Saturday, June 23, 2007

Maroochydore - with my 2nd cousin/avec mon cousin eloigne - photos/pix (sample/echantillion)

Maroochydore - with my 2nd cousin/avec mon cousin eloigne -

Tuesday, June 12th ‘07

Another day down here. Checked out and will be going to see my second cousin up in Maroochydore. I don’t want to bring my huge suitcase up here but the hostel will only keep it if I pay for a night when I get back. I just don’t want to, as I don’t know when I’ll be back and if I would be staying the night in Brisbane. I called Drew’s parents to see if they would take it for a couple of days. Pay (Drew’s mom) was really nice and picked me up at the hostel. I got some canolli from an Italian pastry so we ate that with a tea not without getting some lunch first.. They are so very nice. They’re great! Pat just left me at the train station and I’m off to a 3hr trip to Maroochydore. Oh ya 3hrs! It takes about 1h30mins by car but as I’m using public transport, it’s taking longer. I have to take 2 trains and 1 bus. I have lots of time to think and spend with myself.

I’m now in Maroochydore, 3hrs later. Got myself to Thai Mangoes the restaurant owned by his girlfriend, Duan. When I got there, I left my luggage on the floor, everyone was in the back so no one saw me. I asked for David and when he came, he spoke to me in English only when I answered in French did he realize I was his 2nd cousin. He was really nice, we spoke all evening as he fed me Thai food. I had never eaten Thai food before except for this weekend at Paulette and Gary’s. It was very good, I love tasting different foods. When the restaurant closed, we went back to his place and was worried I would think he was boring and offered to go out do something. It seemed like he really wanted to go to a bar take a beer or something. We ended up watching a movie.

Mercredi, le 13 juin ‘07

Eh oui! J’ecris en Français cette fois-ci. J’ai crue que ce serais plus approprie puisqu’en ce moment, je suis chez mon cousin eloigne qui habite Maroochydore sur le Sunshine coast. Je suis venue le voir hier au restaurant de sa blonde et je suis restee chez eux hier. Davis voulais partir vers 9h-9h30 du matin pour aller faire un tour mais il ne s’est pas leve avant 10h. Pas bien grave! On est aller dans les montagne pour manger puis on a fais le tour des magasin. La vue etait magnifique et c’etait plaisant. Duan (sa copine) est vraiment tres gentille et pas trop reserve comme la majorite des asiatique que j’ai rencontre, ce qui est une bonne chose. Je me sent confortable avec eux. C’est tellement gentils de me laisser dormir chez eux et de m’avoir emmener ici pour visiter.

J’ai remarque que c’est une topographie typique de l’est de l’Australie (pas vue l’ouest encore) que d’avoir la mer, la ville sur le bord de la mer ou pas trop loin, ensuite les montagnes avec le « rainforest » pour finir avec la savane. Apres, nous sommes retournees a la ville prendre une sieste avant de nous rendre au restaurant. David m’a demande aujourd’hui si je voulais bien remplacer une serveuse vendredi et samedi. Je le ferai avec plaisir. Ils sont tellement accueillant, je ne peux refuser, je ne voudrais refuser. On dirais bien que je suis ici pour la fin de semaine aussi. J’avais rien de vraiment prevue mais je croyais que je serais de retour a Brisbane pour la fin de semaine. Ah bon! Comme je prevois rarement et j’ai aucune obligations, je peux faire comme je veux.

Rendue au resto, comme je voulais pas trop etre dans les jambes, je suis allee prendre une longue marche aussi pour visiter. Lorsque j’etais dans l’autobus en chemin pour Maroochydore, j’ai vue des trucs que je voulais voir, je me suis juste pas rendue compte combien c’etait loin, plus de 4 km. Je me suis rendue jusqu'à Moloolaba deux villes plus loin ou il y a des magasins, cafes, restaurants, ect. J’ai aussi marche un peu sur le bord de l’eau. Le Sunshine Coast est un peu comme le Gold Coast sauf plus petit et moins touristique. La fermeture du restaurant, David voulais ecouter Maurice Richard, le film que j’ai amener de Montreal. Je crois qu’il etait content de le voir. Typique Quebecois!

