'll go there next time.
Dimanche, le 10 octobre 2004
Sunday, October 10th 2004
Well, Saturday and Sunday, Jane and I stayed at home to save our money. I gave Jane a swing dancing lesson on Saturday night, it was quite fun.
Lundi, le 11 octobre 2004
Monday, October 11th 2004
I want to go to the school to see if I have any classes this week but I think it's better if I don't and wait until Zbignef calls. He just called, he wants me to pass by to pick up some teaching material. I finally met the other teacher, his name is Peter, he's from Ireland and good looking.
We've been talking and talking. He's really nice. I invited him for a tea. Jane isn't here. It's great because Peter has many things in common with Jane and others with me. All 3 of us will definetely get along fine. We'll, I can also say with confidence that he feels really comfortable in my (and Jane's) appartment. Jane just got here. She's getting along fine with Peter, just as I expected. Great, we finally have someone we can invite for tea. He, just like "almost" all the other guys, seems to like her more than me. Oh god! I've got a class tomorrow, how am I gonna do it? I've gotta make a class plan, good thing Jane is helping me. We're goin te bed at 4am again. What a bad habit!!
Mardi, le 12 octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 12th 2004
Oh god! I've gotta teach today, I'm oh so nervous. My class is in 5 min. I;m a nerve wreck. Well... it's time! Ouf! It's finnished. The class went well but I'm still unsure of myself.
Jane and I have been cooking a lot lately and it feels really good to eat at home. I feel really home sick today. I miss my mother, swing, you guys, poutine, maple sirup, etc. I asked my mother to call me, it felt oh so good to talk to her. I also asked her to tell Isabelle to call me if she wants. Oh, the phone is ringing must be her. It was her, she's just great! I miss the long conversations we used to have It felt so good to talk to them.
Mercredi, le 13 octobre 2004
Wednesday, October 13th 2004
Jane and I want to meet some people today. We're goin to that place where we saw a sign that says : Foreigners welcome to meet polish students. It is somewhere around the main square. We've past in front of it so often but we never got ourselves inside. Well, it's 8:20pm and we've been all around the main square and we couldn't find it. Now, we're in a restauracja. We've decided to treat ourselves. Oh soooo cool!!! There's a couple from Moreing Heights.
It feels so good to meet people from home.
Jeudi, le 14 octobre 2004
Thursday, October 14th 2004
Jane and I wanna do something tonight, maybe bowling.
We'll ask Peter if he wants to join us. It would be nice! Jane and I are just tired of goin to bed late (between 3 and 5am) and waiking up late (between 2 and 4:30pm). I don't have classes tomorrow, and after our failed attempt to meet locals we've decided to go out tonight. We'll, I've just called Peter and we shall meet him with some Poles he met before. This is a polish/"Irish" pub. There's a group of people signing songs at the back of the pub with some musicians. I'd love to join them, they seem to have loads of fun.
Well, this is starting to be a bit boring. This guy's talking to me and he's nice and intelligent but too serious.
I'm jealous of Jane, she's once again with the interesting guys. I bet you that just like 99,9% of the guys we met, he's interested in her. By now, I'm used to it. We're looking for another place to go.
It's 4am, I doubt we'll find anything open. Peter has his arm around Jane. I was right, he likes her. Like I said, I'm used to it. Well, I still got Eddie I haven't met yet. It's not like I want a boyfriend or anything. It's just that I'd loke to be noticed more or less as often as Jane. I guess I'm just a bit jealous 'cause she's beautiful, thin, brilliant and has a great personality. Well, we just invited the guys to party at our plave. The guy who was talking to me whent home so it's Jane, Peter, this guy Angej and me. They're all in the kitchen smoking and getting drunk as I'm in the living room waiting for my potato to be ready. Oh god!! Angej and Jane are throwing up.
Yeah! Well, Peter has joined me in the living room He's funny (not ha ha funny), he's trying to tell me something but he's drunk and he studers when he's drunk. I can't make out what he's saying. I think he's trying to tell me he likes me but it's impossible. I have to be wrong. I just don't understand! He's so sleepy and drunk, I offered him to stay here for the night (or day, it's 6am). What the hell just happened?? When I got up, he also got up and we huged but then, he kissed me. What's up with that? I'm too tired to think. I was just so sure he wasn't interested in me. Oh well, time to go to bed. We'll see what happends tomorrow. Good night.
Je me suis acheter un cellulaire car c'est moi cher pour moi. Je vais bientot demenager, je serai donc rejoinable que par mon cellulaire ou Internet. Le numero de mon cellulaire est 503 806 077, lorsque l'on appelle un cellulaire en Pologne, il ne faut pas inclure le numero regional (12 dans ce cas), donc... 48 503 806 077. La facon la plus facile et moins dispendieuse (gratuit) est de m'envoyer des SMS par Internet parcontre je ne peux pas repondre.
La facon de m'envoyer un SMS est de se rendre sur (c'est en Polonais) et de cliquer sur Bramka SMS (milieu-bas a droite). Sur la page suivante, il y a un endroit qui dit Nadawca (Nom), Obdiorca (Numero, dans ce cas: 503 806 077), Treœæ / podgl¹d wiadomoœci (ecrire le mesage dans cette case et il y a une boite jaune avec le logo de POP a l'interieur, il y a un mot et il faut l'ecrire dans la boite a droite Aby wys³aæ..... puis, cliquer sur Wyslij (envoie).
Au plaisir d'avoir de vos nouvelles!!
I've bought a cell phone 'cause it cost less for me. I will be moving therefore, I will only be reachable by my cell. My cell number is 503 806 077, when calling a cell phone in Poland you have to omit the regional number 12 in this case so... 48 503 806 077. The easyest thing is to send me sms from the Internet it is free for you and me but, I can't answer with my cell.
The way to send an sms is to go on (it's in Polish) and to click on Bramka SMS (middle-bothom right). On the next page there's a place which says Nadawca (Name), Odbiorca (Number, in this case: 503806077) Treœæ / podgl¹d wiadomoœci (write your message in this box) and there's a yellow box with a POP logo, there's a polish word in it and you have to write it in the box on the right Aby wys³aæ..... then click on Wyslij (send).
Waiting for news!
Sorry, I haven't been writing much, I don't have access to Inernet often. I haven't got much news from you guys. What's up???
Desole de ne pas avoir ecris depuis un bout. Je n'ai pas souvent acces a Internet. Je n'ai pas recu de vos nouvelles. Qu'est-ce qui ce passe???
Vendredi, le 15 Octobre 2004 (7h - 1h MTL)
Friday, October 15th 2004 (7am - 1am MTL)
Still not sleeping, damit! Peter's snoring like hell. Jane is talking to me thru the door (I think). This is so funny! Jane is drunk and she's pulling Andrzej, by the arm, who's asleep on the floor in her room. She want's him to leave her room. I talked to Andrzej who's actually half asleep. Got him out of her room and gave him blankets and a pillow to sleep in the kitchen. I can hear them throwing up all the time.
Jane knocks at my door, Andrzej is in her room again. I told Andrzej to leave her room again, he fell and broke the bed when he got up. He's unbelievable. It's funny because, Jane is in the bathroom throwing up and yelling in french to Andrzej, telling him to leave her room. I finnaly got him in the kitchen, I think this time, he'll stay there. I hope! Time to go to bed now.
8:20am Oh god! What now? Andrzej's phone keeps on rigning. I answered, it was a woman (I hope not his girlfriend, if he has one), she wanted me to wake him up, it's imposible. She had a man talk to me, he alked if he could pass by in an hour. OK, I said. Oh non! I gotta stay awake for another hour, I haven't sleep yet.
J'en ai plein mon casque. L'homme etait en fait son pere, il est charmant. Bon, ils sont partie. Enfin, je vais pouvoir dormir. Je regarde Peter dormir et je l'envie. Qu'est ce que je vais faire (avec lui)? Je suis contente d'etre avec lui mais jene veux pas tomber pour lui. Il vient d'irlande et moi du canada ce serait trop difficile. J'ai peur de trop m'attacher a lui. Oh Peter, if you knew how confused I am.
Samedi, le 16 Octobre 2004
Saturday, October 16th 2004
Wow! It's 9:20am and I have a class at 10am. I'm soooo tired, I've sleeped less than 5hours. It's break time and I need something to eat. As I walk down the street looking for a bakery, I observe the people and admire the houses. It's funny how I wouldn't be doing that at home. But it was nice to see this teenage boy taking care of his little brother and helping his mother with the groceries. I just found a tiny bakery which is in a house, it's pretty nice.
I'm feeling quite sick today, I'll have to go to the doctors. Now, it's time to clean up the mess from thursday night. Jane want's to leave and travel thru Poland and it's suroundings now so she can get to France for november (when her classes starts). She asked Peter if he wanted to take her room so she can get some money, but he doesn't want to. And now I'm a bit upset 'cause he said he would take her place but now, he changed his mind. That means, that I have to look for another appartment. It's gonna be sooo hard. And I definetely dont want to do the searching and visiting crap. It took Peter 2 weeks to find an appartment and it's not furnished, he pays 750 Zloty and I pay 625 for a full furnished flat.
Jane and I decided to go swiming today. It's 9:45pm and the pool closes at 10pm. Too late! Well, lets go for a movie across the street. All the "english" movies we want to see are dubed so we gotta watch "Before sunset", it starts in an hour (11pm). We'll that was a boring movie with a weird (boring) ending. We just asked some employes where we could get the night bus and one of them asked us to wait as he's gonna take us to the bus stop. Meanwhile, Jane and I are saying in french how cute he is and the security guy is just craking up. Jane and I are wondering if he understood our conversation. We were right! He doesn't speak french much but he understands pretty well. The guy who's taking us to the bus stop gave us an umbrella. He's so sweet! His name is Krzysztof and he's studying to become a sport's journalist. We'll that's all for now!