Jeudi, le 14 juin ‘07

Aujourd’hui, je suis allee faire un tour au centre d’achat ou Duan m’a laisser pendant qu’elle allait faire des trucs. Ce centre d’achat est gigantesque et tres beau. Il y a tellement de monde, je me demande s’ils travaillent!? J’ai fais un peu le tour, il y a deux partie du centre d’achat separe par une « riviere » ou on peut faire du pedalo. Je suis tombee sur la version Australienne de Mira et ils avaient un golden-lab, j’ai pas pu m’empeche d’aller le voir, je m’ennuie tellement de Fanny et Lola! J’ai parle un peu avec la dame et elle prends les chiens quand ils sont bebe pour 2 ans avant qu’ils se fassent entraine comme chez nous. Le chien qui est la est un chien qu’ils utilisent seulement pour les expositions car ils se sont rendu compte au milieu de l’entrainement qu’il avait un probleme avec une patte. J’etais tellement contente de le flatter.

Duan est venue me chercher puis on es allees chercher David avant d’aller manger. Apres le repas, ils m’ont amene voir ou ils habitaient avant a Moloolaba, c’est un joli petit cartier. Puis, nous sommes aller a underwater world faire un tour des magasins, on n’est pas aller a l’interieur. Ce soir, je suis restee a la maison j’avais des trucs a faire sur le net. Plus tard, quand David est revenue, j’ai chatte avec sa tante Monique et on s’est vue sur web cam (David a une web cam sur son laptop). J’ai attendue que ma mere soit sur l’internet pour qu’elle aie la chance de me voir sur la cam. Je crois qu’elle etait tres contente de me voir. J’etais contente pour elle car je me rappelle quand je l’ai vue avec les chiens comment je me suis sentie.

Vendredi, le 15 juin ‘07

Nous sommes alles chez une amie, Emi a David pour l’aide a installer des stores. Elle a un bebe de 3 mois. C’etait tres bien et elle est tres gentille. Nous avons mange chez elle un met Bresilien delicieux. C’etait tres plaisant. Aujourd’hui, je remplace une serveuse au restaurant, ca me fais tres plaisir de le faire. Ils m’on accueillis chez eux et nourris depuis que je suis ici. J’aime bien le petit restaurant, il est tres maison avec une atmosphere familiale. C’est facile de ce sentir bien ici. Apres la fermeture du resto, nous sommes alles rejoindre un de leurs ami avant de sortir. Nous sommes alles dans un club ou il y avait un band qui etait bon mais des qu’ils ont fini le DJ etait tres mauvais et la musique a passe de « light rock » a boom boom/techno. Les gens qui etaient dans le club sont des enfants « gate » qui passent 3 heurs devant le mirroir. Il y avait 2 filles qui on du penser que c’etait le playboy mansion. Franchement! Par contre, David les as bien aime, leur ami es gay et etais totalement d’accord avec moi. A la fin, comme tout l’monde avait bue appart moi, j’ai conduit. Eh oui, je suis, il semble, la personne ideal pour etre la conductrice designe. Ca ne me derange pas du tout!

Samedi, le 16 juin ‘07

Le matin a ete difficile pour mes hotes! Nous avons simplement ramasse du fast food en chemin au restaurant. C’est du genre on mange dans le resto ferme avant l’ouverture. J’aime bien travailler au resto, l’atmosphere est tres agreable et c’est tres bien organise. Les serveuses sont jeunes et tres gentilles apart une qui veux tout faire et prendre le contrôle en avant, les autres la laisse faire mais je l’ai pas laisse me marche sur les pieds car a un certain point, elle devient insolante et manque de respect. Elle n’a que 15 ans mais ca ne lui donne pas le droit de traiter ces colegues comme ca. A part ca, c’est tres relax et bien. David avait laisse son chandail chaud a la maison et il voulait ramener sa mobylette, il a donc mis mon jacket. Il avait l’air d’un motocycliste de yamaha ou quelque chose comme ca mais avec un jacket un peu trop petit. Apres, nous sommes alles manger de la pizza avec Pipou l’autre chef avant de rentrer a la maison.

Dimanche, le 17 juin ‘07

Nous nous sommes leve de bonheur pour aller a un marche exterieur, un peu comme le marche Jean Talon rencontre les scouts et les ventes de garage. C’etait bien de faire le tour. Je suis un peu tannee de manger du restaurant tout les jours 2x par jour. Je suis allee faire une commande pour faire un repas aujourd’hui et demain ainsi que du pouding chomeur. Malheureusement, ils n’ont pas de four je vais donc faire cuire mon dessert chez Emi.

Elle a un garcon de 3 mois, Sunny qui semble ne pas trop aime la voiture alors, je me suis assie a l’arriere avec le p’tit. J’aime bien Emi elle est vraiment tres gentille et adorable. C’est une Japonaise qui a ete eleve au Bresil. Elle a voyage beaucoup et travaille comme instructeur de plonge pour le Club Med pendant plusieurs annees. Elle est braiment tres interesante. Le pere est au Maladives pour le travail, elle vit donc comme une mere monoparentale. Elle aime vraiment son bebe. Ma mere devait etre pareil avec moi a cet age. Nous avons mange des sandwich et du pouding chomeur un peu renverse. Le pouding a mange tout un coup dans la voiture et la paste s’est melange avec la sauce en chemin. Duan est venue me cherche apres la fermeture du resto.

Lundi, le 18 juin ‘07

David peinture le plancher du garage aujourd’hui (leurs journee de conge aujourd’hui). J’ai decide de chercher un emploi aujourd’hui. Samedi, j’ai achete le journal. J’ai fais a diner pour David et moi, Duan n’avait pas faim. Puis, je suis partie a Mooloolaba, chaque magasin qui cherche du monde n’offre que du « casual » c’est a dire, 6-9hrs par semaine et/ou du remplacement qui veut dire des semaines sans travail. Arrivent’ ils a trouver des gens qui veulent ca? J’ai vite abandonne! Je crois que je vais appeler la station de bœufs pour y travailler sinon, je vais me rendre dans un bar, milieu de nul part. J’ai pris l’bus pour Cotton tree, une rue plein de magasin mais j’ai continue jusqu’au centre d’achat.

Je me suis promenee, il est vraiment tres grand avec une riviere en plein milieu ou l’on peut faire du pedalo J’ai regarde les Akubra (chapeau Australien) mais je ne pense qu’a celui que j’ai vue a Melany mercredi passe. En marchant dans le centre d’achat, un odeur agreable et familiere est parvenue a mes narines, c’est la que je me suis retournee vers le fleuriste. Mes fleurs preferes etaient la sur le bord. J’ai du me retenir a en faire l’achat. J’ai appele la station et je crois que c’est promettent. Je dois attendre qu’on me rappele mais je crois que je vais avoir une reponse positive.

J’ai pris une bonne marche d’environ 45 mins entre le centre d’achat et la maison. Je suis arrivee quelques minutes avant David. En chemin, j’ai pense a ce que j’avais pu faire avec la bouffe que j’ai achete avant hier et j’ai pense a des pizzas avec les tortillas. David a bien aime l’idee, Duan etait avec des amies. Ils sont tellement habitues a prendre la voiture ou la mobylette pour ce rendre partout que c’est une grosse affaire quand je marche. Juste ce soir, David veut qu’on aye chez un amis a 3 rues et comme Duan a la voiture, David savait pas comment ce rendre jusqu'a ce que je lui suggere de marcher. Arrive la, son ami dormait, Duan venait porter Pipoo (la femme de son ami) et encore une fois, c’etait une grosse affaire qu’on ait marche les 5-10 mins que ca pris. Franchement!