Dimanche, le 17 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 17th 2004
This trip is the best thing that ever happened to me. Not only because I'm in Europe, traveling and learning about polish culture. But mostly because I've learned sooo much about myself. Since I've been a kid, TV, my mother, teachers, etc. were telling me that I had to study, the n work, then get a husband and build a familly. Sometimes, we learned about single parents and different types of famillies. I've always been told that I have first to study and choose a carier (doctor, teacher, police officer, business woman, etc.) and get a stable appartment or house. I always had some difficulty with that. I remember spending most of my 4th grade (high school) in the career conselor's office, not knowing what I wanted to do in life, knowing that next year, I'd have to choose what subject I'd be studying in Cegep. I remember my conselor asking me what was my biggest dream and I said that eventho I knew it was impossible, I wanted to know each and every person on earth and know all about their lives. Since I've been in Poland,
I've met great people like Anna, Patricia, Maurice, Krzysztof, ect. But most important, I met Jane and Peter, they both have more or less the same expectations and ambitions in life. They helped me realize that I wanted the same things they do. I feel I now know so much more about myself. I don't want to study and get a career that will kee me in one place all the time, I want to travel. I want to experience the world. I'm gonna live in a suitcase. I knew, I didn't have to live my life the way people expects you to, but I didn't trully realized it utill I've met those 2 incredible people. I treasure these people very much. Meeting them was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Mardi, le 19 Octobre 2004 (15h30 - 10h30 MTL)
Tuesday, October 19th 2004 (3:30pm - 10:30am MTL)
I'm on a trammvai goin to a meeting. It is such a beautiful day today. Jane went to Auschwitz. This is one of those automn days were the sky is clear, the sun is shining, there's a slightly cold breeze reminding you that it is fall and everywhere you look, there's colorful leaves that left the trees recently. Fall in Krakowseems magical with the old architecture and the park surounding Old town. There's a smell of freshness is the air and a sence of freedom inside. This is my home away from home.
Vendredi, le 22 Octobre 2004
Friday, October 22nd 2004
I've been quite sick lately. I went to the doctor's on monday. I needed birth control pills but I had forgotten my pilss at home. So he told me to see him at the hospital on friday. Today, was quite an experience as I met-up with one of the secretaries to see an appartment, it was awful! I'm soooo not taking it. Well, later we went to the hospital, it looks so nice from outside with the trees and the small garden. This hospital is made of several different buildings, it looks like McGill college but in a smaller scalle. We went from building to building looking for my doctor. OK, we found him! Great, we've gotta go to another doctor, it turns out, he's a cardiologist and knows about notting when it comes to birth control pills. When I left his office, my college told me that the guys whom were waiting outside his door were complaining because I went in before them. I told my collegue that it's just because they didn't know I was giving him a blow . Anyways, we went to see another doctor who didn't speak any english so my collegue had to translate. I've never had so much fun (adventure) goin thru a hospital just to get birth control pills. I was so proud of myself, I understood some polish as the doctor didn't speak english and Paulina (my collegue) was translating.
I went out tonight with Jane and Peter. I got a bit fed up of not being included in the conversation. I took Peter on the side and we had a great long talk. It was hard to make him say what he thinkd but I had him talk. I really hate that he doesn't tell me what he thinks and that he doesn;t answer my questions. I only get thru to him when he's drunk and I've insisted. I hate that!! I feel much better now that we have spoken. He's an awsome person, he just need to sort off some things on his own. I'm not gonna wait for him, but I really like him a lot and he like me (even more). His appartment is in Kazimierz (the jewish district).
C'est un "building" communiste qui est en reconstruction du haut jusqu'en bas. Il habite en haut completement car c'est le su\eul etage ou il y a des appartements de reconstruit. Il y a de la poussiere partout a cause de la construction. Pour se rendre a son appart., il faut passer par 5 portes barres. Son appart est petit, sale et non meuble. Il faut pas se demander pourquoi il deprime.
Saturday, October 23rd 2004
Samedi, le 23 Octobre 2004
Jane et moi avons decide de se rendre a Zacopane (tout pres des montagnes Tatra), pendant mes 2 jours de conge puisqu'elle repart bientot pour la France et ca va etre la fin des aventures de Jane et Marie-Elizabeth. Alors qu'on etaient dans le tram, Jane et moi, nous sommes fait controler. Nous avions chacune un bilete qu'on avait dechire auparavant (biensur, ils devaient etre poinsonne mais ils ne l'etaient pas). On a dit que sur l'ecriteau, il etait ecrit (en anglais) "cancel your ticket" et qu'on l'a annule en dechirant le bilete. Il nous a finalement charge une amande pour les deux au prix d'un citoyen Polonais. Donc, on a paye 70Zloty. Nous sommes tres fiere de nous. On a encore fait d'enormes economies. J'ai apeine dormi 3 heures hier soir et je suis fatiguee.
I'm in a bus for Zacopane and as I look outside, there's a beautiful sight. Mountains and valleys. It's just great! I hate that I'm so tired. My eyes are closing all the time and I'm missing the beautiful view. As the sun sets, a rainbow of bright colors fills the sky to excite our eyes, as the shapes of the mountaines agrees with the sky. Such a beautiful day. I just can't wait untill tomorow. Jane and I are walking around the town as we look at the shops. You can buy a hand made wool sweater for 25PLN (~9CAD). It reminds me of the sheeps and shepard I saw on my way there. They also sell good cheese made from goats, sheeps, I have to buy some before I leave. When we got out of the bus, a woman offerd us a place to stay for 25PLN a night. It's really nice, it a private hostel and it looks like a ski chalet. The smell here is just great. There's not much pollution and the forests and mountains that surounds us just makes it better. It's a beautiful town, nicely located.
That's all for now. Gotta go teach. Take care!
C'est tout pour le moment. Je dois enseigner. Prenez-soin de vous!
Dimanche, le 24 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 24th 2004
We are in a bus to Palenicia and I just saw a sheperd with his sheeps following him, that was quite nice. We also see some locals wearing traditionnal clothes, it`s just great! Jane and I are in the Tatra mountains right now. We are walking along a paved path. There`s some carriges pulled by horses and the man driving the carriges, are wearing traditionnal clothes. There`s a lot of people on this path and I was told that tourist season is finished. Mostly, they`re all Poles comming here for a walk as Jane and I are the only ones with backpacks and sleeping bags. We took the wrong path, but it`s ok because, this one`s brigning us to the other hostel. Jane has much more energy than me and these backpacks are killing our backs. It took us 4 hours to get to the hostel (9km).
We left our stuff at the hostel and decided to go to a trail that takes us on top of the mountain. It is beautiful, magnificent. I`m much slower than Jane so I told her to go ahead without me. I sit down on a rock and I look at the view as I think about my G-Pa. I feel sooo much serenity. It is so peaceful. Up here, there`s nobody just trees, mountains, bugs and me with the lake at the "bottom" and an other one across. I love it here!! Jane is comming back down with some snow.
The sun is setting and we`re enjoying the view. As we were goin down, 2 young Poles past us and then, they waited for us. We started talking and they wanted to take their pictures with us. We got down the mountain to the chalet, one of them bought us drinks. They are brothers Tomek and Pawel, Tomek is an eletrician and Pawel is studying economics. They live inbetween Krakow adn Zacopane. Pawel studies in Krakow he has classes on Fridays and Saturdays, lucky bastard!! We`ve invited them to Jane`s goodbye party. I hope they'll come. Well, it's late and we have some hiking to do tomorrow. Good night!!
Lundi, le 25 Octobre 2004
Monday, October 25th 2004
Le soleil qui vient tout juste de ce lever, eclaircie notre chambre. Je jette un coup d'oeil par la fenetre et je voie des montagnes, une foret, quel vue splendide! Le reflet des montagnes sur le lac est si beau que je ne peux m'empecher de prendre une photo. Apres un bon dejeuner, Jane et moi entamons une marche autour du lac. De l'autre cote du lac, on peux monter dans la montagne. J'ai choisi de le faire et de prendre la meme route de retour qu'a l'aller tandis que Jane veux prendre une autre route, c'est alors qu'on se separe.
La montee est difficile mais je m'y suis rendue. Je suis entre deux lacs magnifiques, la vue est superve d'ici. Il fait beau, le soleil brille et je suis en paix avec moi-meme. Je suis tellement fiere de moi. Je n'aurais jamais cru que j'aurai ete si haut en montagne. Il y a des chutes d'eau a cote du sentier. La vue, l'odeur (sans pollution) et les sons (non-agressant), c'est parfait et dire que je dois partir bientot de cet endroit. Bon! il faut que j'y aille. En chemin vers le retour, il y a beaucoup de penses qui traverse mon esprit. Je pense a mon grand-pere, a ce que je viens de faire. Je me sent si libre ici! Il n'y a rien qui peut m'atteindre. Je suis seul sur le sentier (de pave uni) et je commence a chanter des chancons de camps. Merde! je viens tout juste de tomber et je me suis fouler la cheville, ca fait mal mais je dois continuer. En chemin, je rencontre des gens qui me parlent en Polonais, je leur dit que je ne comprend pas et ils reprennent leur route. Ici, tout les gens que l'on croise, nous disent chesch (bonjour). Je suis a moitier chemin de l'autobus et je pense a grand-papa. Je voie un bel oiseau a la tete rouge et au corps noir et blanc. Il est en avant de moi et il volle d'un endroit a l'autre aux cotes du chemin. On dirait presque qu'il veut que je le suive. C'est magique!! Enfin, je vois la barriere du parc. On dirait une ligne d'arrive d'une course. Chaque pas m'amene plus pres du but. Ma randonnee est presque fini. C'est trite mais aussi heureux. J'ai mal partout. Je n'en revient toujours pas, je suis allee en haut de la plus haute montagne en Pologne.