Mardi, le 19 juin ‘07

J’ai decide aujourd’hui d’aller a Noosa Heads qui est au nord de Maroochydore. Il y a un autobus qui s’y rend direct, du centre d’achat. En chemin, le bus passe par Coolum Beach et c’est magnifique, j’etais tentee de sortir mais je suis restee. Je suis a Noosa Heads et franchement, y’a pas grand chose a voir et a faire, en-t-k pas a pied. J’ai pas trouve la plage et j’ai marche sur la seule rue qui fais le centre ville. Il y a un bus tout les 30 mins, j’ai donc decide de prendre le suivant. Il est deja « tard » (4h) le soleil est sur le point de se coucher, j’espere me rendre a Coolum Beach avant que le soleil soit completement parti. Mon billet de bus est un daily ce qui beut dire que je peux monter et descendre du bus tant que je veux dans les zones que j’ai choisi. La vue en route est magnifique avec les plages et l’ocean.

Je suis a Coolum et le soleil me grace de sa presence. C’est tres beau ici, la plage d’un cote, les restos et magasins de l’autre. Il y a un beau boardwalk qui suit la plage du haut de la falaise, en bas une plage avec a certains endroits des rochers. J’me demande si David et Duan sont deja venu ici? C’est juste 20-25 mins de voiture. Je serais facilement tentee de venir m’y baigner. J’ai pris le bus suivant 30 mins plustard pour me rendre au centre d’achat ou je dois connecter avec l’autre bus qui va m’amener au resto. Je ne peux me rendre a la maison car il n’y a persone. J’ai donc decide de stretcher le temps en me promenant dans le centre d’achat en fermeture. Je crois simplement que je devrais leur laisser de « l’air » et aussi, je vais partir bientot demain ou jeudi. Je ne veux pas abuser de leurs hospitalite.

Je ne pourrais jamais vivre comme ils le font, je virais folle! Ils passent la majorite de leur temps entre la maison et le resto et plus de 95% ensemble. J’tuerais mon chum si j’avais pas plus de temps pour moi-meme. Il y a tellement de choses a faire, j’pourrais pas rester isole a la maison comme ca, j’ai besoin de bouger, sortir, voir le monde. Je trouve leur style de vie particuliere, surtout pour un endroit beau et chaud comme ici. Quoique dernierement, je gele! Eh oui, je me les geles. Il fait froid, je porte des pantalons et mets mon jacket tout les jours.

Mercredi, le 20 juin ‘07

Aujourd’hui, j’esperais me rendre a Melany ou ce trouve le chapeau que j’aime malheureusement, j’ai trouve aucun autobus qui s’y rend pourtant, je suis sur d’en avoir vue un. Ah well! Rien que je peux faire maintenant! Je prends le train demain a 13h30 pour Brisbane. Duan ne s’est pas leve avant midi trente si non, je serais partie aujourd’hui. Ca m’a par contre, donne l’occasion de prendre des photos au resto. Ce soir, la soupe que Duan a fais pour souper, etait tellement bonne que j’en ai mange apres ne plus avoir faim, jusqu'a ce que j’ai mal au ventre. Et j’ai eu mal au ventre mais ca en valais la peine!

Jeudi, le 21 juin ‘07
Thursday June 21st ‘07

Derniere journee a Maroochydore, je repars pour Brisbane. J’ai tellement de lavage a faire c’est pas croyable. Duan et David m’ont amene a la gare, j’ai pas eu a prendre le bus. Je suis tres contente d’etre venue et de les avoir rencontre, merci pour tout! En route pour Brisbane au moins, Pat (la mere a Drew) va venir me chercher a la gare et je lui ai demande si je pouvais cuisiner un coffeecake ce soir. Je veux faire ce gateau depuis un certain temps, surtout pour James qui a ete vraiment tres gentil avec moi.

Pat picked me up at the station and we went to take the dogs to the dog run. Afterwards, I went to do some groceries before I made my wonderful coffeecake. Because of their unconventional oven, it didn’t rise as much as it should’ve but it still tastes the same. Devilisious!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Wintersun - Gold Coast pix (sample)

Back in Brisbane and Wintersun (Gold Coast)

Tuesday, June 5th ‘07

3:20am That’s so early! Can’t believe I actually got my butt out of bed. This is one of the rare times in this trip that everything went well, I didn’t forget anything or run after a bus or something. Well, I’m back in Bris Vegas. I’m glad to be here, I just feel the same way I did when I came back to Montreal after Poland. It’s like I miss being in Croydon and things were getting interesting in the last week. I just can’t stop thinking about the mustering I did on Sunday and how I want to do it again. Neil was really nice, I liked him, was just a bit unusual for me to see a 23 year old being the boss, owning his own house and making a good living. I texted Helen and Stephanie, spoke to my mom and let a message on David’s restaurant answering machine.

I called this woman who spoke to me about a job as I was leaving for Croydon. I have an interview tomorrow morning. As I walked thru South Bank, I thought about it and if I get a job here now for 6 months, my contract would end in December. There’s no mustering from December to March and my visa ends in March. I so want to muster for a month and learn to ride a horse properly. I’d have to either leave before the end of the contract or go back and have waited all the money it took t get here. This sucks! I guess I can stay four months and go muster for 1 or 2 months then work in bars in the outback to save some money. Time goes by faster than it seems at lease it does when I travel, in 2 days it’ll be 3 months I’m in Australia.

Walked around the city and south bank, went for an ice-cream at cold rocks, then went back to the hostel. I’ll be taking a nap and go on the net.

Wednesday, June 6th ‘07

My nap ended up lasting 17hrs, went to bed at 3pm woke up this morning at 8. Had an interview today at 10:30 for a recruitment company. They don’t have anything at the moment but in July they do. I had a message on my mobile that is now erased, I think it was from Drake, I’ll call them up maybe they have something for me. It is raining like hell! Haven’t seen much rain since I had left Montreal. It’s cold! I went to the city to take a walk as well as south bank, my usual “trail”.

Went to the Fringe bar. Not many have showed up, too scared of the rain I guess! I saw Mark and Amanda. They left early as Mark had injured himself. I thought I would leave just after but then I was asked to dance and this guy from the us marines showed up. He had corresponded with me thru myspace asking for places to dance. I gave him the info and told him I wouldn’t be there so he was surprised to see me there. He was actually good and fun to dance with.

Thursday, June 7th ‘07

Went on the net and when I got back to the hostel, I rang James. I caught him right on time as he was leaving for Coolangatta on the gold coast for the Wintersun. He invited me, 30mins later I had packed and was on my way south. Wintersun is a 10 day rockabilly/swing (mostly rockabilly) festival with shows, cars, dance workshop, clothing and accessory stores, dancing, hair styling, etc. James was going to this rockabilly evening that was sold out so he left me at the swing evening. I thought I would spend the night on my own in a corner but then I saw a dancer from Brisbane. This thing is really big and people don’t know each other. It’s like going to the jazzfest or something. Lots of them are atdressed up in 40’s and 50’s atire. Most people here are over 40. I got to dance quite a bit. Dex and Alice are here for the weekend. I was asked to dance by Dex without knowing who he was, I also asked Alice to dance without recognizing her. I only realized it was them when I asked Alice her name. I was a really good night with 2 bands and a DJ. Bands also where 40’s and 50’s attire. It was a nice evening.

James came to meet me at the dance later on and we went to his friend’s place I went to with Jen in April.

Friday, June 8th ‘07

We’ll be spending the day at the Wintersun. I can’t wait to see what it looks like. Paulette and Gary, James friend’s cooked breakfast for us. They are really nice and have a lovely house on the country side with a beautiful view. Coolangatta is right in the middle of the border between New South Whales and Queensland. There’s a street where one side is in NSW and the other in QLD. James brought me there to show me as well as the beach lookout where there’s a line that defines the border between each states.