Il y a une fille qui me demande si je vais a Zacopane. Elle conduit un mini-bus ca me coute 5 Zloty (1 de plus que l'autobus reguliere) au moins, je n'ai pas besoin d'attendre apres l'autobus. Je n'avais pas vu Zakopane a la lumiere, c'est bien! Il y a beaucoup de marchands qui vendent des vetements en laine (un chandail a 25 Zloty, des mitaines, des tuques, des bas, des pantoufles, etc.) c'est super! Je me suis achete un chandail et des mitaines. Souvent, on vois des "bout de bois" qui ont ete travaille. Oups! Une dame dit que c'est du fromage. Elle est tres gentille, elle me fait gouter. MMmmmm... C'est tres bon! J'en prend un au chevre et un autre au brebis. Je mange un Placki ziemnniaki (galette de pomme de terre semblable aux "hashbrowns" que l'on mange pour dejeuner) devant un restauracja. Mais que vois-je? Des amandes sucre comme a Orlando et NY, j'en prend. Ca fait ci longtemps depuis la derniere fois que j'en ai mange. Je me sent en paix dans les rues de Zakopane entoure de montagnes, on dirait presque Vancouver. Malheureusement, il est temps de retourner a Krakow. Au revoir montagnes Tatra, au revoir Zakopane, je reviendrai!!
Mardi, le 26 Octobre 2004
Tuesday, October 26th 2004
Jane est partie ce matin. Elle va a Warsaw et a Gdansk. Il ne lui reste qu'une semaine avant de retourner en France. Je me sent deja seule sans elle dans l'appart. Elle revient dimanche pour sa fete de depart mais apres, elle sera partie pour de bon. Je commence a m'habituer au style de vie polonais et a mon emploi. Je m'ennuie toujours de ma mere, du swing et de MTL mais j'arrive a continuer. Tout les muscles de mon corps me font mal, j'ai l'impression d'etre une petite vieille. Je suis chez moi et je me rend compte que la seule personne que je peux appeller si je m'ennuie est Peter. Les deux secretaires a l'ecole veulent que je leur enseigne le francais, c'est super! Elles sont tellement gentilles. J'ai aussi hate d'apprendre le polonais. Celon elles, je prononce les mots avec aucun accent. Ce que c'est vide ici sans Jane! Je vais m'y habituee. Il est presque 2h du matin, je devrais me coucher. Bonne nuit!
Jeudi, le 28 Octobre 2004 (14h30 - 8h30 MTL)
Thursday, October 28th 2004 (2:30pm - 8:30am MTL)
I'm alone at home, there's the sun that's keeping me company. I'm listening to Beau Dommage and it reminds me of home. I have a class at 5 p.m. I`m loosing my days 'cause I work in the evenings and finish at 8:30p.m, go home, do stuff (clean, cook watch TV, prepare classes, ect.), go to bed and wake up the next day around noon. I dance alone in the living room. I haven`t been out for awhile now. I need to meet people fast. The only person I feel I can talk to here is Peter. It iis not easy to make friends (real friends) in another country where you don't speak their language. Time to put some good old jazz. It's weird how life can bring you places you'd never expect. I'm glad I'm here in Poland. This is a great country with great people (they praise the states too much tho). I can't wait 'till one of you comes over so I can show you the beauties of this country.
It is night and I'm walking down a small street. It's the full moon and it's showing us it's beauty. There is life on this street, people walking their dogs, dogs barking behing a fence, leaves falling from the trees and the church's bells reminding us of the time. It is beautiful.
Je suis tellement heureuse, Zbishek m'a dit qu'il y a un endroit ou je peux acheter des bagels. C'est un americain qui a ouvert une boulangerie. J'ai aussi trouve une recette sur Internet pour faire du sirop de potteau. C'est super! Biensur, c'est pas du sirop d'erable mais c'est mieux que rien.
Samedi, le 30 Octobre 2004
Saturday, October 30th 2004
Apres avoir ete malade hier soir, je me suis leve tard pour me rendre a l'ecole. Je viens tout juste de finir de donner un cours de francais a Paulina et Peter. Paulina est partie, ce n'est plus que Peter et moi a la maison. Je lui fait ecouter du Beau Domage. Je me sent bien. Mais je crois que c'est seulement en surface. A l'interieur, je cris, je panique. Je ne me sent plus moi-meme. Je me deteste, je passe trop de temps dans cet appartement. Je me sent tellement seule et il n'y a rien de pire que de se sentir seule alors qu'on est avec quelqu'un.
I feel oh so lonely without Jane. She was a great partner in crime. She was someone to talk to go out with. I try asking Peter to do stuff with me but he alwais has an excuse to refuse. The only time is when he comes up to my place and I think it is only so he can listen to music. I'm so sad and depressed, I don't know what to do. My mother just called, it felt good to talk to her. I miss having people who cares about me around. Everybody drinks here and I find it very hard to meet people without goin out to take a drink. I feel so alone. I want to go home! It is so hard to not have anyone to talk to. Once Jane leaves for France, I won't have anyone but Peter and I'm sure he doesn't care and don't wan't to hear about my sorrow. I wish Isabelle were here. The tears that are fillings my eyes are making me blind. There are so many of them that they are running down my cheaks and falling on my note book. It is pain I feel inside as the lonelyness catches me up. Oh what to do? I've been eating about the same thing everyday (baked potatoes). No more than one meal a day. No wonder I'm loosing tons of weight. I feel so lonely, I wish someone could hold me in their arms right now. I'm sitting home alone in the living room/my room listenning to music, hopping someone, anyone will call. If only I could watch a movie.
It's 11pm, I was supposed to meet Paulina and her friends to go at a club but they changed their plans and they're drinking at one's house. I've there fore decided not to go. I've tried to call Peter but he must be drunk in a bar somewhere. What am I goin to do if I can't count on anyone when I need help. I knew this would be hard and I have to go thru this. I've been single for so long, I think I'd fall for any guy. I need someone to love me, someone who'd be crazy about me, someone who cares about me, someone who feels that I'm the world to them. Girl, you're dreaming!! How can this ever happen to me. And even if it did, I probably wouldn't see it. I'm fucked!
Je viens de parler avec ma mere et elle m'a demande pourquoi je ne reviens pas a la maison. Je lui ai repondu que c'etait important pour moi de vivre cette aventure jusqu'au bout. C'est normal pour moi de me sentir mal, seule, triste, deprimee, etc. Ca fait partie du choc culturel. Je suis heureuse de lui avoir parle. Ca fait du bien. 2 minutes plus tard, Pierre m'a appelle, je n'aurai jamais cru ca possible mais j'etais contente de lui parler.
Dimanche, le 31 Octobre 2004
Sunday, October 31st 2004
I woke up at 10:30am, I wasn't tired but I didn't feel like being awake. This happends a couple of times. Now it`s 1:30pm, I still wish I was sleeping. I wish I wouldn't wake up at all. The same feeling of lonelyness is goin thru me. I wish I wouldn't have kissed Peter, I wish I would've pushed him away. If only I knew he'd push me off after. Now, I can't even talk to him, do things with him or count on him. He seems to be avoiding me. The only person I have here in Krakow to do stuff with is avoiding me. Oh god, I hate myself! I hate myself even more knowing that I have some feelings for him.
I just don't care! I just want to have someone to du stuff with. Oh what an idiot I've been, if only I have knowned what woud've happend. He's now scared of me. I've lost a friendship over a 2 nights of romance. I'd go for the longtime friendship instead. I'm so stupid, he has all the faults I hate, he smokes (and the worst, he has no respect for me in that matter), he drinks, he doesn't respect me, he's selfish, he has problems, he lies (they're small stupid lies but I know he'll never stop and one day, they'll grow bigger), he take no responsability for his actions, for all I know, he's just a loser who took advantage of me. He runs away from his problems and his responsabilities, hurting the people around him without any care. He's so selfish it's incredible, no considerations for anyone. And yet I'm worst, I have feelings for that ass hole.
To think he want to get married. He can't, he'll run away at the first obsticle. He's a wild horse, he needs his freedom, he's undependable. He'll never change. He likes his independance too much. I know he has feelings for me and that he's trying to deny thim, that's why he avoids me (it's easier on the phone than when we see eachother at school). There's a lot of horses on TV, he'd love it! I know, he's too much on my mind. I wish, I could stop having these stupid feelings for him. No wonder I hate myself so much. To think that he's still dwelling on his brother and thinking about his ex-girlfriends (writting poems about them). Oh, I'm such an idiot! You're dreaming girl! Just the fact that I'm thinking about him romantically makes me sick. I wish I've never met him (no I don't), I wish I'dve never kissed him.
Je suis allee faire une commande aujourd'hui et en revenant, j'ai rencontre une de mes etudiantes. Meme si on s'est parlees que quelques minutes, ca faite du bien. Pour le fait d'avoir reconu quelqu'un dans la rue. Ca fait une semaine que je me terre dans mon appartement et je suis tannee. J'ai decide de sortir meme si ce n'est que pour aller a l'internet. J'ai l'impression que tout l'monde me regarde et qu'ils savent que je ne suis pas polonaise. Il pleu de grosses goutes sur Krakow se soir. Je marche dans le marche central, la pluie battante avec un predzel dans la main a la rechercher d'un endroit pour aller sur internet. Je suis fier de moi. J'ai achete un bilete, un predzel et un dlogopis (stylo) sans utiliser un mot d'anglielski (anglais). J'ai hate de prendre des cours de polski. Mon premier cours est mercredi. Je vais me sentir mieux lorsque j'aurai une meilleure connaisance de la langue.
La suite une autre fois!
The following another time!
Lundi, le 1er novembre 2004
Monday November 1st 2004
It's All Saints Day in Poland today. Everybody is visiting the graves of their dead relatives and friends. They bring candles and flowers to them. Since last night, Peter is dead (to me). It hurts so much but much less than when he was "alive". I'm hurting so much inside. Well, I guess he's happy now, this is what he wanted. He wanted me to forget him and be completely alone well, it's done. I now, officially have no one in Krakow. I sure hope he's happy now. It's still better this way. Instead of being alone with someone, I'm completely alone.1 is the loneliest number that I've heard of, 2 can be as lonely as 1 (actually ever worst).
I knew about this culture choc crap and I knew it would be hard but I was hopping to have someone to help me go thru it. Peter just made things worst with his stupidity and Jane is giving excuses for him. He's a fucking ass hole. I'm happy to have met him at first but it was just a joke. Now, I wish I'dve never met him. He made my life worst lately. Selfish bastard.I hope that he's in hell now. That dead bastard, I spit on his grave. I guess, I'm the stupid one who taught I could count on him for help. You're crazy Marie-Elizabeth, no body cares about you and there will never be anyone you can count on. Oh, how I miss Isabelle. Se would be there for me now. This is so hard.