Afterwards, we went to the Wintersun. There’s lots of vintage cars driving around, it’s great. People are walking down the streets in 40’s and 50’s attire, lots of greasers as well. We got to a huge market full of clothing and accessory stores. It totally got me excited. It was like paradise and hell at the same time; paradise ‘cause this is all I love, clothes and accessories I always wanted; hell ‘cause my budget won’t allow me to get everything I’d want to have. I called my mom to tell her about it, it was just too cool! I really wanted everything. James was looking for a Hawaiian shirt but couldn’t find one he liked and since we had some time before we where going back to Tweed Valley, NSW (where Paulette and Gary lives), we shopped for me.

I always wanted a pair of sailor pants so we went to every shop that had them to try them out. I love shopping with him, it’s like shopping with my mom, he’ll look at all the details I don’t see. We finally went back to the first shop I went to as it was the best looking pants and the top that went with it just looked great on me. Everywhere, the pants were 89$ at this shop it was no different but it was 140$ for the entire sailor suit. They didn’t accept Eftpos (Interact) or credit cards and since we had to leave, I asked if they would keep it for me as I would return tomorrow for it.

We are now back at Paulette and Gary’s place. James went for a nap as Paulette is cooking diner. I try to help out but they seem to not have much for me to do. Being in the country, they work on tank water so they do all they can to save it and not use much of it. They got accustom to this way of living and it seems to be working well. They are so nice and seem so happy it’s great to be around them. As the sun set, the temperature went down fast, it got really cold. Paulette is a great cook, the food is really good. I was not going to the show tonight as I decided to keep my money for the outfit I had chosen but James bought me a ticket so we went to one of the evening shows. This time it was a Rockabilly show in a bar, the first band sucked but the second was good. James knows so many people, it’s incredible. All day he’s been stopping to talk to people. It was a good day!

Saturday, June 9th ‘07

It was so cold last night, I had a hard time sleeping. I got up much earlier than James. James haven’t been able to get much sleep since he got back from the UK, so he took a sleeping pill. He really needed the sleep, he didn’t get up before 12:30pm. I was a bit anxious as for the sailor suit hopping the woman wouldn’t put it back on the rack, she said she would keep it for me but I had a feeling. We got there and looked at the cars, there are so many it’s crazy! I just kept on thinking about Cynthia and all the greasers back home that would love this. Today, the streets are closed and there are small stages on the streets with bands playing all day. It’s so cold, I’m wearing pants and a jacket.

I’m so pissed off there’s no way I’m gonna have fun today. By the time we were at the Wintersun it was about 2pm. I wanted to rush to the store to get the outfit as I had a feeling she wouldn’t keep it this late (thought it’s not late to me, not even 24hrs after I had choose it). As we walked towards the festival area, I pointed out where my bank was to take out money for the outfit but James wanted to look at the cars first, since I’m somekind of his guess, who am I to say anything so we took our time looking at cars, stopping ofthen as he meet people he knows in the streets. We got to the store by 2:37pm.

When I got there, I saw the lady handing the navy blue top I had reserved to a woman in a stall, as I recalled there was only one my size. I asked the woman for my clothes and just as I suspected, she put it back on the rack and the woman in the stall had my top. The store woman went looking for my pants but didn’t have an other top. I was to buy the entire outfit or nothing. The pieces where too expensive on their own. The store woman told me she’d take the top the moment the woman trying it would take it off as she was in there for hours. When the woman finally got out, she decided to take the top and the store woman sold it to her. I was so mad, I left 2 mins later I went back giving my piece of mind to the woman as she told me she would keep it for me. She didn’t even try to repair by taking it back for me. All she suggested was to send one to me. Yah sure! (sarcastic) At what address? I was so pissed off!