Jane just called, Krzysztof sent her an SMS and she wants me to meet with him. I don't know! I think, I just want to cry alone at home and be stupid by feeling sorry for myself. That's what happends when I have my mind set on something. I'm such a horrible person. If only there was swing here. I know it would make me feel so good and I'd be forgetting all my troubles. I think dancing is what kept me alive up till now. But being here without swing is killing me slowly. These classes has to start ASAP. I taught that just the fact of travelling would be enough but I guess not.
I need swing.
I need to feel good and appreciated.
I need to glide on a dance floor like on clouds.
I need the feeling of complicity from the lead-follow connection and the satisfaction of a dance well executed.
I need the feeling of fufillment I get when I know I've followed every move perfectly and got to add some of my creation without disturbing the lead.
To dance is to fell free,
to express yourself without words,
to talk with your body,
to exchange heat and movement without taking your clothes off,
to follow the music and let it take over your body and senses,
to feel the beat take over,
to let loose,
to glide across the dance floor,
to be someone else,
to communicate your feelings,
to spread your evergy and happinest,
to be proud and conquer
to dance is to fly.
I just met Krzysztof and we walked in the Market Square where a guy was playing the Beatles (let it be) on the guitar. He got the crowd goin, they were all signing with him. It was really nice. I remember Peter telling me about him. We went to this klub and talked. He's a student, he want's to be a doctor like his G-Pa. He's brilliant. He's having a hard time speaking english but he's trying so hard and he wants to practice. I hope I'll see him again. His eyes are just great. He's ambitious. I like him. It feels great to feel like a woman. Having the guy pay for you and driving you back home. He's so sweet.
Mardi, le 2 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 2nd 2004
I'm so bad with relationships. Just like my mother said, I drive guys away. I might be wrong at times but I'm tired of him blaming me all the time as if all of what's been happening is my fault. I hate that, he reminds me of my mother. Man are asses. I wish I would've kicked him in the guts like I intended to. I'm mad at myself for not doing it. Well, he's dead to me now and that's it. Zbishek put my swing DVD on a tape and it feels good to watch it. I miss it very much. There's old people swing dancing on TV right now, it's great. I was payed today, it's good for my walet. I'm beeing payed more than I taught, even better.
I'm glad that Jane is here for me but I want some loneliness. She's leaving tomorrow at 9am. I've been pretty tired all day. Now, it's 11:45pm and I'm at an "Irish" pub with Jane. I wanna go to bed but I'm staying up because Jane's leaving tomorrow. We're only at this Irish pub 'cause Jane want's to see Peter but I really don't want to. I hope he wont talk to me 'cause he's dead to me.
Last night, I got really mad because Jane told me she saw the "ass hole" kissing another girl. I taught he didn't want to be in a relationship. He told me this morning that he still didn't and he just kissed her because he felt like it. BASTARD!!! What does he think I'm stupid or something. All of a suddent, I'm reminded of the best publicity I've ever seen. The one where this guy is goin thru the carwash like 100 times and he can't get the word "BASTARD" off his car. Written with durable lipstick. I guess, my problem is that I don't trust him and I always have the impression he's lying. This is it, it's midnight and Jane is leaving today. Oh so sad!! It's the end of this episode of the Mad Tings in Poland.
Earlier, Jand and I went to a Chinesse restauracja and I got to eat some "soupe tonkinoise", it was nice. The lady who was serving us looked like the signer in the Chinesse Klub in one of the Indiana Jones movies. On our way out, we saw some elevators and we decided to go in for fun. The door is like a regular house door. The elevator is so small only 4 (very thin) people can go in and it would be tight. It reminds me of the cells in Auschwitz. It's funny, because it doesn't have a door inside so you see the wall and the doors as your goin up or down. Don't fall on the "moving" wall.
This pub is nice, I think I'm gonna come back here to do my class planing. I never taught that one day I would be in an "Irish pub" in Poland where everyone speaks english while the US elections are playing on TV. This is a peaceful pub, I really like it. I feel peace inside. Jane is out smoking a joint with an other teacher. I like my loneliness in here I'm glad Jane brought me here.
Mercredi, le 3 novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 3rd 2004
It's 10am and I'm on a tram back home from the bus station. I left Jane as she is goin back home to France. I look outside as I see one of those mini Polish cars, the one we pointed out on the way to the bus station this morning. It has a peculiar "easter" purple color. I'm sad, I'm not goin to see her untill X-Mas. I'll be having my first Polish class today and I can't wait.
I just met Suzy, my new roomate, she's american. She is very nice. I still miss Jane.
Jeudi, le 4 novembre 2004
Thursday, November 4th 2004
Suzy and I woke up early to walk around the center. It's her first time in Krakow. It is such a nice day today! It's been awile since I've walked here daytime. Walking around reminded me of why I've decided to stay here. It's just soooo beautiful we also took a walk into Kazimiesz (the Jewish district) and we found the bagel shop Zbishek told me about. It feels so good to walk around. Oh my god!!! I'm at work and I just learned that Peter got fired. The secretairies told me it's because Zbishek doesn't like him. My boss is an ass! I'm mad at Peter but he doesn't deserve this. I'm shocked. I hope he won't leave now and especially without telling me goodbye.
Well, it's night and Suzy and I are at the "Irish" pub, it's called the Irish arms. I've just spoken with the waitress and she told me she saw Peter a couple of days ago with some girl leaving his appartment at 7:30am. Bastard! He told me he didn't sleep with this girl. It better not be the same one he was kissing the other day. Anyways, Suzy and I are on our way back home when Peter SMS's us. We decided to meet with him.
On our way back, we met an Italian who looked a bit like Robert Downey Jr. He was funny, he bearly spoke anglielski. We're back at the Irish arms and he's not there. It's funny because the waitress keeps on telling me that she's sorry for letting it out about Peter and that girl. She thinks I'm Peter's girlfriend and that he cheated on me and she told other people about it. I'm so glad. Everybody will now think that he cheated on me. What a reputation he'll have! And the best part is, that I haven't done anything, he did it all on his own. YEAH!!!
On our way out, we met 3 canadians, 2 from TO and the other one from Winnipeg. They're travelling all over Europe. Lucky! I hope they'll keep contact. Well, it's late now, time to go to bed. I've lost my book with the picture of my mother and I at my first B-Day. I'm sooooo sad!
Vendredi, le 5 novembre 2004
Friday, November 5th 2004
Jane just called. I'm so happy, I didn't think she'd call so soon. It was nice to talk to her. I told her about Peter getting fired and about what the waitress said. Jane says it's the same girl she saw kissing him. Ass hole!
Samedi, le 6 novembre 2004
Saturday, November 6th 2004
After my class, I gave a swing class. I have only one student but she's been dancing ballet and modern for a couple of years. It's great to teach her. All of my co-workers are meeting in Kazimierz to go out. That will be fun! I have now officially decided that I want to dye my hair red. I'll call Paulina and ask her. Well, we've been goin all over town and most hair dressers are closed. The only ones that are open are the "fancy" ones and they don't have what I want . The only one that had what I want is charging 298 Zloty. No way! Well, it's time to meet the others.
Poor Macek, he's the only guy and he doesn't even work with us (he's Anna's husband). OK, this night is a flop. Everyone left after one hour. Suzy and I called Peter, we're goin to meet him in a bar around the market square. He is such a jerk! First of all, we didn't find him so I called (a woman answered) and now, I've just learned that he went to another bar as we were goin to join him. He's not saying where he is because he says he's too drunk to tell me. Liar! If he was too drunk, he'd be studering way more. Ass hole!
Suzy has been talking with these 2 polish guys since I'm on the phone. They are oh so drunk! They're funny! We just left Carpe Diem (a Klub) it was way too crowded. Wait a minute! Where's Suzy and the other guy? I'm with one of them. OK, gotta go back inside to find them. It's so crowded, we lost eachother. Well, I don't feel like goin out anymore, especially if all the klubs are this full. I'll just take the last tram at 11:04pm home.
Dimanche, le 7 Novembre 2004 (midi - 6h MTL)
Sunday, November 7th 2004 (noon - 6am MTL)
It's noon, gotta get up!! I think I'm gonna go to the market square today. I just sat down on a bench next to the market and there's some people dressed traditionnaly playing music. It gives me a reminder of why I decided to stay here. This is just so beautiful. By god! It's 4pm and it's alwready dark outside. This is crazy! I just whent to the EMPIK (like archambault) a CD costs inbetween 30 and 80 Zloty. This is soo expensive! I'm goin home now.
Lundi, le 8 Novembre 2004
Monday, November 8th 2004
Anna was supposed to wake me up at 9 and it's 10. I just called her and she doesn't want to go to the hairdresser with me today. She says tomorrow. I'm a bit frustrated because I depend on her since I don't speak the language. I'll just go back to bed! Yesterday, I went on the internet and looked for cheap flight tickets anywhere in Europe. I have to leave Poland before december 6th. The cheapest flight I found was with Wizz air to Athens. The only problem is that the flight leaves nov. 27th I teach that morning and the only possible return ticket is on Nov. 29th I teach that evening. I have to ask Zbeshek the permission to take those days off. I just asked Zbezhek and he said yes. Great! I'm so glad, I'm goin to Athens for my B-Day. This is fun! I'm jumping of joy. Wow! Athens! Happy, I'm so happy!!
Mercredi, le 10 novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 10th 2004
I had an appointment at an english speaking gynecologist. They game me wrong directions and I was 10mins. late. The Dr. left because I "didn't show up". Whatever! I'll ask Anna to find me another one. Wow! It's so hard! Ouf! She found one who can see me today. Great! Oh christ! I left my keys inside. I gotta go to the school to ask Suzy for the keys. I'm tired of all this traveling.
Jeudi, le 11 novembre 2004
Thursday, November 11th 2004
On this foggy day, Suzy and I left the appartment to conquer Mount Kopietski. This Mount located at 10 min from Wawel Castel has a peculiar shape. It was built in the 19th century by Poles. This mount is perfectly round and you have to walk around it to go on top. It is noon, Suzy and I are on top of this mount. From here, we can see the city on one side and on the other side, we can see "natural" mounts and valleys. Here, it is nice and peaceful.