James was a smartass jerk as he tried to see their point of view, saying people often don’t show up to buy the items and that we got there late. Lets recall that I only got there that late because of him and I had verbalized my worries at the house before we left. Does it mean I should be mad at him since he knew all these facts and wanted to look at the cars before we went there. But I’m not allowed to be mad at him as I wouldn’t be here at the first place if it wasn’t for him. It’s so annoying as I really wanted that outfit, it’s been a long time since I’ve wanted one of these and this one looked really good on me. All the others I tried on yesterday were noting compared to that one and I’m too mad at the store woman to buy anything there.

My weekend is now spoiled and I’m not enjoying myself anymore. I don’t want to shop today as I’m gonna buy anything and most likely regret it or just never or rarely wear it. Now I just want to be on my own, don’t want to be with anyone or speak to anybody but I’m stuck with James and there’s noting I can do about it. I don’t want to go out tonight just stay in write, watch stuff on my laptop and sleep but I can’t ‘cause James bought me a ticket for tonight. We went to see his friends that had a hotel room in the middle of the festival where there’s a great view of it. They had some nibbles and drinks. We stayed a bit and left for diner.

Paulette and Gary are such a cute little couple. Gary is funny and Paulette is just great to talk with, she has so many things to say, she traveled a lot and went to very interesting places. Ate some Thai food tonight.

The band is really good, actually the best I’ve heard since I left Montreal. It sucks as I’m so pissed and depressed from today’s events, I’m not enjoying it. There’s lots of dancers and circular dresses, they dance Jive, Rockabilly, some lindy and surprisingly balboa as well. The second band wasn’t as good but James really liked them.

Sunday, June 10th ‘07

I feel a bit better today. Leaving the house, we saw a kite (a reptile bird a bit like a hawk or falcon) attacking this bird but the other bird saw it on time so he missed. It was quite interesting to see. When we got to the Wintersun, I let James watch the bands and went shopping on my own. I just didn’t seem to find anything I liked anymore. Still a bit bummed about the sailor suit. I tried other sailor pants here and there but noting was good enough. I tried reaching James on his mobile but he didn’t hear the phone when I rang him, so I kept on walking around the market. All of a sudden, I saw a dress that looked nice and wasn’t too expensive for my blood so I tried it. It looked good on me! I saw another dress next to it tried it as well and looked just as good, now I was stuck with the choice. It was hard to decide not only the model but the color. The second dress was better suited for a nice evening so I choose that one. Then, I was caught with choosing the color, red or blue. Seemed like the red one looked better so red it is! I just got myself a nice 40’s style red dress. Now I feel better and I really like it.

Finally reached James, we met up and went back for diner. I tried the dress as well as my poca dot dress and seemed like the new one had all the votes. Paulette had heated rollers, she lent to me and I was able to do my hair, I also had the perfect red lipstick to go with the dress. I felt good! We went out to the swing evening and it was really very nice and elegant. I was happy to wear a dress especially a 40’s style dress. Almost everyone was dressed up. The woman that bought the top I wanted was there with it and it really didn’t look as good as it did on my, she didn’t have enough cleavage to fill it. I also saw an obese older woman (50’s – 60’s) with the same dress as I had on by all her “love” handles where showing so I didn’t feel bad knowing I very most likely look better than her in it. The 2nd band was better tonight. The evening was great but it ended way too early, 11pm. James and I went to another (rockabilly) venue for a bit but the band wasn’t good.

Monday, June 11th ‘07

This is it! It’s a holiday today as it’s the queen’s B-Day. I’m so very grateful to Paulette and Gary for letting me stay all weekend at their house as well as feeding me great food. They are so nice and such a cute couple! Also thanks to James for bringing me down here and letting me tag along throughout the festival. It was a great enjoyable weekend! Thank you so very much! Well, it’s time to go back to Brisbane. I’ll go see my cousin in Maroochydore, spend a little time on the sunshine coast maybe go to the dance on the gold coast and leave again.