Suzy and I are now on our way downtown to go eat at a Milk Bar Anna recomended. This is funny,it looks like a cafeteria. there's a menu on the wall. I have my dictionnary out, trying to understand what's written. Suzy and I both took some typical Polish dishes and they were great as well as cheap. There's a girl sitting with us and she's French. She bearly speaks any english and no polish. Wow! We've been talking a lot. I'm translating.
We are now in St-Mary's church (Isabelle's idea). It's 4 Zloty to get in but we went tru the door for prayers (it's free). Isabelle is studying history especially Louis the IIIrd. He was king of France and Poland. She's awsome, she's telling me about this church and the architecture. This is soooo interesting. As we walk down the streets of old toen Krakow, we see loads of people with polish flags in their hands. Today is independance day in all of Europe (end of WWI) and "everyone" has off. There's an outdoor show at the market square with people dressed in army suits and traditionnal costumes.
Well, it's 4pm and it's dark. I hate this! It gets dark so soon, I don't feel like doing much after 4. I think I'm goin to go to the cinema. I wanna see Bridget Jone's Diary 2. Suzy's not comming with me. Ah well! This movie was great! I loved it, it's so funny! It feels so good to watch a movie "in english". Suzy's not home, she's probably with some friends, I hope she's alwright.
Vendredi, le 12 novembre 2004
Friday, November 12th 2004
Anna came early to my appartment to call the hairdresser. She was recommended by one of my students. I want my hair to be bright red. Well, they don't have space today, I'll have to go on monday.
Anna's such a sweetheart! She brought the cell phone of a friend who wants to sell it. It's nice and cheap. I'll take it! Now, I have to buy a card. Anna's so nice. We've been goin to shops to find a starter card and then we found a shop that would explain us how much long distance cost and if I pay when I receive calls. Yes, yes me who hates cell phones bought one. I had no choice. The phone system is different in Europe than America. When you have a land line, you pay for so many credits and when you make a phone call (local or long distance) it costs so many credits. The longer you talk on the phone the more credits it cost and calling a cell is like making a long distance call. SMS is cheapest 30 Grosh/SMS.
It's nice outside with all that fog. It's soo foggy, we can't see at more than 100 meters in front of us but it's still very beautiful. I've gotta meet Peter at one but I really don't feel like it. It's only because I feel it's my duty. He's late! That bastard! I'm so angry. Alwready, I don't feel like meeting him, he's gotta be late. Well, that's done! I can't believe he was smiling (uncomfortably) the whole time I was talking to him. He couldn't even tell me he's sorry for what happened to me because of him. When I was done talking to him, I expected him to leave but he kept on walking with me. I so just wanted him to leave. Thank god, someone he knows came to him and they started to talk, it was the good occasion for me to flee. Well.... that's done.
Samedi, le 13 novembre 2004
Saturday, november 13th 2004
It's my second swing dancing class. It's great to teach but I miss having a good dance. Oh how I'm eager to do a swingout. My students are only girls so I have to lead all the time but it's better than notting. It's raining today and I don't feel like goin out. I'll just stay home and cook. Eggs in vinigar. Yum!!
Dimanche, le 14 novembre 2004
Sunday, november 14th 2004
Ce qu'il est de bonne heure, il est 7h40 du matin. Je viens tout juste de me leve et Suzy et moi devons rejoindre Isabelle a Wawel. C'est super, Isabelle me raconte beaucoup de choses sur l'exposition et c'est tres interessant. J'adore l'ecouter. C'est drole car je dois tout traduire pour Suzy. J'apprend tellement de choses c'est existant de savoir et comprendre. Isabelle et moi sommes a la pizzeria, Suzy est partie car elle ne se sentait pas tres bien, mais je crois qu'elle se sentait rejet. Ca fait du bien d'avoir quelqu'un avec qui je m'entend bien et que je peux parler. On a fait le tour du marche et maintenant, nous sommes dans une cremiere deluxe et on mange lody (de la creme glace) c'est delicieux. J'adore parler avec Isabelle c'est tellement plaisant et ca fait longtemps depuis que j'ai parle avec quelqu'un autant. Suzy ne parle pas du tout. Il y a un gars qui travaille ici et qui passe son temps a me regarder lorsqu'il est a la caisse. ! Il est cute. Bon, il est tard! Temps de rentrer a la maison. Aneta viens tout just d'appeller et je dois demenager bientot.
Lundi, le 15 novembre 2004
Monday, November 15th 2004
Anna was supposed to go with me to the hairdresser. I just called her house and th man who answered doesn't speak much english, he told me she has a big problem and then he spoke german. Great, other delais! I'm tired of depending on these people to do stuff. I wish I spoke polish. I wanna be 100% independant. Well, that spoilds my day.
Suzy and I just got back from the market square. We went to the british counsel where you can find teaching material. It's a nice day today. Krakow is so beautiful that I enjoy walking around on a sunny day. We went to a couple of optyk (optometrists) to look at glasses for when I'll change my hair color. At this one optyk, there was this nice man who worked there and he taught I spoke polish.
I'm at school and Paulina just told me that Anna's mother died. I now understand the "big problem". Poor her, I don't know what I would do if my mother died soon. My student Joanna spoke to me about teaching swing at her club, she wants me to meet with her boss for times and pay. Great! I also spoke with Marta and she'll go with me to the hairdresser. Cool!
Mardi, le 16 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 16th 2004
Suzy vient de me dire qu'ell veut trouver un endroit avec un polonais. Merde! J'ai pas le gout de vivre avec un polonais. Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. C'est trop cher de vivre seule. Ca va etre difficile car la personne doit etre non-fumeur, non-alcoholique et ne pas avoir de party tout les soirs, cette personne doit aussi accepter que ma mere reste cher moi pour un mois. Oh, il ne faut pas qu'il y ai de tapis dans ma chambre. Ca fait beaucoup de restrictions.
Jeudi, le 18 Novembre 2004
Thursday, November 18th 2004
Everytime I take the tram I discover new architectural details I haven't noticed before. I'm now on my way to the hairdresser, finally getting my hair dyed. Everything here is such an experience to me. Well, my hair is now dyed, it's nice vut not what I wanted. It's not as bright as I wanted and it still looks like a natural color. Oh well! It's the risk. She sais that after a couple of washing my hair will get lighter. I'm thinking that when my hair will turn orangy, I'll buy coloration and get the color I want.
Vendredi, le 18 Novembre 2004
Friday, November 18th 2004
It is getting colder in Krakow. As I was teaching earlier, I saw the first snow falling on Krakow. What a beautiful sight! It is magnificent! I can't wait to see the market square filled with snow. It'll be great! I was so happy this morning as I've received the package my mother sent me. I can't wait to eat Poutine. Being so far away from home make me realise all the great things we have. I've become more patriotic also. Everytime I see something Canadian, I point it out with so much pride. I also find myself talking about Canada to my students and coleagues pretty often. Well, I think I'm gonna make that poutine now! I'm so mad at Zbishek. He was supposed to get me Pirates of the Carabean so I can play it in class but he didn't get it. I just learned about this before I left the school and it was for my class tomorrow morning. I now have to replan my class. What an ass!! As if I was a machine and I could come up with a 3 hour class in a few hours.
Samedi, le 20 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 20th 2004
I met with Isabelle after class and we spent all day together. It was great! She's from France and bearly speaks english, it feels just great to speak french with someone.
On a fait le tour a la recherche d'une pair de lunettes puis, nous sommes allees chez Tesco mais les lunettes etaient trop cher. Nous en avons profite pour faire une commande, pendant qu'on faisait notre commande, ma mere m'a telephone. J'etais si contente! Ce tesco est beaucoup plus grand que celui pres de chez moi. Ensuite, Isabelle est venue chez moi pour gouter a la poutine et aux oeuf dans le vinaigre. C'est amusant avec Isabelle car elle ne me comprend pas tout le temps et je dois souvent lui expliquer ce que je dit. Depuis quelques semaines, j'ecoute un "soap opera" polonais qui est sous-titre en anglais. J'adore l'ecouter car il me donne une idee de la mentalite et la facon de vivre des Polonais. C'est tres interessant!
Samedi, le 21 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 2004
Last night, Suzy and her sister came in late (while I was sleeping) with some guy and they spoke loudly. I asked them to keep it quiet but they were drunk and kept me awake for awhile. Therefore, I woke up quite late to meet Isabelle. It's anoying 'cause the trams by my house are out of service and I have to take the bus instead. We went to the museum but it wasn't what she expected and she was quite upset about it so, I suggested we'd go for food at the restauracja she spoke about the other day. This is pretty good and cheap. I'll definetly come back! Afterwards, we walked around the market square and went desert hunting. Cool! I've finally found some carrot cake. It's not the best but it's good enough. I've also found somkinda bastardized brownie, not so good! Isabelle and I went to an Apteka for my birth control pills and I spoke only in Polish (reading a piece of paper). It is illegal here to have a prescription that lasts for more than one month and mine is for six months.
Lundi, le 22 Novembre 2004
Monday, November 22nd 2004
I just learned that I have to find replacement teachers for the days I'm taking off (to go to Athens of course!). Why did he have to tell me now. "A" hole! I'm getting pretty enoyed with that school. Always last minute. Crap!! I just left the optyk and the guy was oh, so nice. There's a customer and she speaks english, she's been very nice and translating for me. He is so sweet, he let me order the glasses without paying as I have to save my money for Athens. I'll pay when I come back and get my pay. He thrusts me and it's very nice of him. I'm back in that lody place. That cute guy's still here. Everybody's staring at me. I don't know if it's my red hair or because I'm so beautiful (being my ironic self of course) but it's very obvious on their part. Well at lease, I get to exchange glances and smiles with that cute employe. It's funny because I'm writing this at the same time as our "glances exchanges". Well, I guess I'll leave now. I miss you all very much!
Mardi, le 23 Novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 23rd 2004
I'm finally backing Sheperd's pie. It feels really good to eat something "non-polish". It's not my cooking day today. Things are not great in the kitchen but the Shepard's pie turned out good by the end. There's not much more to say about today.
Mercredi, le 24 Novembre 2004
Wednesday, November 24th 2004
I've come to realise that I got usesd to the polish language though sometimes frustrating, I don't mind that I don't understand and that I'm not undrestood anymore. It is oh so very cold here. Gotta put on many layers.
Jeudi, le 25 Novembre 2004
Thursday, November 25th 2004
I'm meeting up with Paulina downtown as we are goin to some kinda student agency where they help you find an appartment (for a certain cost of course!). This is incredibly hard, we have to look thru many offers and they don't always suit me (cost, lacation, no kitchen, no washing machine). Roomate and flatmate have 2 different meanings here : roomate is someone you share a room with and flatmate is someone who has a different room. I'm just so nervous as I have to move out one week from monday and won't be here from Saturday 'till Tuesday. Therefore, I don't have much time considering that I work evenings. This is great, I have a new student and she's Corean. We don't see alot of "colors" here in Krakow, so it makes me very happy when I see different "colors".
Vendredi, le 26 Novemre 2004
Friday, November 26th 2004
I hate Poland and polish people! I just came back from 2 horrible appartment searching. To get to the first one, I have to go thru a gate (which is looked and from where there's no bell) so I followed some guy who was getting in. When I got to the appartemtn building, the man from the appartment didn't speak english (tho the student's place had specified I didn't speak polish) and he didn't let me in. On my way out, the gate was looked and I couldn't get out. I saw a woman walking her dog in the "park" around the buildings and she opened the gate for me. That was not a good experience. Then, I had a meeting at another appart. and when I got there, it was an old lady, not only did she not speak english but she stood in front of her door staring at me (like if I was an alien). That was enough! I have an other apointment but I'm not goin to go. I'm too upset!
Well, at lease I have a meeting with Isabelle today, that'll cheer me up! Well, Suzy and I are at the restaurant where we were goin to meet and she's not there. Ah well, I'll call her from school. I don't feel like teaching this class, I have to explaine clauses, phrases and prepositions. I'll just do something else. I did some listening comprehension and it felt good to be "lazy". I called Isabelle and we should be meeting later on tonight.
It was great to see her one last time before she leaves krakow. We walked around the market square there's shops, that have been instaled for a week now and just opened. It has a Christmasy feeling. They seel x-mas decorations, "cooked" food, hot wine, ginger bread St-Nicholas, trees and houses, candy and a variety of sugar covered nuts. It's really begining to look alot like Christmas. Good bye Isabelle, hope to see you again one day. Thanks for everything (history and arts "lessons:, very interesting). I'm on my way home from the center and there's 2 "black" guys who just got in the tram. Yeah! "colored" people (again) it is so rare here and as I'm used to seeing alot of "colors" at home it is very refreshing to met. We've been exchanging smiles but now they're gone. It's funny because they have no clue as for why I was smiling at them.
Samedi, le 27 Novembre 2004
Saturday, November 2004
The tram are out of service again. What a bull of crap1 Now, I'm in bus athat won't take me to the train station but somewhere in the center, where I hope to catch another bus or tram to the train station. I'm nervous, because I don't want to miss my train. I can still catch the next one but I'd rather take this one. I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm goin to Athens. This is goin to be great! There's a rush of excitement growing inside of me. I'm just sad I'm not there longer. I'm at the Katowice train and bus station and I've just had the most expensive piss, up 'till now at the price of 1Zloty 50 Grosh, the tea I'm enjoying as I wait for my bus to the airport cost me that much.
Comme je me suis couchee a minuit et que j'ai du me lever a 5h du matin, je suis plutot fatiguee. Je n'ai pas voulue dormir dans le train par peur de manquer mon arret de plus, il fesait tres froid dans le train. Le concept de chauffage n'est pas chose courante ici en Pologne. On gele dans mon appart. et le chauffage est au bout depuis que j'y suis, il n'y a aucun chauffage dans les transport en commun ou les endroits publics tel que station de train, d'autobus, centre d'achat, etc. Je n'ai jamais bu autant de the que depuis que je suis en Pologne. C'est incroyable! Je bois quasiment que du the et presque pas d'eau. Le the est en fait, moins cher que l'eau. Si ma mere crois que je met beaucoupe de sucre dans mon the, elle devrait voir la quantite que les polonais mettent.
I made a bad deal. Wizz air offers transportation from Krakow to the Katowice airport for 40 Zloty. I've decide to try and save by taking the train (12Zloty) and from the train station take a bus (50min from Katowice center 15Zloty). Plus 1.50 for bathroom, plus 1.50 for the tea, not mensionning the uncomfortable seats and being cold for a total price of 35 Zloty. I'll see if I can get the Wizz (comfortable, heated) bus on my way back. I'm at the airport, it's 11am (5am MTL) and my plane leaves at 12:20pm. I should be in Athens in about 4hrs. I can't wait. I'm so anctious. I've had quite a pleasant "time" here at the airport. The guy at the Wizz air counter let me in (cabin) with my 2 bags, the guy at the "border" was checking me out as well as his coleague (had his head over the side window) and the guys at the control (for metal) was making jokes with me, it was fun. They're all young also. I can't believe I brought scisors with me and totally forgot about it. Ah well, bye bye scisors! It's funny because the TV is on and it's in German not Polish.
I am now in Greece. I've met a Pole in the plane and as we landed, he started talking to me. He made me wait for his luggage and for him to smoke a cigarette for notting as we are goin on seperate ways now. I could be in central Athens by now. What a waite of time! On our way to Athens, the pilot pointed out the beautiful mountains as we were flying over Romania. It was magnificent. It is beautiful and hot as the sun shines on Athens. I'm so excited to be here! At the youth hostel, the guy at the desk is cute. There's a Brasilian man who's staying at the youth hostel, he reconized me from the plane.
I'm at a greek restaurant eating my first meal of the day and I'm enjoying it so much. Finally, some non-polish food and some drinkable tap water! This gyros is very good. I've been walking down the streets of Plaka and it is so nice and some kinda peaceful architecture with lively boutiques. From the Plaka, you can admire beautiful Acropolis so well lid, I can't wait to ge tomorrow. Eating alone in a restaurant is something I gotta get used to. I'm full but looking at this food makes me want more, maybe later.
I'm very happy to be in Greece but I'm very lonely and tomorrow's my B-Day. What am I goin to do? I hope I make friends in Krakow fast. I can't even reach Maurice or Anna 'cause Jane didn't give me their contacts. At this point, I wonder if she does it on purpose. I must not think too much, it is depressing me and I shouldn't be depressed, I'm in Athens for Christ sakes! It is pretty cold in Athens tonight. I wanted to go out but I'm too tired so I decided to go back to the youth hostel. The metro in Athens is quite new and nice. They also play classical music, I don't know if it has a specific purpose but it's nice. I love the fact that here everything is in english and that everyone I talk to understands me. There is also a lot more "colors" here.
Dimanche, le 28 Novembre 2004
Sunday, November 28th 2004
It's my B-Day today. I'm in the metro and there's a clown next to me. I'm alone and I can' t help feelinf sad eventho I'm in Athens. I'm goin to the Acropol. It is sunny and beautiful. The bells of a church are rigning, it's peace ful as I walk up the path to the Acropol. There is a cat in the middle of the ruins and everyone's taking a picture. The view from the Acropol is breathtaking on one side the mediteranian sea and on the other side, miles and miles of mountains. I'm very happy to be here. What a B-Day gift! The wind just came up and it's getting a bit frisky.
Lorsque je suis venue, j'ai oubliee d'acheter des bateries et mon stylo a l'auberge et comme je ne voulais pas descendre jusqu'en bas, j'ai su les acheter au premier magasin (10 Euros). C'etait beaucoup trop cher. Quel merde! Maintenant, il y a beaucoup trop de touristes.
As I am sitting next to the Acropol, I feel so much serenity. About 20 mins ago, I met that Brasilian guy again and just now one of my hostel roomates. It is a bit funny to meet 2 people I've just met in Athens. To think that people lived here thousands of years ago and built these splendid monuments. As I'm walking down from teh Acropol, I hear some music, a lonely violin. It sets quite a mood! At my suprise, it is not a violin but a greek instrument (don't know the name).
Walking through the narrow streets of Athens full of life and colors is an enjoyment. All the restaurant have outdoor tables. These streets are filled with people, unleached dogs and street cats. I'm sitting outside a restaurant waiting for service. People look at me alot as I'm sitting alone (of course!). I think my lonelyness is affecting me alot. Yesterday, I ate gyros and today, I'm goin for a greek salad. I gotta treat myself but I have to be careful of how much I spend here as 1 Euro cost 4 Zloty. Oh my god! There are pointy shoes here too. I'm going crazy. This is so awful. The olympic games are everywhere here, it's incredible, everywhere olympic souvenirs.
Tout d'un coup, je me sent incomfortable. Je suis toujours au resto mais j'ai fini de manger et j'ai le gout de partir vite. Je devrais etre heureuse d'etre a Athene mais je m'ennuie tellement de vous qu'on dirait que ca gache tout. Je veux rentrer a MTL. Etre loin de chez soi pendant longtemps est tres difficile, meme dans un endroit magnifique. J'ai besoin de bouger pour ne plus y penser.
I've just walked by this store on Adrianou st. and a greek who works there stoped me to talk with me. He said he saw me last night but he was with a customer. He offered to meet him after work to visit Athens. He was quite charmin.
J'adore marcher dans les "sentiers battu" sur la rue Iperdou, j'ai trouve un chef d'oeuvre par un artiste inconnue qui adore Bush et la famille Ladden. Vous comprendrez par la vue de mes photos. Je pense a ma mere alors que je vois d'autres chats errants. Elle se ferait un plaisir de les flatter et de les nourrir. Quel vue superbe, des ruines au coeur de la ville. Quel sensation que de se promener dans l'agora Romain en plaine ville le vent dans les cheveux.
There are a lot of motorcicles in those small streets. I just walked by 2 old man playing badgamon as they are next to their stan selling different types of nuts and some traditionnal greek sweets. It is a nice scene. As I was writing these notes, a greek (Armando) came up to me. He doesn't speak english very well. His friend is waiting across the street. I saw them before I stoped to write these notes and I had noticed they were looking at me. His friend is cuter. Anyways, we walk around together. We went to the ancien agora were we find romain monuments. It is beautiful! From the Agora, the view of the Acropolis is enchanting. We sat on a bench and he kept on playing with my hair and trying to kiss me as I said no everytime. There are alot of trees around the Acropolis and as I was sitting there, I was imagining what it would look like if fall as we know existed here, with all the colorful leaves. What a beautiful image. Armando NO! Again, this guy is waisting his time, it's not goin to happen. Oh god, he's starting to be anoyng! Guys flirts way more here than they do in Poland. And they're obsested with sex. In every shop, there's porn, porn postcards, porn calendars, porn poterie, ect.
I've just met up with Marco (actually, I'm in a restaurant and I'm taking the oportunity of him being in the bathroom to write). He'svery nice. Before the restaurant, we were at somekinda Bar/Cafe and I'm just having such a good time talking with him. I think he's a bit shorter than me but that's cool. We passed by a store so he can buy cigarettes (his biggest fault!). The man at the store was so nice, he knew Marco and kept on talking to me in greek with a bit of english saying I'm such a beautiful girl and the Marco's such a nice guy. He was so energetic, it was nice and funny, he also gave me some candy. People here are so nice, it's great. Marco is a nice quy. He's in the bathroom again. There's just something about him, I don't know what. For now, he makes me happy and that's all I need to know. It's my B-Day, I gotta enjoy it. There are 2 musicians playing traditionnal greek music. Marco told them it was my B-Day and they came to our table to sing the dreadful B-Day song. This is fun! As we were leaving the restaurant, the musicians sang a romantic greek song dedicated to me. It was so sweet and lovely as Marco translated the words for me.
Then, we stoped by a convinience store/cafe that belongs to his aunt. His cousin was playing some "pop" greek music to which she loved dancing. Hes aunt gave me wine and we all drank it together as they sang the B-Day song. Not again! I hate this sont! It was really nice to be with a greek family. I was just peting their nice little dog. The streets here are just as pretty night time as they are daytime. I'm in his small, extremelly dirty appartment and I have the strange feeling I'm making a mistake. As he's in the bathroom completely naked making awful discusting noises. It's really cold in his appartment. He's sleeping now and I'm son cold, I can't sleep. I know I would regret this.
Lundi, le 29 novembre 2004
Monday, November 29th 2004
Well it’s morning, I wanted to get up earlier but I didn’t sleep much, it was so cold. He asked me to meet him tonight but I don’t think so. Not after the night I just had. I want to got to the mediteranean sea today and visit the Averof ship. I’m on a bus but I don’t know if it goes there, I hope it does. I was first told to take the E2 than, they told me to take the B2 and the B2 told me it’s not right, I have to take the 040. I really want to get there, I hope I will. At lease I’m kinda sure I’m goin to the sea. Great! I’m lost. The bus driver of the 040 didn’t speak english and the stops are in greek as my map is in english. I got off at the wrong stop, obviously. I met this very nice girl, her name is Eva she doesn’t speak much english but she taught me some greek and showed me the way to the metro. To think that I could’ve taken the metro all this time waisted. I’m at the peace and friendship stadium and I finally found someone who speaks english and knows about the Averof ship. It’s closed, of course! I have to wait 1 hour. That’s just great! I hope this ship is worth it. I’ll just go for food it’s 2pm and I haven’t eaten yet. I’m at an Italien/Greek restaurant. I’m hoping to get soem good Italien food. I miss Cornelli where I eat canelloni with rosee sauce and gratine. They don’t have good Italien restaurants in Krakow. I was hoping to get to swim a little in the mediteranean sea but I guess it won’t be possible. Maybe tomorrow but I doubt it. The good thing about today is that it’s nice and sunny. When I think about the fact that I’m in Athens, I get “gitty” like a little child. At lease here the girls don’t all have “reddish” hair actually, it’s quite rare. Well, this was the best pizza I had in 3mths. It was good but I’ve had better.
I’m on the Averof and it is great. It’s a greel ar,u ship that served in many wars including WWI and WWII. The view of the Mediterranean sea from this ship is magnificent. At the entrance, there were two guys in navy suits. Gotta luv guys in uniforms, especially navy and marines! On the boat, I met a man who works at an engineer officer. He showed me all the great places on the boat. He didn’t speak much english but he tried hard. He even offered me something to drink. I just passed at, the hostel and the guy who works there is extremelly gorgeous. He is so sweet as well. I’ve been enjoying talking with him every night. It’s a pitty I won’t see him again before I leave greece. I just received an SMS from Solomon. That was really nice of him. It made me very happy. It’s like a suprise, somekind of a gift. Just to know that he reads my e-mails and takes the time to send me a message on my phone thru the internet. I might sound small to you but to me being so far from home, it means the world. He had to 1 read my e-mail, 2 go on a Polish web site, 3 make out the polish (instructions in my e-mail), 4 write a message and 5 send it. All of that and he made me happy. My best friend Isabelle, often sends me SMSs, she’s the best. Even if she sometimes write 2-3 words, if feels good to read her messages. I’m stupid, I’m on my way to meet Marco, I know I shouldn’t but like I just said, I’m stupid. I guess, I feel alone too much and he was nice last night, it just turned ugly at his appartment, a mistake I won’t do twice. I’m at that restaurant we went last night waiting for Marco (somekinda problem at the jewlery store where he works). When I got in the restaurant, the musicians reconized me, smled and said hi. They’re charmin. There’s a group of asians with a british guy at a table not far from mine and it’s funny because they’re eating the meals like they do at home (many plates in the middle of the table and they eat from all of them). Everybody knows Marco here, it’s just like a small village. Marco wants me to have a treesome with one of his friends. He invited him to meet us at the restaurant. OK! I’m not having sex with this guy. He’s nice (a bit –lot- idiot) but most of all, he’s not physically attractive to me. Alwready Marco’s not that good looking but Sam ..... notting to say. We’re in another restaurant where there’s some greek live music and some people dancing. It is really nice, I love watching them dance. Marco’s smoking way too much now, a cigarette every 10 mins. That’s way too much. He’s now acting like a child because of my comments on his intolerable smoking habit. I’m getting tired and I wanna wake up early tomorrow as it’s my last day in Athens. I’m at Marco’s appartment with him and he sent Sam to get beer. I’m mad because I told Marco I didn’t want to have sex with Sam. Sam bought some Ruffles (chips) I was so happy to eat those as they don’t have them in Poland. He just left and thank god. I’m heritated by Marco’s behavior. I’ve told him many times that I don’t want to have sex with Sam and he kept on pushing him on to me.Telling him to give me a massage (and he was horrible at it). Sam was holding me so tight and trying to kiss me. I tried to be nice na push him slowly away but it didn’t work so I went to the bathroom and when I came back, I was getting ready to leave.
I think I should’ve pushed him with all my force and tell him I don’t want him but I also think Marco’s just as bad if not worst ‘cause he kept pushing him on me. It was uncomfortable and truelly unpleasant. I hate people forcing themselves on me and trying to kiss me against my will. It is such a horrible feeling. Sam is gone now, thank god and it’s time to sleep. Marco put the heater on this time. He’s a bit frustrated because he wants to have sex (me too) but he’s such in a hurry to take off my pants again and I told him to wait but he doesn’t want to. He thinks (or pretends to) that I don’t want to have sex. I just don’t want the same thing to happen like last night. I want to take it slow. He’s too frustrated now, ah well, tough luck!
Mardi, le 30 novembre 2004
Tuesday, November 30th 2004
As I leave Marco sleeping, I feel somekinda emptyness like I’m leaving him on unhappy terms. This morning and last night, he made me feel like he didn’t want me there. So, this morning. I left a message on my pillow and walked thru his front door. As I was walking down Adrianou st, the pleasant view of the marchands opening their shops, the sun shining on the streets of Athens, the smell of morning’s fresh air didn’t seem to be pleasant to me as I’m taking a plane back to Krakow this evening. It’s funny how of 3 days being in Athens I made more friends than in the 2 months I’ve been in Krakow. Marco kept on telling me how easy it is to find a job in Greece and how I should stay and work here. He’s sweet! I will come back one day. The metro here is new, it was built 3-4 years ago. The lines within the city and it’s “borrows”, they call it train and the line that goes to the airport, they call metro. I’m walking down the streets and all I can think of is Marco. Today is gift shopping day. I only have 2hrs. I’ve walked by the jewlery store to see him but he’s not there yet. I’ve been goin to everyone I know to say last goodbyes. Where is Marco? The man at the shop who gave me candies the other day, was way too “sticky” and he gave me a bottle of greek wine. So nice of him! He gave me a hug and the next thing I know, his tongue is in my ear. EWWWWW that’s discusting! What’s up with these greeks, this is becoming a very unpleasant weekend. All those greeks forcing themselves on me. Hey! I’m not a sexual toy. Leave me alone
The main greek “thing” is somekinda bracelet too big to fit your wrist with beeds that people use to play with (to have something to occupy their hands). It is a beautiful, hot suny day today and to think I’m leaving this warm city for freezing cold Krakow. I just went to the exchange office and I know the guy charged me way too much and I forgot to keep some for the train and bus on the way back. I haven’t shoped for food ‘cause Marco told me it would cost less from the airport (duty free). I’m in the metro on my way to pick up my bags at the hostel and enjoying my last gyros. This is so good! I want more. If you take it to go, it costs 1,50 Euro. Well, now I’m in the metro on my way to the airport and all I can think of is Marco. I feel like we have some “unfinish business” and that we left eachother on a bad note without any goodbyes.
It’s the second time I have to leave the metro ‘cause it doesn’t go to the end of the line (airport) this is really anoying. I just got controled and it turned out that the ticket I had wasn’t good for the metro to the airport and I was supposed to get another ticket for 6 Euros and now it’s costing me 10 Euros. This is crap! I passed by the duty free and bought olives and cheese. I am tired and in someways I can’t wait to be at home. I sent Marco and SMS and I keep on checking mine at every little sound hopping he’s answered. As I’m in the plane on my way back from Athens, I feel like I wanna go to MTL not Krakow. I wish I had some friends in Krakow. The plane has stoped at the Katowice airport but we can’t leave the plane ‘cause some woman was smoking in the plane (it is illegal and cause for arrest) therefore, she was being arrested. Some girl who was with her started to go balistik on the poor flight attendant.
I’m in a shuttle to Krakow and I’ve just received an SMS from Marco. What a sweetheart, he just called me to see if I got home alwright, he’s gonna call me again later. Well, I have no Zloty left, thank god the driver takes Euros. My mother the best, she just called me to ask me how my trip went. I love her so much. She’s the best. The shuttle drive is so nice, he dropped me off at my place. I’m glad, I didn’t have to take the tram home. I’m happy to be home but I’d rather be at home in MTL or in Greece. I only have Euros and CADs, good thing I’m getting paid tomorrow. Good night.
Mercredi, le 1er decembre 2004
Wednesday, December 1st 2004
I’m so mad at my boss, he decided that we wouldn’t get paid today but tomorrow. I have completely notting. Dammit! Well, I’ll download my pix and check some e-mails at work. I’m thinking more and more about goin to Greece. I tought, I should only go next year but my boss is getting me mad and I’m thinking about January.
Jeudi, le 2 decembre 2004
Thursday, December 2nd 2004
I finally got my glasses. Paulina and I went looking for appartments. The first appartment we saw was perfect. It was nice had a kitchen washing machine, it was clean, cheap (400 Zloty ~ 160 CAD) + utilities, it was fully furnished, it even had 2 sofa beds. It would’ve been great if the woman renting it wasn’t psyco. She wanted to come over anytime she wanted. I said she would have to let me know before hand and she asked Why? She was goin to come in (with her key) whenever she wanted and she wanted this other woman to be able to hang her clothes in the appartment to dry them. Why can’t she do it in her own?!? She was a real nut job. At the other place, it was one room at an old woman’s appartment. I don’t want to live with an old woman. Especially that her 40 year old son kept on checking me out. No way!! This appartment searching crap is horrible. It goes from bad to worst. And the good news is, that I have to move out by monday. Great! This was too stressful. I’m thinking about what Marco said and I think I’m going to get a job in Athens. At lease there, more people speaks english and I have friends. People here are alwais too busy and aren’t very sociable. The only friends I made were tourists.
Vendredi, le 3 decembre 2004
Friday, December 3rd 2004
Suzy n’est pas tres en forme en se moment. Elle n’est pas tres heureuse avec cet emploi et moi non-plus. J’en reviens pas! Il paye Suzy 2 Zloty de moins que moi. C’est affreux! Mon patron est con. Je suis tannee de cette merde. Je crois que je vais partir. J’ai pas d’amis, pas d’appart et mon patron est une ordure. Bon! Ca y est, j’ai decide de partir. Maintenant la question est : Est-ce que je vais en Greece directement ou a la maison? Mon billet d’avion est bon jusqu’au 6 decembre. Je crois que je vais rentrer a la maison et me rendre en Grece plustard. Je viens tout juste de parler avec Marco, il m’a offert de me rendre directement en Grece, il a dit que je pourrai rester chez lui pendant qu’il est en Espagne et en Angleterre. Non merci! Je crois que je vais renter chez moi. Il va me trouver un emploi et je pourrai dormir chez lui, jusqu'à ce que je me trouve un appart. Bien sur! Je viens tout just d’appeler ma mere (il est 5 :40 a MTL) elle est endormie mais heureuse de savoir que je reviens a la maison. Je suis tellement exitee, j’ai hate de rentrer. Mon patron n’est pas la, il me doit de l’argent pour le mois passe et il a mes diplomes (originaux). Je le deteste. Il fait toujours les choses a la derniere minute et finalement, c’est jamais fait. Ass hole! Bon, j’ai deux cours a donner ce soir. J’ai pas l’gout mais je vais prendre ca tres relaxe. Suzy et moi allons sortir pour feter. Nous sommes dans un bon petit restaurant Polonais pas cher et c’est delicieux. Demain, Pierre va appeler mon boss pour lui dire que ma grand mere est gravement malade et qu’elle va mourir (elle est morte depuis 4ans). Quelle mise en scene!
Samedi, le 4 decembre 2004
Saturday, December 4th 2004
Well, my mother just woke me up. It’s time to show my acting talents. I’ve gotta be depressed and very sad. Oh my god! What an ass hole! When I got to the school without even trying, I started crying. Wow! I told my boss that my G-Ma was dying and that she might not make it through the night. He knew this ‘cause Pierre called him to let him know. He asked me to still teach my 3hr class (even in my “emotional” state) I said I was too “emotional”. He said I had to at lease give the exam for the first hour and a half. Then (I can’t believe he even taught of it), he ask me if I could not leave tomorrow be in a week. I said no way (ass hole) what if she dies over night, I’m gonna get there after she buried. What did he think! Then, he asked me to corect the exam for 2pm (giving me an hour). He’s oh so dreaming. Bastard! My only problem is, he owes me some money for teaching and he has my original diplomas. Well, I’ll take the exams with me (by mistake of course!) and I’ll send them back when I have “money” to send it and my certificates. I’ve got soo many things to do: pack, go to the salt mines, buy presents (mostly for my mother), ect. I have so little time, I’m taking the train to Warsaw at 8:05pm tomorrow. When I get to Warsaw, I’m goin directly to the airport (will get there at about midnight) and my plain leaves at 6:20am. I have a 5hr layover in Amsterdam and I get in MTL at 4:20pm (10:20 Polish time), that makes about 28hrs of travelling. Well, I’m going downtown now to buy presents. As I’m looking outside the tram, I’m feeling a bit sad to leave this beautiful city. I’ll be coming back, but when? I’m goin to miss certain things and I wish I knew more Polish. The market square is oh so beautiful this evening. With all the lights, the X-Mas music, the smell of food and all the people. There are so many just strolling around. I’ve decided to eat at those X-Mas outdoor restaurant stands. I think the guy scrood me on the price of the food but what the hell! Suzy and I, are on own way to meet Marta, Marta is one of my students. She’s really nice, she lived in NYC for a year so her english is very good. I’m glad I’m seeing her before I leave. We’re in this club where they have a live band, this must be the worst, if not one of the worst bands I’ve ever heard. They are not even playing together, it’s ridiculous! We left the club with the horrible band. There’s a guy who came to us and started talking and talking and talking. It was annoying! He’s gone now, thank god! Well, time to go home, bye Martha.
Dimanche, le 5 decembre 2004
Sunday, December 5th 2004
This is my last day in Poland (Krakow) I’m sad but also happy to go home. I’m in a bus on my way to the salt mines in Wielicka. I can’t wait to see it. I had gotten used to libing here taking the tram everyday, learning polish. This is quite sad. I just met 2 English who came here on a weekend holliday. It is 40 Zloty to be able to take pictures. We just got down about 300 steps and we’re at level one. The smell and the air is different but really nice. The salt mine is therapeutic. You can sleep here for health reasons. It is beautiful, the statues and the chandelier is made out of salt, you can even lick the walls. Our guide is nice and he has this way of saying errr every two-three words like all Poles who speaks english. We’re now in this big chapel where the carvings on the walls are spectacular. There are some ceremonies held here, weddings included. On one of the walls, the carvings shows man killing children as women cry. I asked the guide to explain to me and he said that in the bible, a king (don’t remember his name) ordered all the baby boys to be killed hoping one of them would be Jesus. We are now at level 3 about 130 meters underground. It is beautiful, there are 3 lakes down here, it’s really nice. I’m in a “chamber” and we are in total darkness. They’re presenting this “chamber” with a piece from Chopin acompanied by lights effects. It’s nice! It’s so specia to be here. I like it. It’s the end of the tour now and we’re goin back up thru a 4 level elevator in which they put 9 person/floor. It’s weird, we are squiched and it is total darkness. Things could happen ;) ! I’m in a bus on the way to downtown, it is getting late and I’ve gotta leave the appartment at 6:30pm. I gotta get some stuff before I leave, like wodka. I just called Marco, he sais he’s goin to call me later on my cellphone. What a sweetheart!
Suzy’s great, she’s helping me to the train station. I’m gonna miss, these people I met here. I’m now on a train to Warsaw and I’m finally sitting down. It’s horrible ‘cause my luggage is a wide as the hall and I’ve just learned that I’m in the wrong wagon. This is Hell! My humongest luggage is hell. Thank god some polish guys are helping me out. I’m so tired and we’re so squshed that I can’t lean to sleep a bit. It is 11:30pm and My flight is in 7hrs. I’m extremely tired and I have a huge headeache. I’m at McD’s, more or less against my will, it’s about the only thing around that’s open (I have too much luggage and I don’t feel like goin far). I have to find a way to get to the airport without taking a taxi. I wanna save some money besides, I have 7hrs to get there. I’m goin to stay here awhile. I just wanna sleep. My body aches from the weght of my luggage. Guys have been very nice and helping me out.
I took a taxi and I’m at the airport now. I just broke a bottle of Wodka and I’m sooooooo tired that I’m crying over that incident. I just wanna sleep. The mother and Pierre are calling me every half hour to keep me awake.
Lundi, le 6 decembre 2004
Monday, December 6th 2004
The flight attendant is very nice. He’s joking with me and I’m about to drop dead. Man this 5hr layover in Amterdam is long. I’m too tired to go out of the airport and there’s nowhere to sleep but on the chairs. I’m so tired I can’t sleep. I’m at the Montreal airport waiting for my luggage and it feel like forever. Finally home! When I saw my mother at the airport, I couldn’t help myself from crying. I was soooooo happy to see her. I’m at home but I feel strange. Things are pretty much the same but I don’t feel at home. It weird because I reconize everything. Now, all I want is a smoke meat and pizza. I can’t help but feel weird. I can’t wait to go out dancing tomorrow night at the Petit Medley. I somekinda miss Poland. I’m just so used to the way of living. I had my own life there and now, it’s like goin back to my previous life. I don’t feel at home here. I guess it’ll take some time for me to get used to this again.
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